Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2469: parents!

"Okay! Then let's go to Houshan to see!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a look of anticipation.

I haven't seen it for hundreds of years. I don't know if they are okay?

When thinking of leaving Shen Realm, Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan's reluctant gaze, Ling Xiao felt a tremor in his heart. I don't know when, his original well-being state of mind had long become chaotic.

This kind of **** may be a disturbance to the heart of Xiang Dao, but Ling Xiao did not deliberately cut off this bondage. This is his way, his way of guarding, is the strength that supports his advance.


Ling Xiao walked towards Houshan holding Sisi, just like a bright golden light, and instantly came to Houshan Forbidden Land.

The reason why it is called Houshan Forbidden Area is because the Taoist trees were planted in the Houshan.

Today's Wudao tree looks lush and full of vitality. The trunk is like a pillar of heaven, the branches are leafy, and the crown of the tree is covering the sky and the sky is as vast as a dome.

As soon as he came to Houshan, Ling Xiao's heart became quiet.

The huge Wudao tree is blowing in the wind, and the collision of the leaves is like the sound of gold and iron. It is crisp and melodious, as if intertwined into a mysterious rhythm, resonating with heaven and earth.

Under such a state, one can easily fall into the realm of enlightenment.

"Brother, look at it, Dad and mother are there!"

Sisi pointed at a pair of figures under the Tao tree, and suddenly said that his eyes were full of surprises.

The pair of figures are Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan.

Ling Zhen, dressed in white, looks handsome, although he exudes a vicissitudes of time, but it is even more attractive.

Long Hanyan looked beautiful and dignified, and her body was glowing at the moment. It was a kind of breakthrough wave, which made her whole body appear to be hushed.

Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan faced each other, sitting under the Tao tree, the mysterious rhythm of Wu Dao tree made them fall into the realm of Tao, and exuded a powerful breakthrough atmosphere around them.

"Huh? It seems that it will not take long for the father and mother to break through to the true **** realm! But this speed is still too slow, let me help you!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine awn, and suddenly awe-inspiring microbombs, two bright golden lights instantly poured into the body of Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan.

Those are two magnificent laws of the world and the origin of life. After being integrated into the body of Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan, the two people's breath rose and became thicker and thicker, making them cross the gods almost instantly. The peak of the realm has reached the real **** realm.

Moreover, after the breakthrough to the real **** realm, their breakthrough did not stop, and it stopped until it reached the peak of the real **** realm.

If it wasn't for Ling Xiao who was afraid to break too fast, it would cause their foundation to be unstable. Even if they directly raised their cultivation base to the realm of God King, it would not be difficult.

"Huh... how can our cultivation base reach the peak of true **** realm?!"

Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan took a deep breath and woke up slowly from the state of cultivation. They opened their eyes, and their eyes were full of doubts.

However, when the two of them turned their heads, they instantly froze.

Ling Xiao was holding Sisi, standing in front of the two of them, with a faint smile on her face, her eyes full of thoughts.

"Xiao'er, my Xiao'er, are you? Are you really back?"

Long Hanyan murmured to himself, staring at Ling Xiao, his eyes full of incomparable surprise, talking and talking, his eyes suddenly blurred, two lines of tears across his cheeks silently.

"Mother, the child is not filial! The child is back!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"My Xiaoer, do you want to die as a mother!"

Long Hanyan couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed up and hugged Ling Xiao, and the tears in his eyes could not stop flowing down, wetting Ling Xiao's clothes.

"Just come back, just come back!"

Ling Zhen smiled slightly, looking calm, but his shaking hands betrayed him.

Ling Zhen's eyes were red, and he simply turned his head.

"Daddy, A-niang! I have been away for more than a hundred years, but it seems like I have been away for a long, long time! I miss you too, I really miss it!"

Ling Xiao gently held Long Hanyan and felt the warmth in his heart. A feeling called happiness flooded his heart, making him feel as if he was drunk.

After a long time, Ling Xiao, Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan all calmed down and began to tell Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan about his experience over the past hundred years.

Although Ling Xiao was only a general statement, omitting many specific things, it made Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan tremble, and their eyes were full of shock.

They did not expect that Ling Xiao experienced so many things and suffered so much in just a hundred years.

Especially hearing that Ling Xiao caused Wu Zitianshu to explode, it made Long Hanyan pale, and made Ling Zhen's eyes full of anger.

If it weren't for Ling Xiao's destiny, I'm afraid they would never see Ling Xiao again today.

However, Ling Zhen and Long Hanyan are also extremely proud. Their sons are the sons of natural selection, and now they have the cultivation practice of the Great Saint. Their strength is unpredictable, and they can dominate the life and death of a world.

"Xiao'er, you have really suffered in these years!"

Long Hanyan's eyes were full of worry.

Able to break through several great realms in a short period of 100 years, and even surpassed the Divine Word, and stepped into the path of the Supreme Holy Word. In addition to countless opportunities and creations, a firm will and faith are also needed. .

It is hard for Long Hanyan to imagine how Ling Xiao came over these years.

"Mother, my brother is so powerful, even that big villain Juntian Chengdu was taken back by my brother! I also want to practice and protect you with my brother in the future!"

Sisi blinked her eyes and said, her eyes were very clear, but she had a firm look.

"Jun Tiancheng and Jun Mo are of course not to die! But Ling Xiao, have you figured out how to face God Realm next? Although your cultivation is good, but you want to defeat those immortal holy places, it is not one piece Easy thing!"

Ling Zhen looked at Ling Xiao seriously.

"Dad, I know! So I will not act rashly, I will accumulate strength, and wait until the day I can sweep the realm of God!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and there were bright flashes in his eyes.

Ling Xiao also understands that the twelve immortal holy places have the foundation of twelve days of merit, and even the door does not know how many Ji Dao soldiers and cards, it is very difficult to defeat them.

However, Ling Xiao has enough patience to wait, and he still has Heavenly Prison Realm, when it comes back to kill God Realm, it is not an empty talk!

ps: The seventh is over, everyone rest early.

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