Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2813: Whetstone!

Ling Xiao's eyes have a trace of enlightenment. If he exerts the years of destruction and the Emperor's Prison Law, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop the reincarnation punches of the reincarnation master!

After all, the Lord of Reincarnation is the powerful of the emperor's realm, and the most powerful force can be exploded by urging the atheism without the source of the road.

Only Ling Xiao’s own fist of the era is more suitable for himself, and in this battle, the power of not losing to the atheism is erupted.

"The reincarnations of the heavens, the reincarnations of thousands of ways, burst!"

The Lord of Reincarnation stared at Ling Xiao, his eyes indifferent, his whole body's breath became stronger and stronger.


The powerful fist-print Ling Kong was suppressed towards Ling Xiao, the origin of the Avenue burst out suddenly, and the scenes of the heavens and the world appeared in the turbulence of the void, and at the same time, all the Dao came and destroyed everything.

In the body of the Lord of Reincarnation, there appeared a chain of Taoist order, fierce and terrifying, and extremely powerful, as if it could penetrate everything.

The Lord of Reincarnation is more and more courageous in the war, the more terrifying and powerful the momentum is, the divine light stretches all over the world, breaking everything, like the emperor Linchen!

The battle between him and Ling Xiao was extremely fierce. For a time, it seemed that it was difficult to distinguish the winner.

Ling Xiao's fist of epoch, contains the power of epoch's birth and death, the fragmentation of civilization, vast and grand, as if it can tolerate everything, and the continuous battle with the reincarnation master, the terrible weather has drowned both figures.

"Ling Xiao is nothing but the cultivation of Tianzun Realm, and it is inseparable from the main battle of reincarnation. Could it be that he already possessed the fighting power comparable to the emperor?"

Someone exclaimed, eyes full of incredible look.

The powerful fighting force demonstrated by Ling Xiao shocked everyone.

Although Ling Xiao slaughtered the Eight Great Celestial Powers and built the invincible name, everyone did not think he had the strength to compete with the emperor.

But now it seems that Ling Xiao has broken the limit of the divine path, and has the fighting power comparable to the emperor!

"Will Ling Xiao win this battle, or will the reincarnation master win?"

The hearts of the people were full of doubts.

"Every Tianzun wants to fight against the emperor and the powerful? It's just that I don't know how to die! I think Ling Xiao has reached the end of the strong crossbow, and it won't take long before he will die under the heaven and earth of the reincarnation master!"

The Chinese patriarch sneered.

"Yes! Such an arrogant, mean and shameless person, dare to compare with the emperor? The saints can not be humiliated, the emperor can not be humiliated, Ling Xiao will soon pay the price for his arrogance!"

"Controlling the origin of the avenue, condensing the body of the origin, erupting without God's prestige, the realm of the emperor and the powerful is like the difference between heaven and earth. Even if Ling Xiao is the son of heaven, he will definitely die!"

"After Ling Xiao's death, those of his men may not break through! We will directly destroy the Temple of War, and we may be able to conquer some powerful demon clan!"

"I said long ago, Lingxiao Wolf's ambition, now even collaborates with the demon clan, it really is not a good thing!"


Many of the holy Lords of the immortal sacred places meet each other's eyes, and their thoughts are intertwined, and they are sneering one by one, and their killing intentions are flourishing in their hearts.

They are all powerful in the Heavenly Realm. After staying in this realm for countless years, they naturally know how powerful the reincarnation master after breaking into the realm of the emperor is not something that Heavenly Venerable can contend with.

That is a surpassing of all aspects!

Therefore, they are full of confidence in the Lord of Reincarnation and believe that Ling Xiao will die in the hands of the Lord of Reincarnation!

Regarding the discussion of everyone, Liu Baiyi and others ignored it.

They also believe in Ling Xiao!

It's just that the war in front of me seems to be a bit stalemate. The main battle between Ling Xiao and Samsara is extremely fierce, and some are inseparable. If you continue like this, I am afraid that both defeats will end.

As if seeing the anxiety in the eyes of everyone, Bailong Ma smiled and said: "You can rest assured, I think that Ling Xiao's guy is holding back the big move, this guy is very insidious, when the reincarnation master may lose in an instant In his hands!"

Everyone ignored him, and even the old goat was too lazy to mock him.

The White Dragon Horse is already on the verge of death!


The heavens of the world rise, the blessings of all walks of life, and a chain of gods of order intertwined around the body of the reincarnation master, making his momentum more and more terrifying, and the fist printing becoming more powerful.

In the end, Ling Xiao's fist of the era seemed to be found by him, and it was broken directly. The unmatched fist mark slammed on Ling Xiao's chest and blasted Ling Xiao out!

"Ling Xiao, you are not my opponent! You will definitely die in this battle!"

The Lord of Reincarnation said indifferently, his eyes were full of fierce cutting edge!

In fact, he was also incomparably amazed. Ling Xiao deserved to be the son of Heaven's Election. He had a terrifying combat power and no wonder he had the power to kill the Eight Heavenly Venerable Masters.

But compared with the emperor, Ling Xiao is still much worse.

Although the Lord of Reincarnation has just broken through to the Emperor's Double Heaven, but he condensed the roots of the Reincarnation Avenue, plus his all-round 10,000 Roads of Reincarnation, he is confident that even in the face of the Double Heaven of the Emperor, he has the power to fight !


The Lord of Reincarnation stepped towards Ling Xiao, and his whole body was rising. While sneering, he was gaining momentum, wanting a bang and killing Ling Xiao completely!

"Really? Lord of reincarnation, you are a little too confident!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, his eyes were very calm, and there was no slight worry.

Although he was blasted out by the reincarnation master, even the fist of the era was broken, but he used the heaven and earth of the reincarnation master to completely improve the fist of the era.

The biggest flaw in the fist of the era was repaired.

Ling Xiao's whole person's breath became full, his whole body was full of purple, the chaotic light filled, and the Quartet's void was trembling slightly.

But the Lord of Reincarnation found that Ling Xiao seemed to be a little different.

Today's Ling Xiao even exudes a very dangerous atmosphere, making him a little unbelievable.

"The reincarnation, the warm-up is over! Since you want to see my true combat strength, then I will fulfill you!"

Ling Xiao smiled His eyes instantly became fierce, and his fiery blood rose around him, like the vast sea, surging and blazing with fiery lightning.


Ling Xiao punched towards the Lord of Reincarnation. The dazzling fist print was like a sun, blooming directly in the chaos of the void, as if transformed into an ancient world, and suppressed towards the Lord of Reincarnation.


The face of the Lord of Reincarnation can't help but change, Ling Xiao's punch is grand and lingering, how many times stronger than before? As soon as he shot, he felt great pressure!

PS: I'm sorry, it's a make up for yesterday's six changes. I have been attending classmates’ weddings in Chengdu for the past few days, so I drank too much again last night. The purest plot Ma Muyu also wanted to finish it in one breath. I went home, there are three changes in the evening, and it will be updated normally starting tomorrow, everyone forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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