Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2468: Meet the Patriarch!

Because of Ji Hangong's voice, the entire Changsheng door was shocked.

Soon, Ling Xiao saw many familiar figures.

"Patriarch, are you back? Okay... cough cough cough..."

Nangong Xuan was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed towards Lingxiao by Nang Gongqing. Nangong Xuan's eyes were full of excitement, and some coughed with excitement.

His current state looks very bad, his legs are cut off, repaired as exhausted, he looks very pale, and his body exudes a twilight, like a candlelight in the wind, as if life has come to an end .

Nangong Qing was wearing a white dress, her skin was white, her face was beautiful, her figure was tall, her coat fluttered, and she seemed to have a unique and elegant temperament.

Her gaze was also full of excitement when she looked at Ling Xiao, her red lips rose slightly, she wanted to say something, but in the end she said nothing.

"Elder Nangong, are you okay? Junmo is really **** it!"

Ling Xiao quickly walked up, took Nangong Xuan's hand and said, his eyes were full of anger.

Jun Mo could have killed Nangong Xuan, but he left Nangong Xuan for a life, in order to humiliate Nangong Xuan and humiliate the whole door of longevity.

Today's Nangong Xuan is almost exhausted.

"Patriarch, if you can come back, there will be hope for my eternal life! My old fellow should have gone long ago. Now that I see you, I can die even if I die!"

Nangong Xuan said with a smile, it seemed extremely open-minded, as if life and death had been put aside.

"Elder Nangong, Jun Mo has been captured by me. I will use his life to honor the disciples of Changshengmen! As for your injury, although serious, there is still hope for cure!"

Ling Xiao said seriously.

"Patriarch, don't waste your time! My bad old man is not worth your wasting power. I can be content to see you coming back alive!"

Nangong Xuan smiled lightly.

He knows his situation, and even Mu Linfeng and others in the gods can't do anything. He doesn't want Ling Xiao to expend divine power for him, and even he has no idea of ​​healing, but he is determined to die.

"Sovereign, I said that if I can heal you, I will definitely be able to heal!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and then directly grabbed Nangong Xuan's arm.


The bright light of Ling Xiao's body bloomed, and the vast source of life in the body rushed towards the Nangong Xuan. Shengwei filled, and a brilliant light enveloped the Nangong Xuan.


Nangong Xuan's body seemed to have lightning blooming, and the majestic breath of life surged, instantly dispelling the twilight on his body, walking around his body, repairing all his damaged meridians as before, and even becoming stronger. .

Nangong Xuan's legs also grew back at a rate visible to the naked eye.

A strong and unmatched breath erupted from Nangong Xuan. He was originally abolished and cultivated, but Ling Xiao resolved all the injuries on his body, repaired the broken meridians and Dantian for him, even for He reunited Yuanshen, and almost a moment later, Nangongxuan resumed the cultivation practice in its heyday.

The title of Supreme is only half a step away from the realm of the gods!

"I resumed cultivation?"

Nangong Xuan was shocked and couldn't help but screamed in the sky. The voice was full of joy and excitement.

He didn't even think that his legs were cut off and the cultivation was abolished. It was already in a state of almost exhausting the lamp, and it was restored to the same moment in Ling Xiao's hand.

This is simply incredible!

Ling Xiao's cultivation behavior may have reached a level he could not imagine.

"Master Lingxiao is so strong?"

Everyone was shocked, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

At the last moment, Nangong Xuan was still in a state of running out of lights, but he was cured by Ling Xiao in an instant, and he resumed his cultivation in the heyday.

Nowadays, the position of the suzerain is still vacant. When Ling Xiao returns, even the seven true disciples of Nangong Xuan and Ling Xiao are just the elders of the Changsheng door.

However, Nangong Xuan is the nominal patriarch of Changshengmen. He handles many affairs of Changshengmen and has high prestige among the many disciples of Changshengmen.

Nangong Xuan was abolished, which was a big blow to Changshengmen.

And Ling Xiao's shot instantly restored Nangong Xuan to the beginning. This kind of divine means made everyone tremble, and they were very excited, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes full of fanatical worship.

"Ling Xiao... Patriarch, thank you!"

Nang Gongqing's eyes showed a trace of gratitude and complexity, and said softly to Ling Xiao.

"You're welcome!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, he also saw many familiar faces around Nangong Qing, the elders, Deng Yalin, Liu Chuanxiong, Gu Zhong and Wang Han, all of them looked at him with reverence.

"After all, I can't return to the past!"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly in his heart.

When everyone is aware of the fact that he is swallowing the heavenly supreme, it is difficult for Nangong Qing and others to treat him as a younger brother, because Ling Xiao is the swallowing supreme ancestor of Changshengmen.

Everyone treats him only with respect and awe, and it is impossible to treat them as equals as before.

"Meet the Patriarch!"

"Meet the Patriarch!"


As Nangong Xuan made a ritual toward Ling Xiao, many of the disciples around Changshengmen also performed a deep ritual towards Ling Xiao at the same time, and the voice shook the void.

"Everyone please!"

Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and immediately lifted everyone who was saluting.

"Hahaha...Your kid, finally come back!"

An extremely hearty laughter sounded, and a majestic middle-aged man wearing a black dragon robe and a flat crown was in the void.

Ling Xiao found that Long Lie's cultivation practice had even reached the realm of the gods, and it was the pinnacle of the realm of the Only one step away from being able to break through to the real state of the gods.


Ling Xiao smiled slightly, his eyes showed a little kindness.

Behind Long Lie, there are Long Lie's sons and daughters, both of whom can be regarded as Ling Xiao's cousins ​​and cousins. After seeing Ling Xiao at the moment, they are all frowning at Ling Xiao and looking very happy.

"Uncle, where are my father and mother?"

Ling Xiao asked with some curiosity, he saw many familiar old people, but he didn't see Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan.

"I know where my dad and my mother-in-law are. They are retreating and practicing! Brother, will I take you to find them?"

Long Lie didn't speak yet, Ling Sisi said quickly.

"Yes! Both your father and your mother's cultivation practices have reached the peak of the spirit realm, and today it is time to retreat and break through, just in the forbidden land of Houshan!"

Long Lie nodded.

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