Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2878: Ralink!


Ling Xiao is running the magical technique of Tianxian, the whole body is filled with immortal light, and the qi is transpiring, covering the thunder in front of him!

Tianxian mystery book is the mystery of the fairy clan, which contains the mystery of the fairy power. It is ranked eighteenth among the 108 mysteries of the heavenly earth. Although Ling Xiao was swallowed by the next battle with the fairy clan, After the fire of the nine-color fairy lotus, the magic of the heaven is manifested, but the understanding of the magic of the heaven is nothing more than fur.

At this moment, Ling Xiao is running the mystery of swallowing the sky, plus the blessing of the wordless book and his broken pupil, he suddenly saw Lei Ling's body. Those bright fairy lights are extremely tiny particles, which are extremely strange. It seems that they are arranged together and gathered into a vast fairy light.

And those tiny particles are like some kind of code.

"Can it be... is this the true mystery of the origin of the fairy family?"

Ling Xiao's heart shook, and the investigator became more and more careful.

As he performed the Tianxian mystic technique, the Holy Power in Ling Xiao's body also slowly turned into Immortal Power, and poured into Lei Ling's body.


Wu Zi Tian Shu exudes nine-color radiant light, which covers both Ling Xiao and Lei Ling. There seems to be a mysterious resonance between Ling Xiao and Lei Ling.

That is the resonance of the two people's magnetic field and the resonance of the origin of life.

Ling Xiao wants to pretend to be Lei Ling. In addition to the external appearance and cultivation skills, the most central nature is the fairy root, as well as the two people's breath of life and fate.

Only if these are completely consistent, Ling Xiao can become a real Leiling!

Ling Xiao is not in a hurry to forcibly extract the fairy roots in Lei Ling, but uses the magic of Tianxian as a bridge. With the power of the wordless book, he adjusts his life and fluctuations in his life, and gradually resonates with Lei Ling. .

"It seems that Ling Xiao can really pretend to be Leiling!"

Feeling the breath on Ling Xiao's body, Jiang Yuyang and Kunwu Mountain Emperor, who were watching from the side, could not help but shine their eyes.

They were already full of confidence in Ling Xiao. At this moment, they saw that the breath of Ling Xiao and Lei Ling had already become the same, and even the fluctuations of their fate became the same, and their confidence was even greater.


On the top of the Battle Mountain, Ling Xiao and Lei Ling sat cross-legged, and the bright fairy light enveloped the two of them. The wordless book floating in the void, emitting a mysterious nine-color glow.

Ling Xiao is very patient. This state of resonance has lasted for three days and three nights.

Three days later.

When Ling Xiao's entire breath of life and life brand has become exactly the same as Lei Ling, Ling Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes of his eyes bloomed, and the sky was shot with a palm, directly shot on Lei Ling's Above Dantian!


Lei Ling shook his body, and his Dantian shattered instantly. Ling Xiao's palm lingered around the mysterious fairy light and went directly into Leiling's Dantian, and grabbed Leiling's fairy root!

Lei Ling's fairy root is pink, and looks like a dragon surrounded by chaos, mysterious.

Feeling Ling Xiao grabbed his fairy root, Leiling shuddered. Although he fell into a coma, he instinctively wanted to fight back.

But the breath of Wu Zi Tian Shu quickly integrated into Lei Ling's body, like a mysterious net, entwined Lei Ling's fairy root, and then directly extracted it!

Ling Xiao can feel the rich immortal substance from that fairy root, so that his flesh and blood all seem to have a desire to devour the immortal substance.

Ling Xiao, without any hesitation, directly integrated that fairy root into his body, quickly entered from Dantian Shenhai, penetrated through Zhongdantian, and then merged into the sea of ​​eyebrows.


Ling Xiao was shocked all over, and the bright fairy light bloomed. After that fairy root was integrated into Ling Xiao's body, Ling Xiao was trembling violently, and even the dense cracks of the spider's web appeared, as if it was needed at any time. Shattered.

This is a mutation produced by the human race's forcible fusion of the fairy roots. If you change a person, you might instantly burst into flesh, and your soul will fly away!

But Ling Xiao is still struggling to support, and has the protection of Wu Zi Tian Shu, so that his flesh can quickly adapt to the existence of the fairy root, and will not collapse directly.

"This kid really did it! Let's have some blood!"

Kunwu Mountain Emperor's eyes also showed a look of amazement, chuckled, and then there was a mysterious immortal substance condensed in his palm, and instantly turned into a beam of light, which was directly knocked into Lingxiao's in vivo.

"With Lingxiao, our plan will be successful!"

Jiang Yuyang was also a little excited, also without the slightest hesitation, condensed a mass of immortal material and merged into Ling Xiao's body.


After these two groups of immortal substances were incorporated into the body, Ling Xiao instantly shook his body, and the flesh seemed to be incorporated into the big tonic. The originally irritable fairy root quickly calmed down.

A mass of immortal material was absorbed by Ling Xiao's flesh, allowing his flesh to recover quickly as before, and a bright fairy light bloomed.

A mass of immortal material merged into the fairy root, making the fairy root brighter and more radiant, like a dragon dormant in Ling Xiao's body.

At the same time, Ling Xiao did not hesitate at all. When he saw that the fairy root was gradually calming down, he directly performed the mystery of swallowing the sky. Crazy devour.

"Ah... you... who are you?! Forgive me..."

At this juncture of the life-and-death crisis, Leiling was still awake. He was terrified, feeling that his life and Yuanshen were constantly passing by, and he immediately begged for mercy.

"Is this Lei Ling so ostentatious? Is it to beg for mercy?"

Ling Xiao was a little stunned, but he didn't hesitate anymore, he was still the primordial spirit who devoured Leiling constantly.

Lei Ling's begging for mercy soon came to an abrupt halt, and his primordial spirit was completely swallowed by Ling Xiao!


The memory in Lei Ling Yuanshen, like a torrent, is integrated into Ling Xiao’s Yuanshen and absorbed and digested by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao seems to have become Lei Ling. From the moment of Lei Ling's birth, she experienced the joys and sorrows of Lei Ling's life, and experienced Lei Ling's magnificent, but also stubborn life.

Almost the same as Jiang Yuyang said, Leiling is indeed a loose cultivation, the practice is Jiuzhong Zixiao There have been adventures that have been passed down by the strong elders of the clan. Although the cultivation has been staggering all the way so far, but Also made a big name in the fairy world.

Leiling is dead!

His flesh shattered, Yuanshen was swallowed by Ling Xiao, and the fairy roots also merged into Ling Xiao's body, completely wiped from the world.

But Leiling is still alive, because Ling Xiao has become Leiling!

Starting today, Ling Xiao is the real Leiling, the man of the fairy family, Leiling!

However, after fusing all of Leiling's memories, Ling Xiao's head burst into a sudden buzz. .

"Two seniors, pit me?!"

Ling Xiao said angrily, with a little grievance and helplessness in her voice.

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