Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2456: Ling Xiao shot!


The prince Junmo, who was smashed by Long Aotian, suddenly had a vast and terrifying breath in his body, and the bright light rose in an instant. The prince Junmo seemed to have a vague figure in his eyebrows, although he could not see clearly Face, but it has a dignified and mysterious temperament.

After that figure appeared, Long Aotian couldn't help but change his face slightly, revealing an extremely alert look.

"Ah... Long Aotian! I want you to die!"

Prince Junmo shouted loudly, his face full of madness.

Prince Junmo's body and blood were blurred, his clothes were broken, and he looked extremely miserable. He was the arrogance in his heart. Where did he suffer such humiliation? And all this was caused by Long Aotian. He wished to break Long Aotian's body into pieces before he could let his hatred out.


The figure in Prince Junmo's eyebrows, Ling Kong pointed towards Long Aotian with a finger, and the dazzling finger-mands soared in the void instantly, as if he were suppressing towards Long Aotian like a mountain.

That finger seemed to be the extinction of the King of God, and contained the supreme power of slaughter, which made everyone's face suddenly change.

"That's... God's finger?! It seems that Long Aotian is dead this time!"

Someone exclaimed, and the sound was trembling violently.

The figure in Prince Junmo's eyebrows, although his face was very vague, but everyone thought of it, this figure is His Majesty the God, the invincible world.

After all, Prince Junmo is the heir of God King, and he has a life-saving card. This God King may be Prince Junmo's card, and Long Aotian will be completely killed by a shot.

Everyone believes that I am afraid that Long Aotian is dead this time, and the finger of the **** king is definitely not what Long Aotian can resist at this moment.


Long Aotian's dazzling Jinxia flashed around, exuding a strange fluctuation. He felt a threat of death. The whole person wanted to swipe away behind him if he didn't want to think about it.

But the **** king's finger was like a tarsal bone, locking Long Aotian completely.

Everyone's eyes even showed an unbearable look.


The **** king exploded with a single finger, shaking all the peaks where Long Aotian was located into powder, and the divine light of the sky was dazzling, sweeping towards the four sides like a storm, and completely drowned Long Aotian.

"Is Long Aotian dead?"

A question emerged in everyone's mind, and they stared at the distance with wide eyes.

The divine light of the sky dissipated, and a young man in white appeared in front of Long Aotian, and the **** king's finger stayed in front of the young man, unable to make any difference.

The young man in white looks very ordinary, but his body exudes a chic and unrestrained temperament, especially the pair of eyes, deep and bright, people will fall into it unconsciously.

On the shoulders of the young man in white, there is a little white dog with white hair lying on his stomach, his eyes are flexible and he looks very cute.

"Thank you for your help!"

Long Aotian thanked the young man in white with gratitude, and his eyes were full of doubts.

This young man in white looks very strange, but he has an unpredictable atmosphere fluctuations. Long Aotian is sure that he has not seen this person before, but he does not know why he came to rescue him.

"You're welcome! You are very nice!"

The young man in white is naturally Ling Xiao. He turned his head and smiled slightly towards Long Aotian.

He concealed cultivation, breath, and appearance, not to mention Long Aotian, even a saint can't see his truth and reality here, so Long Aotian can't recognize him.


At the moment when Ling Xiao turned his head, the Divine King shattered suddenly with one finger, and spread towards that figure. Soon, together with the Divine King Void Shadow, they were directly broken and turned into A bright rain of light fell on Ling Xiao and Long Aotian.


Prince Junmo seemed to be greatly repulsed, and could not help but suddenly spit out a bit of blood, the breath became languishing, but his eyes were full of terrified looks.

"You... who are you?!"

Prince Junmo said in exasperation, that this young man in white suddenly appeared to dismiss the finger of the **** king in such an understatement, and even the trace of the spirit of the **** left by his father was directly broken. .

This young man in white was so terrifying that Prince Junmo even had a chilling feeling, and the Yuanshen shivered violently, as if to be broken at any time.

Ling Xiao didn't even look at Prince Junmo's eyes, and said to Long Aotian lightly: "Although your combat power is good, you are too impulsive! If you die here, are you worthy of those who live in Changshengmen?" ?"

Long Aotian heard the words, his face flushed suddenly, and there was a trace of shame in his eyes: "The predecessor taught that the junior is too impulsive this time! But this monarch should be guilty of death, and his hands contaminated me The blood of countless disciples of Changshengmen, even Uncle Nangong, had his legs cut off by was abolished and repaired! The juniors also had a moment of righteous indignation, which only promised Junmo's appointment! I'm wrong!"

Although Long Aotian didn't know Ling Xiao's identity, he knew that Ling Xiao was right, he still underestimated the enemy. If Ling Xiao didn't shoot, he was afraid that he would have died under the finger of the **** king.

"Yes! Shame and bravery, Junmo's life is still yours, don't fall into the prestige of Changshengmen!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

"Seniors rest assured that the juniors will kill him!"

Long Aotian nodded solemnly, his eyes fell on Prince Junmo in the distance, revealing a cold killing intention.

"I don't know what to do! I don't care who you are. I dare to take care of business in this palace. No one can save you today!"

Prince Momo's face showed a fierce look, and his voice was cold.

Ling Xiao's disregard made him startled and angry. Although his heart was extremely fearful of Ling Xiao, when he thought of his father, who swept the invincible God King, strong confidence suddenly appeared in his heart.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Prince Junmo's voice had just fallen, and a few bursts of air suddenly came, and several powerful figures appeared in the void, exuding an extremely powerful breath fluctuation.

All are strong Shinto!

Especially a middle-aged man in a black robe headed, looks like a bird of prey, a pair of eyes like a snake, and exudes a feminine breath, is a god!

And those behind him are also powerful in the true **** realm!

"Uncle Liu Sheng, grasping Long Aotian, we will be able to follow the vines and smash the Changsheng Gate all the way! And this person must also be related to the Changsheng Gate, kill him!"

Prince Junmo said to the middle-aged man with a sullen face, his eyes full of cold killing intent.


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