Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2882: Saint Cloud Girl!

"This is Lei Ling? His cultivation... has already reached the fairy realm? It seems that this time he left the fairy world and got a lot of fortune!"

Someone exclaimed and recognized Leiling's identity.

"It is possible to cultivate to the Immortal Venerable Realm with the power of loose cultivation. This Lei Ling is really good! But it is a pity that he has offended the evil **** religion. I am afraid that he is in a disaster!"

"I heard that Lei Ling had stolen the God of Phenomenon, and I saw that he broke through to the Immortal Realm, that is, he had eaten the God of Phenomenon! Now the two immortal gods of the God of Evil come to arrest him, it seems that he still wants to Fall into the hands of evil gods!"

"Humph! How could this cult of gods be so arrogant? A group of mice who only knew to hide in the dark, if it were not for our immortal men's mercy, these cults of cults would have been completely annihilated!"

"Hush! Silence, the cult of cults is indeed weak, but this cult of cults is the most powerful one of the cults of cults. Even Taiyixianmen, the head of our nine celestial gates, is said to have no way of cults! They heard, you probably don’t want to live anymore!"

"Humph! The god-cultivators are heretics. They are traitors who have betrayed the Immortal Clan.

"One day, the church of Evil God will be completely destroyed!"


Everyone was attracted by Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Hu, with different expressions in their eyes, whispering.

Although Lei Ling is a loose repairer, he still has some fame in the fairy world. The talent of Zixiao Fairy King is extraordinary, which makes many people pay attention.

Especially a while ago, it suddenly broke out that Lei Ling had stolen the **** god of the gods, and was issued a killing order by the gods.

Lei Ling escaped from Immortal Realm, but everyone did not expect Lei Ling to come back so quickly, and was once intercepted by Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Hu.

"This is not a good place to do it!"

Ling Xiao sighed inwardly.

This is Feixian City. If you do it here, even if he can beat Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Sovereign, the biggest possibility is that his identity will be revealed.

Ling Xiao thought about it, or gave up.

"Okay, I'll go with you!"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Don't think about running away, otherwise we will kill you directly!"

Venerable Dragon Long sneered.

Seeing that Leiling was so obedient, there was also a trace of disdain in their eyes.


A black chain appeared in the hands of Venerable Fu Hu, directly locking Ling Xiao's arms.

Forbidden God Lock!

This is the secret treasure of the evil spirit religion. It specializes in imprisoning the cultivation of the strong. Ling Xiao can feel that after the lock of the forbidden **** locks his arms, at the same time, there is a strange rune spreading around him, and his Xiuwei was also blocked.

However, although this forbidden lock is powerful, it seems to Ling Xiao that if he wants, he can break the ban of the forbidden lock at any time.

Therefore, Ling Xiao did not resist, and allowed Venerable Fu Hu to block his cultivation behavior with the God Lock.

Under the attention of everyone, Ling Xiao followed Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger through the Fairy City and headed towards the Fairy World.

Ling Xiao could feel that when he was in Fei Xian City, the emperor who suppressed Fei Xian City seemed to be watching him, just incomparably obscure.

Ling Xiaoxin didn't do anything, otherwise, even if it suppressed the Dragon Sovereign and the Tiger Sovereign, if the fairy king came, I am afraid he would only be able to capture.


After passing through a cloud of fairy light, Ling Xiao finally came to the fairy world.

This is an extremely ancient and vast world.

Within Ling Xiao's perception range, he could perceive that Immortal Realm is even wider than God Realm, and the space barriers here are extremely strong.

The sight in front of you is magnificent and magnificent, the mountains are rolling, the vast gods stand between the heavens and the earth, lingering around the clouds and mist, the breath of the gas is magnificent, and the fairy light is mysterious.

Among the mountains, the ancient trees are towering, lush, waterfalls and springs, the river flowing through the mountains flows, and contains the majestic origin of the gas.

In the distance, there is a huge immortal city standing on the earth, which looks simple and majestic. After years of vicissitudes, it is extremely strong.

Ling Xiao even saw some powerful fierce beasts and wild aliens of the ancient times in the mountains. He was vomiting the essence of the sun and the moon, and his breath was powerful and unmatched.

This is the fairyland!

As if it were the ancient flood period, there is a sense of thickness of the years!

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, his mind secretly wondered if he would do it here, resolved Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Sovereign, and then fled.

Anyway, the Immortal Realm is so big, even if the ancient gods are so powerful, trying to catch him is not that easy.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao was attracted by a figure.

It was a girl wearing a black gauze skirt, standing on the top of the mountains, her skin was as white as jade, and the light yarn was flying, and she looked fluttering.

Her black hair is like a waterfall, thick and shiny, as soft as satin, especially the pair of beautiful and flawless faces, plus a pair of big watery eyes, as if able to hook the soul and smile. , There are all kinds of amorous feelings.

"I Cao, why is she here?"

Ling Xiao's heart was not good.

How could he not know this girl in black dress?

The goddess of the ancient gods is also the Yunxi saint of ancient gods!

At this moment, Yunxi turned back and smiled at Ling Xiao, and the world faded in an instant, as if the flowers were in full bloom.

Ling Xiao shivered involuntarily.

This little evil witch who is not lawless is not only talented, but also cultivated to be strong and unmatched. His character is also unruly and willful.

Being able to surrender such a little witch, Ling Xiao really threw the five bodies of Lei Ling into the ground, and at the same time he was insulted in the heart.

All the Yunxi saints are here, so is Mrs. Fu Yao?

There is also the most mysterious leader of the ancient **** religion, can Gu Tongtian also arrive?

Gu Tongtian's strength is extraordinary, even if it is not as good as Jiang Yuyang, I am afraid that it will not be much worse. Such a character may be able to shoot Ling Xiao with a slap.

"See the Virgin!"

Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Fu also discovered the Saint could not help but change his face, but still bowed his head.

"Where are you taking Leiling?"

Yunxi's eyes circulated, and said lightly, his voice was as sweet and crisp as a bell.

"Return to Saint Maiden, Lei Ling stole the **** god of my gods, Madam, let us take it back and give it to Madam!"

Venerable Dragon Sovereign and Venerable Tiger Hu respectfully replied. .

"Stolen Bu Tianshen Pill? It's really a sin! You go, Lei Ling to me, I will bring him back to the gods!"

Yunxi said faintly, but there was an unquestionable determination in his voice.

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