Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2886: It will count!

Ling Xiao has noticed that this old man is not well-meaning.

However, judging from the situation just now, if Ling Xiao does not agree, I am afraid that the old man will shoot him directly.

Ling Xiao felt very clearly that the old man was deeply malicious and hidden murderous.

However, Ling Xiao didn't do it directly, but chose to count.

He also wanted to see what treasures were in this mountainside.

The three fierce beasts of the gorilla, the elephant and the brown bear cleared the way and let Ling Xiao enter the hillside.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Ling Xiao felt the immense rich spirit spirit.

There are many dense and immortal stones in the belly of the mountain, ranging from the inferior immortal stone to the superb immortal stone. These immortal stones are the associated mines of immortal crystals. Ling Xiao can feel that there are many dazzling immortal crystals deep in the mountains of the mountains. The majestic power of the source and the spirit of the fairy.

But obviously, these immortal stones have not been put in the eyes of the old, what he wants is the deepest immortal crystal.

Ling Xiao went towards the depths of the mountain's abdomen, and the old man was not far behind him, as if monitoring him.

The three monsters naturally stayed outside to protect the law.


In the end, Ling Xiao finally saw the Xianjing Mine deep in the mountains.

The blazing light is dazzling, the shining person can't open his eyes, and immortal crystals are inlaid on the mountain walls, like bamboo shoots. It looks crystal clear and contains magnificent energy.

The majestic energy, even as fierce as thunder, intertwined with brilliant light, dreamy and hazy.

However, before that fairy crystal mine, there was a transparent and bright enchantment, containing the power of forbidden and broken.

"It's this big formation, and also invite the little friends to break through the big formation for me!"

Lao Tao pointed at the transparent frontier and smiled slightly.

"No wonder they dare not go in and dig out the fairy crystals. This turned out to be a large town demon, specializing in restraining monsters and beasts, but it had no effect on the people of the fairy family!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Although the formation of the fairy clan is very strange to him, but one way is universal, and the formation of the fairy clan and the formation of the **** realm are ultimately the same, and they all belong to the category of the formation. Ling Xiao has realized the heaven and the world. The Scripture Book is left by the Emperor Tiandu, and contains the Scriptures of the Supreme Origin of the Tao.

With this immortal array method, Ling Xiao could easily perceive the killing intention and the power of destruction against the monster.

However, although it is only aimed at monsters and beasts, it is not so easy for the people of the fairy family to enter it. At least the fairy family of the fairy king realm can enter it.

Moreover, this great formation contains extremely powerful swallowing power. If it forcibly breaks into it, I am afraid that all vitality will be swallowed by the great formation in an instant.

"Besides a fairy crystal mine, there was a large formation. Could it be that there is a legacy left by the strong?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved.

This Immortal Dao array method is clearly left by the powerful of the Immortal Clan. It looks very old. It should be very long ago. I don’t know why, it was discovered by this old Dao, and it also made three big beasts dig here. mountain.

"Master Dao, what kind of formation is this? How can we break through the large formation? It's weak in the cultivation base, I am afraid it is difficult to break through!"

Ling Xiao asked, pretending to be extremely puzzled.

"This formation is called Xuanhuang Town Demon Array. It is a large formation dedicated to suppress monsters, but it is easy for Xiaoyou to break the formation. You only need to excite the blood of immortals and then rush into the large formation. Collapse! You can take 10,000 of these fairy crystals, and I will never say anything!

Lao Dao smiled slightly.

"Laozi believed your evil! If you really stimulated the blood of immortals according to what you said, and rushed into the large formation, I am afraid that even if the holy king was careless, it would be swallowed by the power of the big formation! This old guy is really uneasy and kind!"

Ling Xiao sneered.

But he didn't show his face on the surface, pretending to be excited: "Thank you Dao, since that is the case, then I will break this line for Dao!"


The majestic immortals of Ling Xiao rose up, and the bright immortal light bloomed. He took a step in a flash, and the whole person came in a large array!

As if feeling the blood of immortals on Ling Xiao's body, the formation enchantment in front of him was slightly trembling, and a series of runes were intertwined with brilliance.


When Ling Xiao stepped into the formation enchantment, the dazzling fairy light bloomed all around, and a rune entwined towards Ling Xiao.

At the same time, a tremendous force of engulfment came in, wanting to engulf Ling Xiao's body and blood and the source of life.

"Doctor, why can't I enter the formation enchantment? This big formation is actually devouring my life? Doctrine saves me..."

Ling Xiao's eyes instantly showed a panicked look, and quickly said to the Tao.

"Little friend, it's your pleasure to be swallowed up by the formation enchantment, and to create an opportunity for me, it's also your honor! So you are still obedient to die!"

Seeing Ling Xiao entered the formation enchantment, the old look instantly became very indifferent.

He sneered, and then stopped looking at Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao has completed his mission in his heart and is a dead man.

He carefully took out a dazzling rune, and immediately shot it in the palm of the sky, directly on the formation enchantment.


Lao Dao drank a low voice, and that rune burst into a bright light, forming a light gate directly above the formation enchantment. Then the old Dao stepped in and entered the formation enchantment very easily. Among.

"It turned out that he needed an immortal to contain the engulfing power of the formation enchantment, so that he could enter the big formation?"

Although Ling Xiao was panicked and desperate on the surface, she sneered inwardly.

Entering the formation Ling Xiao finally realized the mystery of this large formation.

This large formation can suppress the monsters and block the entry of the monsters, but it is true that if the immortals who are insufficiently cultivated rush into it, they will be swallowed by the large formations, and at this moment the large formations will also reveal a trace flaw.

And that old man took advantage of this flaw and broke into the big formation.

"Hahaha... These million fairy crystals belong to Lao Tzu! There is also the Shenyu Xiantai left by Xuantian Xianjun. With the Shenyu Xiantai, Laozi is not only expected to receive Xuan Tian Xianjun's inheritance, he even has a chance Break through to the realm of immortal monarch! It's really great..."

There was a loud laugh in the old mouth, and his eyes were full of excitement.

Looking at the dazzling crystals on the mountain wall in front of him, his eyes were full of intoxication. .

"What is Shenyu Immortal?"

Suddenly, a curious voice sounded behind the old man.

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