Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2876: 5 great emperors!

Ling Xiao Tian Ting.

Ling Xiao practiced in a closed room.

After making a one-month contract with Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu Mountain, Ling Xiao did not relax after seeing many old friends in the Heavenly Prison Realm, and quickly entered a state of retreat.

In Ling Xiao's consciousness of the sea, his Yuanshen exudes a mysterious light, like the **** king sitting in the void, exuding an eternal and immortal fluctuation.

Before his Yuanshen, there were five golden shining verses, a mysterious emperor's divine power, and a vast sense of heaven and earth.

Five Elements!

Light and Darkness!


It's a day!

Void Sutra!

These are the five indispensable emperor's scriptures. After Ling Xiao defeated the Wuxing Tianzong, the light-dark Tianzong, the space-time Tianmen and the Chinese, and the Temple of Desolation's surrender, the five imperfect emperor's scriptures were obtained.

Of course, there is the Lei Di Jing that Ling Xiao has refined!

These imperfect emperor scriptures are the foundation of an immortal holy land, and the supreme power to suppress the sect's luck. Only the holy land's master and son can practice, but now they are all in the hands of Ling Xiao.

Although it is only a copy, not the original version of the Emperor's Scriptures, it still contains the true meaning of Emperor's Daoism. If Ling Xiao can comprehend, he will be able to comprehend the origin of the Dao.


The Five Great Emperors slowly merged into Ling Xiao's Yuanshen consciousness sea, and Ling Xiao began to realize it.

"The five great emperor scriptures are inextricably linked to the five-element secret art, light-dark secret art, silence secret art, and space-time secret art! With the twelve days of merit secret art, these five emperor classics are bound to be very I will soon be enlightened, maybe I will be able to understand the source of the road it contains!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

These five indispensable emperor scriptures are all the life-long efforts of the emperor. Ling Xiao wanted to understand the five emperor scriptures, which was not possible in a short time. He is only temporarily integrated into the Yuanshen now, and slowly comes Insight.

Moreover, Ling Xiao also discovered the mysterious connection between these emperor scriptures and the mysteries recorded in the Wu Zi Tian Shu.

Although these emperor scriptures have all gone their own way, they are very close to the Twelve-day Kungfu Mystery, like the supreme kung fu created on the basis of the Twelve-day Kungfu.

The Wushu Tianshu is the treasure of chaos. It is very ancient. It can even be traced back to the ancient times. The esoteric tricks of the heavens and earth are one hundred and eighty secret techniques. It is also understandable.

Ling Xiao's incomparable familiarity with the Twelve Days of Secret Skills, on this basis, to comprehend the Five Great Emperor Sutras is naturally a multiplier.

One month is not long, but it is enough for Ling Xiao to have a preliminary understanding of the Five Great Emperors.

After Xiao Xiao's cultivation practice broke through to Heavenly Realm, the cultivation speed obviously dropped.

This time, if it was not for the protection of Jiang Yuyang, Jiang Yuyang cut the five emperors and strong men, and retained their primordial spirit and flesh and blood essence, condensed the source beads and gave it to Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao’s cultivation wanted to improve. It's still very difficult.

As for the emperor of the Chinese ethnic group, Ling Xiao handed it over to the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

Although the emperor of Kunwu Mountain did not make it clear, Ling Xiao knew that I am afraid that the emperor of the Chinese people should be placed in the extraterritorial battlefield by the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, and the war with foreigners outside the region, not only controls the life and death of the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, but also his life Can't return to God Realm.

One month passed quickly.

After leaving Xiaoguan, Ling Xiao returned to the Temple of War, where he met Jiang Yuyang and Kunwu Mountain Emperor who were waiting for him.


Jiang Yuyang threw a young man dressed in a purple robe in front of Ling Xiao.

"Is this a fairy person?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, looking at the young man in purple robe curiously.

The young man in the purple robe has been comatose, but the whole body of the immortal muscles and jade bones is crystal clear and exudes a scent of dust that is very similar to the breath of the royal family of the fairy family that Ling Xiao has seen before.

And his cultivation practice is the realm of the supreme saint!

"Yes! This is a man of the Immortal Family, named Leiling. It is a loose cultivation of the Immortal Realm. What I am practicing is the Nine Layers of Purple Soul of the Thunder Attribute Immortal Technique. My Master Kunwu and I squatted outside the Immortal Realm for a long time I chose this Lei Ling to be your substitute..."

Jiang Yuyang smiled slightly and introduced Lei Ling's identity again.

Lei Ling is nothing but the cultivation of Supreme King Realm, and he can't resist Jiang Yuyang's Soul Search. Jiang Yuyang sees everything in his Yuanshen clearly.

The identity of loose repair means that there is no strong immortal sect behind it. Pretending to be loose repair can also minimize the possibility of Ling Xiao revealing his identity.

"It's also a coincidence! The former fairyland was hidden in chaos, and it was completely sealed from the passage. But since the election conference, the fairyland has unlocked the seal, and recently it has allowed the Holy Realm. The above strongmen, leave the fairy world to explore the heavens and the world! Therefore, this is our opportunity, otherwise you will not be mixed into the fairy world!"

Emperor Kunwu explained aloud.

"Is fairyland so big-hearted? Are they not afraid of other interracial spies mixing into fairyland?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Mixed into the fairy world? Unless it is a person of the fairy family, or the permission of the fairy world, foreign aliens can enter the fairy world! Otherwise, they will be bombed by the Wanxian Great Formation and the Eternal Life Tower, and there will be no place to die! Even the emperor will definitely die!"

Jiang Yuyang sighed softly.

The Great Immortal Array is a godless array that covers the entire Immortal Realm. According to legend, it was arranged by several great emperors of the Immortal Realm, and after the efforts of countless powerful men, plus the Chaos Treasure Eternal Life Tower as the core of the Great Array, Not to mention the emperor, even the supreme emperor did not dare to break through.

"Ten Thousand Immortals? Is Chaos Treasure Eternal Life Tower?"

Ling Xiao was shocked secretly.

According to legend, there were ten chaotic treasures at the beginning of the world, but after many wars and countless era disasters, many chaotic treasures were seriously damaged and even lost.

It is like a wordless book of heaven and a jade dish of fortune, all of which are chaotic treasures of chaos, and it is difficult to achieve complete satisfaction.

But the Tower of Eternal Life is an absolute treasure of chaos!

Chaos Treasure is the bell of heaven and earth ~ ~ the nature of the maintenance, contains the power of the sky, even the extreme imperial soldiers in front of the Chaos Treasure, but also eclipsed.

With the longevity tower guarding, the fairy world is naturally foolproof!

"The two predecessors, with the Changsheng Tower guarding the Great Immortal Formation, even if I pretend to be Leiling, I am afraid it is difficult not to be found?"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

The impeccable longevity tower represents the existence of a spirit in it, comparable to a supreme emperor, able to see everything.

Ling Xiao is confident that he can hide the emperor and the strong, but it is difficult to hide the emperor.

PS: The transition plot is not well written, sorry, I will continue to make corrections tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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