Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2835: 1 case in 1 person town!

Ling Xiao, like Zi Zhong Tian Zun, is the cultivation of Tian Zun Realm, but Ling Xiao came with Tianwei as a prison monument, and battled with Zi Zhong Tian Zun holding the Tianfei knife, two fists burst out, there was a broken void , Suppress the invincible peerless momentum!

I really don't know, if Ling Xiao really rushed out of the ninth heavy penalty, what terrible weather would it be?


The violent tremor of the Heavenly Penalty Knife, Ling Xiao’s fist blasted on the Heavenly Penalty Knife, and he contended with the flesh and blood to fight against the Jidao Emperor Soldiers. In an instant, the flesh and blood of Ling Xiao was transformed into nothingness, leaving only the fist bones that were crystal clear and glittering like crystals.

Ling Xiao's fist bones are full of purple energy, filled with immortal fluctuations, and even able to contend with the Heavenly Penalty Knife. The unparalleled divine power exploded, flying Zi Zhongtian Zun again!

Ling Xiao seemed to have no trace of pain, his expression was incomparable, his breath of life was surging, and the injury above his fist healed instantly.


The fierce thunder and light rose, and Ling Xiao broke through the vast array of Nine Heavy Penalties, and appeared directly above the Nine Heavy Emperor Que.


The mighty momentum exploded from his body, and the fiery purple qi stretched across 30,000 miles, dyeing the sky above the Nineth Emperor Que into purple.

Ling Xiao looked majestic and overbearing, his eyes shining like the sun, and no one dared to confront him.

"It is worthy of the immortal holy land inherited by Lei Di, and I have been cut off three heavenly venerables. Now there are still four heavenly venerable strongmen? Yes, good!

Ling Xiao's eyes fell on Zi Zhongtianzun's body, and the three black robe elders behind him, all with breathlessness, had already stood at the top of the holy way, and were also the cultivation of Tianzun Realm.

Nine heavy emperor Que, there are four Tianzun left!

The faces of Zi Zhongtianzun and the three old black robes were very ugly, and the gaze stared at Ling Xiao was full of consternation.

Ling Xiao, actually broke into the Nineth Emperor Que without any damage!

"Ling Xiao, although the Jiuzhong Heavenly Punishment Team can't kill you, those who kill you are just a piece of cake! Do you really think that you alone can make my Nineth Emperor Que bow his head?"

Zizhong Tianzun said coldly.

"I haven't thought about making you bow your head, because I know that you are all very sturdy and won't bow your head! I am alone enough to wipe out the entire Nine Heavy Emperor Que!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his voice was very calm.

"Crazy! Ling Xiao, my Nineth Emperor Que also has an ancestor of the emperor. His old man is in the extraterritorial battlefield. If he knows that you dare to come to my Nineth Emperor Que, he will not let you go!"

Zi Zhongtian Zun roared, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.

"Emperor ancestor? I haven't killed yet! If you want to start, hurry up. I've given you such a long time. Isn't your move ready yet?"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

Zi Zhongtianzun's eyes narrowed, and then a hint of fierceness and murderous intention revealed: "Ling Xiao, I don't know if you are too arrogant or too stupid. Since you dare to kill me alone in the ninth Emperor Que, then you go to hell!"


Zi Zhongtianzun's words just fell, and in the thirty-six ancient ancient mountains, at the same time, thirty-six fiery beams of light were emitted at the same time, as dazzling as the chain of order gods. Ling Xiao was enveloped.




Zizhong Tianzun and the three elders of Tianzun looked like a glance, all of them were vigorously killing their eyes, and they were instantly killed towards Ling Xiao at the same time.


At the same time, among the dazzling emperor's queuing above, an incomparably huge figure emerged, exuding terrifying emperor Wei, and the huge fist was like a mountain, directly suppressed towards Lingxiao.

This seems to be a long-planned killing strategy of Emperor Jiuzhong, who wants to kill Ling Xiao completely!

At this moment, even many of the powerful people outside could not help but startled, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.


Ling Xiao punched like a dragon, and wanted to break the Leiguang net in the void, but he found that that thunderlight net was extremely tenacious, and his fierce fist marks could not break the Leiguang net, but instead Leiguang's net quickly fell, holding him tightly.

The four Tianzun are all out of Xeon's killing tricks, and they are killed towards Ling Xiao!

What shocked Ling Xiao was that the figure in the void turned out to be a **** with a height of a hundred feet, wearing a purple armor. It seemed to be a complete recovery at the moment, and even a powerful Diwei came out.

"Puppet of Emperor's Realm?!"

A thought came to Ling Xiao's heart.

But the next moment, he was drowned!


Leiguang's big web is intertwined, like a blade, and wants to cut Ling Xiao into countless pieces. The four Heavenly Venerables sacrificed the Heavenly Penalty Knife at the same time. The power of the Heavenly Penalty Knife is even better. The Blade Mans even the void is broken.

Although the face of the **** with a height of a hundred feet is very vague, the purple fist prints like mountains can suppress everything. It contains the unparalleled diwei, which directly hit Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao's whole person seemed to explode, bursting into a blazing light instantly.

The void around Ling Xiao seemed to be directly twisted, and the mysterious years flowed out, flowing around his body, making him look like an emperor in control of time, mysterious.

The original lightning strike attack became extremely slow at the moment.

Above the top of Ling Xiao's head, the compass of the years swirled and the strength of the years intertwined, as if forming an extremely bright light curtain, attached to the surface of his body, making him as if he did not exist in this place. It was mysterious and mysterious.

All attacks not only become extremely slow, but the power is slowly dissipating.


What makes Zi Zhong Tian Zun and the other four Tian Zun Qiang unbelievable is that they feel that the power in their bodies is passing by quickly, and Shou Yuan is rapidly Their majestic source of life is like It is uncontrollable and madly flows into Ling Xiao's body.

"Years of destruction!"

Ling Xiao's expression was calm, he took a whisper in his mouth, and Ling Kong pointed his finger toward Zi Zhongtianzun's brow.


A blood of light bloomed in the void, like a long river running through heaven and earth, Zi Zhongtianzun's head exploded in an instant, and even the Yuanshen didn't have time to escape, this finger in Lingxiao In front of me, it turned into a fan!

Purple Chongtianzun, fell!

PS: The third session is over, everyone rests early. Yesterday, I changed two chapters, and I came back in two days.

(End of this chapter)

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