Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2812: All Heavens and Thousands of Reincarnation Fists!

Cough...I don’t mean that! What I mean is that the master's strength is sky-high, and he is swaying the world. The master of the reincarnation is just a clown who jumps on the beam. How can the firefly compete with Haoyue? The Lord of Reincarnation will surely die! "

Bailongma coughed and glared at the old goat fiercely.

Damn, why did you suddenly find that the **** of the old goat is shameless than yourself? Will you threaten yourself? It is simply the scum and shame of the gluttonous family!


The gluttonous family was originally a group of scum!

"Ling Xiao chose to fight the Lord of Reincarnation, he should have his own intention! I think he should treat the Lord of Reincarnation as a whetstone, want to verify something from the Lord of Reincarnation, and want to break limit!"

Liu Baiyi looked at the scene of the war in the light curtain, the light flashed in his eyes, and said slowly.

"Break the limit? Could Ling Xiao break through to the realm of emperor?"

Pangu Tiangang could not help but exclaimed.

"It shouldn't be that fast! But maybe he can make him see the way ahead. The Lord of Reincarnation has just broken through to the realm of the emperor. It is indeed a good sharpening stone!"

Liu Baiyi said slowly.

Zhan Feng Tianzun on the side felt a little tired and injured.

He was originally worried about the battle between Ling Xiao and the reincarnation master, but Bailongma, Lao Goat and Liu Baiyi were all full of confidence in Ling Xiao, as if there were no worries, they thought Ling Xiao would win.

But when did a Tianzun dare to use the emperor as a sharpening stone? And it is still so natural!

Zhan Feng Tianzun suddenly felt that these guys were too drifting, and they believed that Ling Xiao was brainless.

But in this way, his heart also put down a lot.

This battle, perhaps crying is the eight superpowers!

Everyone is watching this highly anticipated battle. The battle between Ling Xiao and the Lord of Reincarnation is both a victory and a defeat, and a life and death.

Is it true that the Son of Heaven can create miracles and crush the world? Or can the Lord of Reincarnation be able to kill everything and maintain the majesty of the emperor?

Everyone is waiting for the outcome of this battle.


In the chaos of the void, a purple fist print came in a mighty aspect, containing unmatched divine power, and directly flew out the reincarnation master.

Ling Xiao's eyes were sharp, and there was a vast momentum around him, and Ling Kong stepped forward.

His pace is very slow, and every step seems to be tumbling, and there is a loud bang, making his whole body more and more terrifying.

Purple Qi is vertical and horizontal, exuding immortal luster, Ling Xiao's immortal body is like a complete recovery, and a very terrifying power has awakened from his body!

The Lord of Reincarnation's face is extremely ugly, staring at Ling Xiao with death, and his eyes are full of cold killing intentions.

"Ling Xiao, don't think that your physical body is strong, you can fight against the emperor! Today, I will let you know the gap between Tianzun and the emperor!"

The Lord of Reincarnation said in a cold voice that the vast reincarnation of the whole body rose, causing the surrounding turbulence to be violently twisted. On his body, there was a terrifying fist in his body rising!


The mighty fist exploded, containing a strong source of power, condensing the power of no God, and making the breath of the reincarnation Lord more and more powerful!

Behind the Lord of Reincarnation, a mysterious figure appeared indistinctly, just like the resurrection of the ancient emperor, circling the endless chaotic light, displaying the unmatched fist of the world.

The Lord of Reincarnation slammed into Ling Xiao with a punch, and the heavens of reincarnation emerged from his body, and everything was broken, and everything was attributed to the horror of nothingness.

All Heavens and Thousands of Reincarnation Fists!

One of the most powerful atheism techniques in the reincarnation temple. Legend has it that the supreme fist created by the reincarnation emperor, even when the emperor of the year created the fist of the emperor, he once learned the world of samsara. fist!

The Lord of Reincarnation was also completely irritated by Ling Xiao, so the power of the Ten Thousand Reincarnation Fists broke out directly!

"Come on well! This is a little bit interesting!"

Ling Xiao's eyes lit up, and a majestic fighting intention erupted all over his body, and he instantly rose to the sky!

Before, both of them were only tentative attacks, with physical power against the enemy, but the Lord of Reincarnation clearly lost to Ling Xiao’s immortal body.

And now, it is the real battle!

The Lord of Reincarnation's body is surrounded by chaotic light, intertwined with the chain of order, as if there are mysterious scenes of blessings, so that his fist contains a great shattered supreme power, which makes Ling Xiao feel a lot of pressure.


Ling Xiao's body was full of energy and blood, he didn't dodge, and the tens of thousands of reincarnation punches locked him up, and he couldn't avoid it. He could only contend positively.

Purple air lingered, chaotic mist filled, Ling Xiao punched out with a fist, like the sun, moon and stars annihilated, the broken scene of heaven and earth appeared behind him.

The whole body of Ling Xiao exudes a kind of eternal and immortal fluctuation. The worlds around him are broken, the sentient beings fall, the civilization is destroyed, and then they re-evolve in the era, and the world is opened again and again.

This is the fist of the era created by Ling Xiao!

Ling Xiao can feel that his fist of epoch has been gradually completed, and as his understanding of heaven and earth avenue is getting deeper and deeper, the fist of epoch will become stronger and stronger with the advent of the era of catastrophe!

Now in his hands, he has been able to erupt a force that is not weaker than Godlessness.

Zhutian Wandao Samsara Fist vs. Epoch Fist!

This is the collision of two peerless fist roads, representing two different roads and the origin of the two avenues, both of which are extremely powerful.


The chaos of the void seems to be annihilated by these two terrifying fist prints, and the endless divine light sprays out, revealing various mysterious visions.

Ling Xiao and the Lord of Reincarnation seemed to be overwhelmed by the endless storm, so that they could not see the figure of the two of them, and they could only see one purple, one black and two beams of light colliding continuously.

That peculiar punch was even transmitted through the void, so that everyone in the outside world was shocked, and his eyes were full of shock.

Although the Lord of Reincarnation had practiced the Heavens and Thousands of Reincarnation Fist before, he had not realized the source of reincarnation before, so he could not exert the power of this non-God technique.

Now, he uses the origin of reincarnation to urge the heavens and the earth to reincarnate the fist, as if it could destroy the world, just like the arrival of the ancient emperor.

Ling Xiao's whole body was boiling with blood, as if it was burning up. Qi and blood spewed out like a sword, and a terrifying atmosphere burst out.

"The powerful Zhu Tian Wan Dao's reincarnation punches are not weaker than my years of destruction and the Emperor's law of prison, and even the strongest ones have victory!"

Ling Xiao marveled in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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