Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2877: Singen!

"If someone else pretends to be a fairy family, I am afraid that if they can't reach the fairy world, they will be discovered by the Changsheng Tower! But you are not the same, because you have a wordless book, with the magic of Tianxian, you can condense the fairy in your body. root!"

Emperor Kunwu said slowly.


Ling Xiao froze slightly.

"Yes, you look closely at Leiling to see how this fairy clan's body is different from my clan!"

Emperor Kunwu nodded.

Ling Xiao walked up, the eyes of the eyes were bright and bright, and there were yin and yang gathering together. He cast his eyes off, and immediately saw Lei Ling in front of him.

Lei Ling's body is immortal, and there is an immortal power in the body. It does not seem to be much different from the human body structure, but the body naturally emits a dazzling fairy light, and it is dusty.

Ling Xiao finally found two different places.

In Leiling's Dantian, there is a bizarre meridian, exuding a dazzling fairy light, from Dantian to Tanzhong Point in the chest and then to the sea and the sea, through the three most important points of the body, these three points Qiao has become Xiadantian, Zhongdantian and Shangdantian.

That meridian is extremely strange, radiating a bright light, as if the source of fairy light in Leiling came from this meridian.

At the same time, Lei Ling's primordial spirit also exudes immortal light, immortal light, mysterious and unpredictable, as if sitting in a chaotic void, immortal.

"Can this meridian be the fairy root you call?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Not bad!"

The emperor of Kunwu Mountain nodded and said: "The most fundamental difference between the fairy and the human race is the fairy root. According to legend, the human race is based on the evolution of the ancient deities, which is the **** race in the first era! It is just a servant of the Protoss, so whether it is a fairy, a demon, or an alien outside the territory, once it is transformed, it will almost become a humanoid, and the structure is much the same!

The reason why the fairy family is different from the human race is because their bodies have condensed the fairy root, so that they can be born into the fairy road! The reason why today's fairy world is self-proclaimed in the heavens and the world is because the immortal world has gathered endless immortal materials, and the immortal family does not want immortal materials to flow into other large worlds. Great battle!

Immortal material is the basis of their immortal roots, condensed into immortal roots with immortal materials, making the immortal clan become a talent of transcendence. The more immortal substances contained in the immortal root, the stronger the immortal talent! However, the fairy roots are extremely mysterious. If other people want to forcibly extract the fairy roots, they can only get some immortal substances into their bodies, but they cannot evolve the fairy roots!

Once the immortal person falls, the fairy root in his body will collapse, just like the emperor Jiang Yuyang had beheaded, the fairy root in his body has collapsed, leaving only part of the immortal material.

Perhaps the supreme emperor was able to forcibly extract the fairy roots, but they did not need this! However, you have a wordless book, a fairy magic technique, a wordless book has a long history, and there are some connections with the fairy family. You can use the wordless book to extract the fairy root and integrate it into your body! As long as there is a fairy root, you are a fairy family, and you can't find you in the eternal life tower! "

The words of the emperor Kunwu Mountain explained the fairy root in the body of the fairy family, and Ling Xiao understood this.

"In the legend, when the heavens and the earth opened at the beginning, when the heavens and the world did not appear, there was only a complete wasteland continent. At that time, the wasteland continent could be immortal as long as it broke through the divine realm! But now, even if it is holy Kings and emperors have the limitation of Shouyuan, and even the emperor is in danger of falling! Could it be that the immortal material was intercepted by the fairy family?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and said slowly.

"Since the division of the heavens and the realms, and the destruction of the wild continent, the heavenly path has also been hit hard. The immortal material that has evolved since the beginning of the sky has become less and less! Coupled with the interception of the fairy family, the heavens and the world Immortal matter is also pitiful, and every era of catastrophe is a process of the destruction of immortal matter.

Today, the saint still has tens of millions of years of life, but if there is another epoch, the immortal material is getting less and less. Maybe the saint and the emperor are only ten thousand years of life, and the emperor will fall because of time. This is the real era of the end of France! "

Jiang Yuyang sighed softly, his eyes flashing in his eyes, as if he could penetrate the void and see the future scenes.

"The emperor is going to fall, is it the end of the age of France? That's a terrible sight!"

Ling Xiao also sighed softly.

With the gradual improvement of his cultivation practice, he also understood the importance of immortal material, and the reason why the emperor claimed to be immortal is because the emperor can seal the immortal material in the body and even supplement the immortal material, so he can have a long life. .

However, if the Great Tribulation comes, the heavens will collapse, and the immortal matter will decrease sharply, or even become nothingness. Under that great Tribulation, the Great Emperor is also in danger of falling.

"So do you understand? As long as you can use the wordless book and the magic of Tianxian, extract the fairy root in Lei Ling's body, integrate it into your body, and then you devour his primordial spirit, you can replace it and become Lei Ling. , Into the fairyland!"

Emperor Kunwu Mountain looked at Ling Xiao and said.

"Okay! I understand, two seniors, this Lei Ling, are you sure? He didn't offend any big men in the fairy realm? I don't want to be targeted by the big men as soon as I enter the fairy realm!"

Ling Xiao coughed and looked at Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu said.

Jiang Yuyang and Emperor Kunwu looked at each other with a strange look in their eyes, but in the end Jiang Yuyang nodded and said: "You can rest assured! Lei Ling is a casual didn't offend any big man, On the contrary, there is still a lot of help! I just searched the soul, but just checked his shallow memory, but not his deep memory, afraid of damaging his primordial spirit! Wait for you to devour his primordial spirit, integrating all of him Everything is clear, you will be the real Ralink!"


Ling Xiao nodded, but there was a suspicious look in his eyes. He always felt that Jiang Yuyang and Kunwu Mountain Emperor had concealed from him.

However, Ling Xiao trusted both of them. They treated Ling Xiao as if they were nephews, so Ling Xiao did not doubt him. .

"Since that is the case, I will try it out to see if I can extract the fairy root of Leiling!"

Ling Xiao's eyes fell on Lei Ling's body, her eyebrows were shining brightly, and the wordless divine book instantly shone in his sea of ​​knowledge, a mysterious fairy light burst out of Ling Xiao's body!

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