Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2885: Fairy Crystal Mine!

"It finally got rid of it!"

Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

After he left the Yunxi saint, he moved thousands of miles of void in one breath, and performed the mystery of swallowing the sky, covering his breath, and finally fell on a beautiful mountain, which was regarded as a stop.

Ling Xiao felt very tired, and dealing with Yunxi Saint Girl was more tiring than fighting a battle with others.

This time he mixed into the fairy world, although he did not encounter any danger, but it was also a twist and turns, very thrilling.

Until now, Ling Xiao was convinced that he was really safe!

"I'm pretending to be Lei Ling, I really don't know if it's a blessing or a curse! Women are terrible, and I will stay away from them in the future! But if you want to listen to the news of the fairy world, you'd better find those disciples of Xianmen or Da Children of the family, do not know where I am now?"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly.

There are 3,000 Daozhou in the fairyland, which is vast and immense. Each state has a size of hundreds of millions of miles. The whole fairyland adds up, I am afraid that it is several times larger than the God Realm.

Leiling was a casual repair before, but Leiling was not very old, only over a thousand years old, and was only active in dozens of states.

Like the area where Ling Xiao is now, Ling Xiao felt very strange, and did not find anything special in Leiling's memory.

"It's best to be unfamiliar! You shouldn't meet those terrible women!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

He is in a wild mountain range at the moment, surrounded by millions of miles, all are huge mountains rising from the ground, towering in the ancient woods, the sound of the horrible beast roar from the mountain range, leaving all the voids In a violent shock.

Ling Xiao can even feel that in the surrounding mountains, there is a fierce beast like a hill dormant, vomiting the essence of the world, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, the breath is extremely powerful.

What's more, this mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist, which looks like clouds and mist, but in fact it is malaria, exuding seven colors of light. Under the sunlight, it looks a bit strange.

Unlike Ling Xiao who had just arrived in the fairyland, he saw Zhongling Yuxiu and Xianjiadong Tianfudi differently. This area does not look like a blessed land. On the contrary, it is a very evil gate filled with evil spirits.

"It is imperative to find a fairy city first to inquire about the news!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

He has now converged his breath, and looks like an ordinary fairy, flew towards the distance.

In the fairy world, the sage, the big sage and the sage king are also called the sage, the big sage and the sage king, and the sage is called the cultivator.

The fairy family has its own cultivation system, but it is similar to God Realm.

If it weren't for fairyland's fairy roots to be special, Ling Xiao had merged with Leiling's fairy roots, and it was difficult to integrate other people's fairy roots. He really wanted to give up Leiling's identity.

"Huh? What are those fierce beasts doing?"

Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly flashed, a little surprised.

In front of him, there is a black gorilla with black body, an elephant with golden hair and shiny gold, and a huge brown bear, all **** by thick chains at the moment, digging hard for the mountain.

That's right, it's digging the mountain!

Big bears, elephants and brown bears all seem to be hundreds of feet tall. The huge body is full of explosive power. Each one is full of breath, and the breath is actually that the three statues have reached the strength of the fairy king realm. Monster!

These three monster beasts are very hard-working. The vast mountain in front of them has been dug up by most of them, and the belly of Foshan will be hollowed out, as if looking for some baby.

An old Dao with white hair, holding a whisk, flying in the sky, the back looks like a fairy bone, but the appearance is a bit ugly, and the eyes of the thief are directing the work of the three monster beasts.

"Is there any treasure in this mountain?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved slightly.

It’s just that the scene in front of me looks strange. Although the old Dao is immortal, and the immortality of the whole body is extremely pure, Ling Xiao can still feel that the old Dao is afraid that he is not a person of the fairy family, but like a monster and a beast. The Taoism of the Immortals.

A monster that practiced the Taoism of the Immortal Clan and commanded the three giant monsters to dig the mountain. This scene seemed strange to me.

When Ling Xiao discovered them, the old man also discovered Ling Xiao.

"This Daoist, can you help Lao Tao?"

After Dao saw Ling Xiao, his eyes lit up, and he flew over suddenly, stopping Ling Xiao, and said with a smile.

"What advice does this master have?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"Daoyou, under this mountain, it is a fairy crystal mine, but there are formations left by the strong elders. I cannot wait to enter them! Can Daoyou go to break the formation? Poor Dao There must be great rewards!"

Lao Tao smiled slightly at Ling Xiao.

"Xianjing mine?"

Ling Xiao was stunned.

In Immortal World, Immortal Stone and Immortal Crystal are both hard currency, and Immortal Crystal is more precious than the best immortal stone, which contains not only a rich source of gas, but also a trace of immortal power in immortal world, but immortal Treasures necessary for the cultivation of powerful men above the Wangjing.

Ling Xiao didn't even think that this old road digs a mountain here, because there is a fairy crystal mine here!

"Yes! If you can help Lao Dao break through the large array outside the Xianjing Mine, Lao Dao, I will give you 10,000 Xianjing, how?"

Old Road said with a smile.

"Long Taoist, you cultivated to a high depth, and even you can't break the large array outside the Xianjing mine. How can I break it? You look at me too high!"

Ling Xiao pretended to be a bitter smile.

His cultivation behavior now looks like a fairyland, naturally far inferior to old-fashioned, with a trace of sincerity and fear on his face.

"Daoyou, I don't hide it from you! Old way, I am a monster, but I accidentally got the Taoism of the fairy clan, so the body is still a monster! But the formation outside the Xianjing mine~www.wuxiaspot. com~ is left by the strong immortals. For monsters like me, it has a great restraint effect. I can’t get close to that formation at all! You are different, you are the immortals, you must be Can break through that formation!"

Old Road said with a smile, he was extremely frank, did not conceal his identity as a demon.

At this moment, the three monsters, the gorilla, the elephant and the brown bear, also raised their heads and looked at Ling Xiao with extremely eager eyes.

"Since Master Dao is so trusting, let me try it!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and he smiled slightly.

"Good! Daoyou is a cheerful person. No matter whether Daoyou can break through the large array outside the Xianjing mine, I will give you 10,000 Xianjing!"

There was a trace of joy in the old eyes.

PS: There are only two changes today, everyone take a break early.

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