Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2836: Puppet idol!

Everyone was stunned!

Ling Xiao's strength and dominance were still beyond all their expectations.

Not only was Ling Xiao alone, unimpeded in the Nine-Nine Heavenly Penalty Battle, but in the face of the killing moves of the Nine-Nine-Emperor Emperor Que's many powerful men, he was not only able to deal with it calmly, but he was also able to kill Zizhong Tianzun!

Such a terrible and powerful fighting force, I am afraid it is no different from the emperor!

"Even the Ninefold Emperor Que's Godless Formation can't help him. Who else in the whole God Realm can stop him? Could it be that the Ninefold Emperor Que is really going to be destroyed?"

Someone said with a trembling voice, his eyes full of incredible looks.

"Ling Xiao has a Wushu Heavenly Book, which means that he possesses the Twelve Heavenly Skill Secrets. These Twelve Heavenly Skill Secrets contain the origin of twelve kinds of supreme avenues. God's formation, can't you help him?"

"That's hard to say! If you want to practice the Twelve Heavenly Skills all to the state of Great Consummation and understand the origin of the Dadao, why is it so difficult? Ling Xiao also realized the origin of the Tianpu Dadao by chance. In order to be able to unimpeded in the nine-day punishment!"

"No matter what, the Emperor Jiuzhong Que is afraid of danger today!"



Ling Xiao also flew out directly!

Although he killed Zizhong Tianzun with one finger, the puppet idol above the void exploded with unparalleled divine power. The power of his lingering years still could not be completely resolved, and suddenly burst into pieces. .

He was blasted out by the puppet idol!

"Is this a statue of Lei Di?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed in fineness.

The puppet idol in front of him looked vicissitudes and quaintness, and looked a bit shabby, so that his face looked very unclear.

But Ling Xiao still could feel that he was an overbearing and majestic man, all over his body exuding the invincible tendency to swallow the world.

The terrifying thunder is lingering, this puppet idol seems to be the origin of thunder, capable of breaking out the strongest attack!

This is a puppet **** with the power of an emperor.

The unmatched fist print, even Ling Xiao could not be completely resolved, so it was blasted out!


At the same time, the thirty-six Archaic Leishan Mountains below the Nineth Emperor Que, once again sprayed out a fiery beam, interweaving each other into a giant thunder net, looming toward Lingxiao across the sky.

"Ling Xiao, how dare you kill Zi Chongtianzun? My Nineth Emperor Que and you will never die!"

The remaining three heavenly esteemed strong men showed anger in their eyes, and their whole bodies were boiling with indignation, and they hated the extreme.

Watching Zizhongtianzun die in front of them, but they were helpless. This feeling made them almost crazy.

At this moment, the three great gods and the puppet idol were all rushing towards Lingxiao.

"Never die? You're right. Let's erase the Nineth Emperor Que from God Realm today!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce, and the whole body burst into a blazing light.

boom! boom! boom!

He punched like a dragon, like a purple big sun rising, radiating an extremely brilliant light, and the fierce fist print burst out, as if covering the entire sky dome.

The three heavenly esteemed strongmen were all in shock and could not help flying out.

The puppet idol was slain towards Ling Xiao, the purple thunder lingering around him, and the unmatched fist marks kept hitting Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao could feel that this puppet idol contained the majestic source of thunder, and the mighty eruption exploded as if it was endless. Ling Xiao felt great pressure.

"Curious idol!"

Ling Xiao's heart secretly marveled, but his eyes were full of powerful fighting intent.

He fought in the sky, the chaotic light rose around him, and a mysterious scene of the birth and death of the epoch emerged. Ling Xiao displayed the fist of the epoch, the fist of the fist is like a rushing river, and it is like an eternal and immortal starry sky. Idol collision.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The puppet idol is sturdy and unmatched, and contains a strange immortal substance. When Ling Xiao's fist prints blasted on the puppet idol, the sound of gold and iron clashes broke out, and Mars was everywhere, making the four sides of the sky violent Tremor.

The puppet idol seems to be tireless, and he is daring to die against Ling Xiao, and his powerful combat power is even stronger than the reincarnation master!

The blazing lightning around, the bright beams of light seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and continuously shot towards Ling Xiao's whole body.


Ling Xiao sprayed a thin purple glow around him, and the immortal Hongmeng body was like a complete recovery, making his body crystal clear and exuding an immortal light.

When the beams of light hit Ling Xiao's body, they shattered and turned into a bright rain of light.

The Thunder web is intertwined and wants to imprison Ling Xiao, but it is bombed by Ling Xiao!

Ling Xiao was full of fighting spirit, and the whole person's breath rose to the extreme.

His eyes were dazzling and his fighting spirit was high. Every time he collided with the puppet idol, it was like a twelfth-level storm that exploded, destroying the world.

The three Heavenly Emperors of the Ninth Emperor Que were shocked and angry. They found that they were extremely sad, but even though they were Heavenly Emperor, they could not intervene in the battle between Ling Xiao and the puppet god.

What's more, Ling Xiao's fierce fist prints were not what they could bear. When facing Ling Xiao, they felt a deep sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

If it weren't for Ling Xiao, most of his energy was put on the puppet idol, I'm afraid that the three of them have already followed the footsteps of Zi Zhongtian Zun and completely died in Ling Xiao's hands.


The battle between Ling Xiao and the puppet idol is fiercely fierce, and the origin of the thunder erupted on the puppet idol, which seems to have turned into an ancient thunder pool, suppressing Ling Xiao in it for refining.

Rao is Ling Xiao’s powerful body, but in front of such a terrifying thunder origin, he still made him a little bit fleshed out, blood and flesh blurred, and suffered a lot of trauma!

"Mystery of Heaven Is this the power of Heaven Penalty Avenue?"

Ling Xiao's heart shook, and there was a trace of enlightenment in his eyes.

The battle with the puppet idol made Ling Xiao's understanding of the punishment of the punishment of the heavens even more rapidly.

The mystery of Heavenly Punishment contains the origin of Heavenly Punishment Avenue, and Heavenly Punishment Avenue is the supreme avenue, which is naturally much stronger than the ordinary Raytheon Origin, and the Origin of Lightning Trail itself is part of Heavenly Punishment Avenue.

Ling Xiao returned to his original roots, and gradually touched the power of a source of natural punishment through Thunder Dao's original roots, so that his whole breath began to become majestic and overbearing.

PS: I changed one today, plus the two changes the day before yesterday, and I owed four more. I will make up at least seven tomorrow, and everyone will take a break early.

(End of this chapter)

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