Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2480: The world shakes!

God Realm, Chinese ancestral land.

"Not good! The ancestors of Huaqing ancestors are shattered. Isn't the ancestors of Huaqing dying in the lower realm? Quickly report this to you ancestors!"

The elders in charge of the Chinese life card, after seeing Hua Qing's life card shattered, suddenly felt a huge shock. His eyes were full of shock, and he ran out in horror.

Before the news that Ling Xiao was still alive came to the Chinese, all the ancestors in the Chinese were shocked. One by one, as a big enemy, after deliberation, he decided to send the ancestors of Huaqing to the lower realm. Ling Xiao captured back secretly.

But what I did not expect was that the ancestor of Huaqing had just fallen into the realm, and it had already fallen!

"Damn it! How could Ling Xiao kill Huaqing? There is a blow to the recovery of the great imperial soldiers in Huaqing's hands. Even if he is not enemies, he will surely be able to escape. Who killed him?"

From the ancestral land of the Chinese, a roar came.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Among the Chinese people, all the powerful figures came to the ancestral land, all of them were strong men above the sage realm. Because of the death of Hua Qing, the Chinese people came to the enemy, all gathered together to discuss Countermeasures.

Devil world, the small world where the Bozen emperor is located.

"Not good! Bo Kun's ancestor fell! Did he die in Ling Xiao's hands? Damn, how could Ling Xiao kill Bo Kun's ancestor?"

The Bozen emperor was also completely shocked by the news. The high-level figures of the emperor were exasperated one after another, exuding monstrous grievances, and wished that they could immediately send them to the lower realm of the strong and break Ling Xiao into thousands of corpses.

Even for the emperor tribe, the loss of a strong Saint King is unbearable.

The seniors of the Bozen emperor clan were clenching their teeth and were shocked by Ling Xiao's power.

Now, can Ling Xiao even the Holy King be slaughtered?

"It must be reported to the Presbyterian Church, it is best to let the three Devil Emperors know, otherwise, once that Ling Xiao grows up, it must be a big problem for my Demon Race!"

After a fierce discussion, the high-level of the Bozen emperor decided to send the strong to the Presbyterian Church.


The fall of the two holy kings shocked both the Chinese and the Bozen emperors.

But at the same time, Ling Xiao was still alive and in the God of War Realm, the news of beating the two great kings in one battle quickly spread throughout the heavens and the world, so that the heavens and the world began to boil.

"What?! Ling Xiao, the chosen son of the human race, is still alive? This... how is this possible?"

"Is this a rumor? The Wushu Tianshu is a treasure of chaos. In the explosion of chaos treasure, Ling Xiao is absolutely impossible to survive. How did he escape?"

"Is this the luck of the Son of Heaven? Sure enough, it is difficult to suppress! Those who offended Ling Xiao might be panicking now. Ling Xiao can even kill the Holy King now. Is it still far?"

"The worlds of the heavens seem to be turbulent! The era of catastrophe is coming. It is said that this is probably the most terrible era of catastrophe since countless eras! That Lingxiao is destined to rise..."

All the heavens and earth are completely shaken by the news that Ling Xiao is still alive.

Especially God Realm.

At the beginning of the war in the Lingxiao Mountains, most of the twelve immortal holy places participated in the siege of Lingxiao. Each of these immortal holy places was extremely shocked. If they were facing an enemy, they summoned the old men of their respective ancestors. Ancestor, discuss countermeasures.

"We have completely offended Ling Xiao. This is a life and death feud that cannot be recovered. Once he grows up, he will never let us go! Therefore, Ling Xiao must die!"

"Yes! Ling Xiao is a confidant of all of us. At first, no one who participated in the siege of Ling Xiao can run away! However, Ling Xiao's strength is too terrifying today. I heard that he has reached the state of the Great Saint. There are even ten servants of the Holy Kings under his control. This is the general trend. I am afraid we can't help him!"

"Only one immortal holy place, I am afraid it is very difficult to kill Ling Xiao! You must contact many immortal holy places together and send out the strongest. If necessary, you may have to hire the several emperor ancestors, as long as they can kill Ling Xiao, at all costs..."

The ancient ancestors of the Holy Land, such as Wanfo Temple, Space-Time Heaven Gate, Heavenly Mantra Sect, Ninefold Emperor Que, Silent Demon Sect, Chinese, etc., have sent strong men to gather together to discuss countermeasures.

Even in the human race era, several Mozu invasions did not make them as enemies as they are now, and Ling Xiao brought them too much threat.

Temple of War.

During the period when Ling Xiao disappeared, the Temple of War was severely suppressed by other immortal holy sites. As long as the disciples of Zongmen went out to try, they were all killed and injured, and many elders were assassinated, leaving the entire Temple of War. It was a downturn, and even many disciples began to leave the Temple of War, causing great damage to the Temple of War.

Despite Liu Tianyi's talents, he was dedicated to maintaining the Temple of War, but he was also haggard and had a feeling of being unable to return to heaven.

At the moment, the news that Ling Xiao was still alive returned to the Temple of War.

"I knew it, I knew that Brother Xiao was alive...hahaha...I have hope in the Temple of War!"

Liu Wenzheng, Chongxu, Chong and the three are all old and tearful, dancing one by one, so excited that they can't help themselves. Their worries have been swept away at this moment all these years, and they are all extremely excited.

The disciples of other temples of war were also extremely excited and thoroughly boiled.

They have long regarded Ling Xiao as their idol. The news of Ling Xiao's beheading the two holy kings in the God of War Realm has made them extremely excited. They wish they could witness the battle of God of War Realm with their own eyes. Ling Xiao's peerless style.

"Ling Xiao... Uncle Xiao! You are still alive, so good!"

A light smile appeared on the corner of Liu Baiyi's mouth, and his flawless face was swept away, as if he had become the magnificent white **** of war again.

This news is like bringing hope to the Temple of War, so that the cohesion of the Temple of War has been unprecedentedly strengthened.

The Temple of Reincarnation.

The sea of ​​clouds is There is a lot of radiance, a laurel tree rooted in the sea of ​​clouds, the branches and leaves are green and dripping, containing a strong and majestic breath of life.

Sitting under the tree was a woman in a white dress, whose silk was like a waterfall, and her skin was like jade. Every trace of blemishes exuded a thrilling beauty. Her whole body appeared quiet and gentle, with her eyebrows radiating. Gentle like water, eyes closed slightly at the moment, and they are retreating and practicing.

"Holy lady, Ling Xiao... he is still alive! And he cut the two holy kings of the Chinese and Boxun emperors in the lower realm!"

An old woman appeared behind the woman in white and sighed softly.

The woman in white shivered and turned slowly, with a look of great surprise in her eyes.

"I knew that no one could kill Brother Ling Xiao!"

The woman in white said softly, her mouth slightly raised, and her smile bloomed, so that the world was overshadowed.

The woman in white is Xue Wei!

(End of this chapter)

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