Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2481: Participate in all methods!

The old lady looked at the smiling smile on Xue Wei's face, and there was a hint of distress in her eyes. She understood Jin Se's worries and pains during this time, and even spared no time to reincarnate, madly wanting to improve her cultivation practice for Ling Xiao Revenge and hate.

Xuewei standing in front of her is just a real spirit of Xuewei's body, and Xuewei's real body has already entered the reincarnation to go through the robbery of the reincarnation of the world.

The rebirth of the reincarnation of the whole world is a trial that many people in the entire reincarnation temple dare not go through. Although they will get great achievements in reincarnation, they will suffer endless pain, even the saints can't bear it.

"Holy Lady! Master Lord also asked me to tell you something, so that you don't forget the agreement with him. When you come back in turn, you will be married to the Son!"

There was a trace of intolerance in the old lady's eyes.

"You tell him that since Brother Ling Xiao is safe, I will remember the agreement between us!"

Xue Wei said quietly.


The old lady sighed a long time, nodded, then turned and left.

She knew Xuewei's kindness, everything Xuewei had paid for Ling Xiao, and she knew that in order to seek the reincarnation of the Lord of the Temple, before she got down on her knees, she finally got the reincarnation of the Lord at the expense of marrying the Son. Shot for Ling Xiao.

The old lady is such a good girl who really distressed, but she is nothing more than an ordinary elder in the reincarnation temple, and she is powerless.

"Brother Ling Xiao, you'll be fine! I hope you will be able to stay with Sister Jinther in the future, never leave! Xuewei will always bless you..."

Xue Wei looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of her and smiled to herself.

However, with a smile, Xuewei's cheeks had two lines of crystal tears sliding down...

The heavens and the world are shaken by the news that Ling Xiao is still alive.

Those who care about Ling Xiao are naturally extremely excited and happy for Ling Xiao. Those enemies of Ling Xiao are like enemies, gnashing their teeth, and wishing to do everything possible to kill Ling Xiao.

But all this has nothing to do with Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao sits in the God of War Realm, refining the trees of the Holy Paths of the two Great Kings.


Behind Ling Xiao was a blazing divine light rising, a vaguely ancient and vast world emerged vaguely, and there were twelve divine lights lingering between vaguely, which contained the mysterious law of the avenue.

The foundation of Ling Xiao's enlightenment is the Wordless Book, the secret technique of the Twelve Days!

The Twelve Celestial Power contains the power of chaos and earth-shaking, the mystery of the fate of impermanence, the connection of causal beings, the mystery of the life of reincarnation, the power of time and space, Yin and Yang, the Five Elements, etc. It can be said It encompasses all laws of the heavens and the world.

This time Ling Xiao blew up the Wordless Heavenly Book, and was born again. The Wordless Heavenly Book was also truly integrated with him, and became a part of his body completely, allowing him to open up an eternal and unique small world, and this small world The law of self-made heaven, which does not depend on the outer world, is gradually growing and growing.

He named this small world as Lingxiao Realm!

He believes that one day the Lingxiao Realm will continue to grow, reaching the level of the Devil Realm and the God Realm, and even surpassing the Demon Realm and the God Realm, reaching the unimaginable level.

The 108 secrets in the Wu Zi Tian Shu, although each has a mysterious mystery, but the 12-day Gong secret is fundamental, and Ling Xiao takes the 12-day Gong secret as the foundation, plus his complete fusion of Wu Zi Tianshu also began to let him understand other Tian Gang secrets and Disha secrets of Wu Zi Tianshu.

The trees of the Holy Paths of the two holy kings were like catalysts, allowing Ling Xiao to begin to integrate what he had learned. Gradually, there was a kind of oven that took heaven and earth as the flame, with the sun and moon as the flame, and himself as the great medicine. To refine the supremacy and opportunity of this heaven and earth!


The whole body of Ling Xiao was dazzling with dazzling light, and his blood was rising like a flame. He was radiating in the whole body. His whole body exuded a crystal luster. The whole person seemed to be transparent, and the blood was surging. The bones were like the pillar of the sky, the flesh and blood. With the energy that destroys the heavens and the earth, the Yuanshen can illuminate the boundless darkness.

"The strongest exercises I have obtained are the unbroken years and the days prison, and Zhao Ritian also preached my heavenly emperor's scriptures. Although they are not personally handed down by the emperor, they also contain the life experience of the emperor. These three classics are three kinds of proofs. Road to Emperor!"

Ling Xiao sat in the void, taking the heart of heaven as his own heart, clear and pure in his heart, unstained in dust, and began to look back at the nature and opportunity he once had.

"The Emperor Tian Jing is a classic of the human race. The Emperor and the Dou Dou, the Dou Dou, and the Dou Dou, contain the emperor's peerless beliefs and fighting intentions. The Years and Periods contain the mystery of the years and the space Emperor's Void Classics. Is the power of taboo, and the Heavenly Prison Scripture is the Heavenly Prison Emperor’s path to heaven, earth and earth as prison, and sentient beings as prisoners, who want to break the path of heaven and earth imprisonment and brave advancement! These three classics, if I choose one Cultivation, as long as you stick to your heart, the future emperor realm can be expected..."

"But I don't want to choose these three roads! This is the road of the heavenly emperor, the road of the age emperor and the road of the emperor of heaven, even if I can prove to the emperor in the future, but it is just to become another emperor, age emperor or heaven Great Emperor, if I want to surpass them, I must go out of the way of no one before!"

Ling Xiao's mind was clear, and there was a thunder-like voice shouting and roaring in his heart.

"My root lies not in the Three Classics, but in the 108 secret techniques! The emperor of Kunwu Mountain told me before that the wordless scriptures are unknown, and even countless people who have practiced the wordless scriptures since ancient Without a good ending, even the emperor of Kunwu Mountain gave up the Wordless Book!

Maybe I was also afraid before, but since I died once, Wu Zi Tian Shu has completely become a part of my body, 108 secret techniques is the foundation of my enlightenment! Even if there is any calculation in it, it has not constituted any threat to me! "

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

In the past, although Wu Xiao Tian Shu was Ling Xiao’s biggest hole card, every time Ling Xiao played Wu Zi Tian Shu, there would be a feeling, as if there were a pair of mysterious eyes watching him in the dark. He became stronger and stronger, the feeling became clearer.

He knew that there was a problem with Wuzi Tianshu, indeed, as Emperor Kunwu said, but he couldn't find the problem at all.

But this life-and-death catastrophe is a crisis for him, but it is also a character.

He could clearly feel that after the Wu Zi Tian Shu exploded, the power hidden in the Wu Zi Tian Shu seemed to have completely disappeared. Until his chance coincidence, he refined the Tianyang Blood Yang and Wu Zi Tian Shu When the treasures were merged into one body and re-condensed into the flesh, he had a feeling.

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