Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2881: Leiling, your business happened!

The eternal tower of millions of feet stands in the chaotic void, spreading the sky and earth, separating the turbidity, and forming a supreme array that covers the entire fairy world!

Ten Thousand Immortals!

This scene looks very shocking.

Only through the vast array of immortals in front of the eyes and past the tower of longevity can we enter the fairyland.

Ling Xiao looked calm on the surface, but his heart was also extremely nervous. When he used the magic technique of Tianxian, a bright fairy light appeared all over his body. Whether it was the breath of life or the brand of life, it was exactly like Lei Ling, and he walked towards the Changsheng Tower. .

The closer to Changsheng Tower, the more Lingxiao can feel the horror of Changsheng Tower!

This treasure of chaos seems to have come from the sky, and contains the supreme power of the sky. Rao Shiling is now cultivated to be powerful and unmatched, almost close to the realm of the emperor, but still feel his own insignificance in front of the Changsheng Tower .


At this moment, Ling Xiao suddenly felt that the wordless Tianshu and the forged jade dish, which had been integrated with his head and heart, tremble slightly at this moment, exuding a very strange wave, the next moment Spread out of Ling Xiao's body.

"not good!"

Ling Xiao was shocked in his heart, and quickly forced to suppress the wordless book and the jade dish, and at the same time run the Tianxian mystery technique, isolating all the breath, the whole person became Gujing.

Wu Zi Tian Shu and Zao Jade Disc are also chaotic treasures. Although they are incomplete, they have been completely refined by Ling Xiao and have been integrated into their own bodies. Ling Xiao didn’t even think what they would produce with Changsheng Tower. induction.


The Changsheng Tower seemed to perceive something, and suddenly burst into a fiery dazzling light. The vast and mighty light was as bright as the sun, illuminating this chaotic void.

At this moment, sitting in the Changsheng Pagoda, there was an old man wearing a robe and all his hair was white. He looked like a childish face with red hair and a ruddy face like a baby, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"A familiar breath, don't know which brother is it?"

Among the eyes of the old man, there seemed to be an earth-shattering mysterious scene, unpredictable, divine light, and a careful perception, but nothing was noticed.

"The era of catastrophe is coming, and those old guys are probably born!"

The old man shook his head and closed his eyes again.

The Changsheng Tower also fell silent.

Ling Xiao was shocked. He didn't expect the Changsheng Tower's perception to be so keen. If he didn't react quickly, he would be exposed if he hadn't entered the fairyland.

"Do you have your own will if you don't have a Chinese character and a jade dish?"

A shadow cast in Ling Xiao's heart, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

He blew up the wordless book before, but in a coincidence, he integrated the wordless book and the jade dish into his body. Ling Xiao thought that he had completely controlled these two chaotic treasures, and he condensed Hongmeng Indestructible.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

"I want to see what you guys want to do!"

Ling Xiao sneered in his heart.

After realizing that the breath of the Changsheng Tower had calmed down, Ling Xiao slowly stepped forward and continued to walk forward!


Soon, Ling Xiao entered the area of ​​Wanxian Dazhen.

The bright and holy fairy light fell down, gentle and soft, as if penetrating Ling Xiao's body and blending with Ling Xiao.

In the end, when exploring the fairy root in Ling Xiao's body, the mysterious breath slowly dissipated.

And Ling Xiao clearly felt that there was a certain kind of strong will in that mysterious breath.

"Is it the spirit of Changsheng Tower?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Being able to suppress the immortal world with an indispensable chaotic treasure, and set up a large array of immortals, can also see the strength and power of the immortal world.

However, after perceiving the fairy root in Ling Xiao's body, the Changsheng Tower naturally determined that he was a person of the fairy family, without any hindrance, and allowed Ling Xiao to pass through the immortal formation without any hindrance.


In front of Ling Xiao, an ancient and majestic giant city appeared as if a giant beast lay dormant in chaos, exuding a dazzling fairy light all over, and it looked very mysterious.

Three bright characters hang above the giant city.

Flying Fairy City!

Now that the fairyland has been shrouded by the hordes of immortals, only Feixiancheng can enter and exit the fairyland, so Ling Xiao wants to enter the fairyland and can only pass through the fairyland.

And Ling Xiao can feel that there is an unfathomable breath in Feixian City, exuding a powerful Diwei.

That is a powerful emperor!

In Fei Xian City, there are emperors and powerful men sitting in town.

Ling Xiao's heart was a little more cautious.

After seeing the Fei Xian City, Ling Xiao found that there were many fairy people who were wearing robe or feather coat. Ling Kong came out into the Fei Xian City, and there were also people in the Fei Xian City. go away.

But after feeling the breath of the people of the fairy family, Ling Xiao knew that they must be the strong people cultivated by those powerful forces in the fairy family.

Outside the Fei Xian City, there are a group of powerful warriors wearing gold armor and energetic magnificent guards. They are all eye-catching and powerful, and they are full of madness. Obviously they are all powerful in a hundred battles!

And their cultivation is at least the fairy king realm!

A group of fairy kings came to guard the Fei Xian City, showing that the Xian Clan attached importance to the Fei Xian City.

Ling Xiao condensed her breath, but exuded a faint fairy light, and followed the people of the surrounding clan into the flying fairy city.

Ling Xiao's identity today is Lei Ling. Since knowing what this guy is doing, Ling Xiao knows that there is an active volcano on his head, which may erupt anytime, anywhere.

Therefore, it is still necessary to be as low-key as possible, as long as it is mixed into the fairy world, then it is really a high bird, and the sea is wide.

Ling Xiao had just entered Feixian City, and was immediately stopped by two figures.

"Lei Ling, your incident happened, come with us!"

An indifferent voice rang in Ling Xiao's ears, leaving Ling Xiao full of excitement, and secretly broke.

Those were two middle-aged men in black robes with extremely cold faces. They had short hair and dark golden skin. They were full of explosive power and unpredictable breath.

And the cultivation of the two of them is all fairyland!

"Sir Venerable Dragon, Venerable Fuhu, why are you two here?"

There was a smile on Ling Xiao's face, and he said helplessly.

The two men in black robes in front of them are the left arm and right arm of the fairy godmother who named the dragon and Fuhu. Ling Xiao inherited Lei Ling's identity and memory, and naturally recognized them.

And as soon as they saw them, Ling Xiao knew it was broken.

He didn't expect that Fu Yao's old woman even hated Lei Ling to such a degree that Lei Ling had already escaped from the fairy world. Fu Yao even let her best-handed men stay in the Fei Xian City, just to catch Lei Ling .

"Senior Jiang Kunwu Mountain, I can be miserable by you!"

Ling Xiao screamed in his heart.

"Lei Ling, why do you say that we are here? You are so bold that you dare to steal my ancient **** god's make-up **** pill. The wife of the master sent us to come and arrest you! Are you trying to arrest yourself, or are you waiting for us?"

Venerable Dragon Long sneered.

"Make up gods?"

Ling Xiao stunned for a moment, and immediately screamed that the old woman was really shameless, and the **** Tianming was given to Lei Ling by now.

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