Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2814: Hang the emperor!


The Lord of Reincarnation's body is radiant, the chain of order and gods gathers, and the vast boxing fist rises, converging into the heavens of thousands of reincarnations, Ling Kong ushered up towards Ling Xiao!

In the void, one side of the ancient world was suppressed by the horizontal sky, like the sun is blazing fierce, containing unmatched fist, and it instantly collided with the reincarnation master.

The blazing divine light bloomed like a storm sweeping the four sides.

The main body of the reincarnation was shocked, and the vast source of the reincarnation's original force shattered.


There was a sudden spit of blood in the mouth of the Lord of Reincarnation, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

" could you understand the origin of the reincarnation road?"

The reincarnation master stared at Ling Xiao and said.

The reason why his thousands of reincarnation punches was so easily broken by Ling Xiao, except that Ling Xiao’s punch was indeed terrifying, as if it could destroy everything, and more importantly, Ling Xiao also broke out of reincarnation. The power of Daoyuan's origin has disintegrated his tens of thousands of reincarnation punches from within.

"Nothing is impossible! Although I did not enlighten the source of samsara, but it is enough to deal with you!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

The mysterious light of reincarnation also appeared throughout his body, making his whole person hushed and majestic.

Ling Xiao has twelve days of skill secrets, the four secrets of chaos, destiny, cause and effect, and reincarnation, which are integrated in his eyes, forming the power of domination.

Ling Xiao has just urged the power of the reincarnation secret technique, and with the fierce and unmatched fist print, it has broken through the heaven and earth of the reincarnation master.

"you wanna die!"

The eyes of the Lord of Reincarnation were cold, and two blazing beams of light were fired. He instantly rose from the sky, and the powerful Diwei condensed into a blazing sword light, volleying towards Lingxiao.


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, his whole body was rising, and the whole person became more and more terrifying. He walked around and walked in the void, and every step took the mysterious scene of the world's birth and death.

Faced with the attack of the Lord of Reincarnation, he did not evade anything, and still punched out!

Ling Xiao's immortal body is like a complete recovery. The whole body is full of purple air, spraying a thin purple glow, and it has an eternal and immortal light.

The purple fist print was suppressed in the air, sweeping the sky full of sword light, facing the mighty Diwei against the current, rising up into the sky, and shook the mind with the Lord of Reincarnation.


The Lord of Reincarnation trembled all over, his body full of blood and blood, all his internal organs were penetrated by the unmatched punch, and there was still a bright red blood in his mouth.


The Lord of Reincarnation roared, his eyes full of anger and suffocation.

He has just broken through to the emperor's realm. If he is given enough time, he will be able to temper the flesh with the power of the source, integrate inside and outside, and condense the body of the source, strong and unmatched, immortal.

But now, he has only tempered the flesh and bones with his original strength, and has not penetrated into the internal organs. Therefore, he collided with Ling Xiao's unmatched fist print, which caused his physical body to be greatly traumatized.

His heart was frightened and angry, and he couldn't believe why Ling Xiao's body was so terrifying!


Ling Xiao burst into a purple glow, holy and mysterious. The purple runes rose, making him crystal clear, like a glazed body, and accompanied by the fluctuation of the Divine Sound, mysterious.

boom! boom! boom!

He walked towards the Lord of Reincarnation step by step. Every step he took would make the world roar, and the turbulent flow around him would explode.

The unmatched purple fist print was suppressed toward the Lord of Reincarnation, as if the purple sun was blooming above the sky dome, and the terror was extremely terrifying.

Although Ling Xiao only has the cultivation of Tianzunjing, at this moment, his momentum seems to be directly over the emperor Wei issued by the reincarnation master.


Ling Xiao punched on the chest of the reincarnation master, causing his chest to collapse and his ribs to break, revealing the crystal clear bones. The whole person was shocked and flew straight out!

Although the strength of the Lord of Reincarnation is terrifying, condensing the origin of the road of reincarnation, and there are thousands of reincarnation punches in the heavens without God, but in the face of Ling Xiao, he felt a feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

Ling Xiao is too strong!

The kind of power that makes the reincarnation masters is a bit incredible.

That is an invincible momentum, with invincible belief to cultivate invincible momentum, with invincible momentum to destroy all enemies!

"What?! Is the Lord of Reincarnation losing to Ling Xiao's hand?"

This sudden change made everyone shocked, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

At the last moment, the battle between Ling Xiao and the Lord of Reincarnation was still extremely inseparable. The battle between the two was extremely fierce, especially the thousands of Dao Reincarnation punches of the Lord of Reincarnation, as if they could suppress everything.

Many people believe that this war is only fearful that the winner of the reincarnation will be bigger.

But they didn't expect that Ling Xiao seemed to be hit with chicken blood in a blink of an eye, and his strength soared, which directly suppressed the reincarnation master, and also caused the reincarnation master to be greatly traumatized, constantly coughing up blood and receding.

"The Lord of Reincarnation is the emperor and the powerful, and he has surpassed the sacred path and touched the realm of Godlessness! Even he... is not his opponent?

Someone said in shock, his voice was shaking.

Everyone seemed to be in a dream, and they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

When can Tianzun be able to retroactively punish the powerful in the emperor's realm?

"A big event is about to happen! If Ling Xiao really cuts the reincarnation master, the eight super powers are probably going to be finished! With Ling Xiao's strength, he will certainly not let them go!"

"The Son of Heaven! Is this the strength of the Son of Heaven? The emperor at the beginning of the human race is like So is Lingxiao today!"

"However, with Ling Xiao's so fierce and eye-catching nature, I don't know that he has become a son of heaven, which is a blessing or a curse for my human race!"

Everyone whispered that there was anxiety in their eyes.

And the many powerful men of the eight super powers are all filled with incredible horror, their faces become extremely ugly.

Before, they were all watching with cold eyes, full of confidence, and believed that the master of this reincarnation would definitely win.

But now, Ling Xiao slapped **** their faces, making their cheeks painful.

At the same time, they were unconsciously panicked. If Ling Xiao really won the reincarnation master, or even killed the reincarnation master, what should they do?

"Don't panic! The Lord of Reincarnation will not lose. He hasn't sacrificed the Great Emperor soldiers of the Temple of Reincarnation!

Shen Sheng, the patriarch of the Chinese ethnic group, said that there was a strange look in his eyes.

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