Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2895: Shi Qingyi!

"This is the second Miss Shi family, Shi Qingyi?"

Someone's eyes flashed, as if thinking of something, could not help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"Shi Qingyi? It was the Qingyi fairy who had been in the Shaoguang Fairy Gate at a very young age? Hey, this peerless Tianjiao of the Shaoguang Fairy Gate, did she return from the Shaoguang Fairy Gate?"

Everyone took a deep breath, as if thinking of something, his eyes were full of shock.

Shijia has three great arrogances: Shi Wuji, Shi Qingyi and Shi Tianying!

Shi Wuji is now the young patriarch of the Shi family. He is the most famous arrogant king in the entire fairyland. The existence admired by countless people, reconciles the family of Jie Wushuang, and is called the peerless arrogance of the ancient fairy city.

Although Shi Qingyi was a child in the Yaoguang Fairy Gate at an early age, the Yaoguang Fairy Gate is one of the nine Great Fairy Gates. Shi Qingyi is a Tianjiao disciple of the Yaoguang Fairy Gate, and is also known as the Qingyi Fairy. .

Compared with Shi Wuji and Shi Qingyi, Shi Tianying's talent is slightly worse, but today's Shi Tianying has also been cultivated to the realm of the fairy king!

The Shijia family has three heroes, but there is only one Xie Wushuang in the Xie family. Naturally, the Shijia are now gaining momentum, and there are vague signs of oversharing the Xie family.

"Shi Qingyi returned to the ancient city of the fairy this time, I'm afraid it's for the once-in-a-lifetime stone interpretation ceremony?"

Someone whispered quietly.

"It should be right! The Jieshi Dadian determines the control of the ancient fairy city. Although the ancient fairy city belongs nominally to the Jiejia and Shijia, in fact, the large moat is in the hands of the Shijia, which makes the Shijia very popular. Strong!

This time, the Shijia Grand Ceremony, the Shi family is determined to win, to seize control of the next 10,000 years! Shi Qingyi should come back to help! "

Someone explained aloud.

Everyone became more and more awed by Shi Qingyi and Shi Tianying, and their eyes were all shocked.

Fairy ancient city, it is about to enter the eventful autumn again!

"Sorry, I want to keep this piece of ceramics, not for sale!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"One million fairy crystals! If you agree, I can buy that ceramic chip from one million fairy crystals!"

Shi Qingyi said calmly.

One million fairy crystals?

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath, and his eyes were full of shocking expression!

A generous pen, a million fairy crystals are even enough to buy those precious fairy jade fetuses!

Ling Xiao bought this fairy stone and spent only 500 fairy crystals. The profit was two thousand times when he changed hands, so that everyone's eyes showed a look of envy and jealousy.

Even the Skylark was stunned.

"Obe, my master still has the foresight! Lao Tzu eats the squirrel, why didn't he find this fairy stone so precious?"

The eyes of Devourer are also full of incredible looks.

He is known as the treasure hunter, and he has an extraordinary sense of fairy stone, but this time he found himself looking away.

"Master, one million fairy crystals, we can buy the **** jade fairy fetus! If that ceramic piece is useless, sell it! Don't offend the Shijia!"

The Skybiter whispered to Ling Xiaodao.

"Not for sale!"

Ling Xiao ignored Shi Tianshu and said calmly to Shi Qingyi.

"Five million fairy crystals!"

Shi Qingyi frowned and shouted a high price.


Everyone took a breath!

They wanted to know, what kind of treasure is that ceramic piece, and it was worth five million fairy crystals?

Especially the previous people who said that the ceramic piece was a waste product all felt their faces crackling and hot.

"Miss Shi, I said, don't sell it! Hugh said it's 5 million fairy crystals. Even if it's 50 million fairy crystals, I won't sell them!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, but his expression was extremely determined.

"This son, believe me, that ceramic piece is in your hands and is of no use at all! I still hope you sell it to me so that you can reap the friendship of the Shijia, wouldn't you kill two birds with one stone?"

Shi Qingyi's expression also slightly chilled.

Her patience was about to be polished, and she didn't expect Ling Xiao to even toast and not give her a fine drink.

But that piece of ceramic is extremely important, it must be taken before the Jie family is found!

Shi Qingyi is an extremely proud person. Although it seems indifferent and gentle, in fact, there are only a handful of people who can see her in the whole fairyland.

If it weren’t for the Jieshi Pavilion, she would never bid again and again!

"Is Miss Shi threatening me? It is a pity that the friendship of the Shi family is of no use to me, and I am also the least person who likes to be threatened. This ceramic piece, if I say not, I will not sell it!"

Ling Xiao said coldly that he would leave the Jieshi Pavilion of the Jie family when he turned around.

"Want to go? Boy, don't leave any ceramic pieces today, don't want to go anywhere! Since you are toasting and not eating fine wine, then don't blame me for being so polite!"

Shi Tianying's eyes were cold, revealing a terrible color.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two Immortal Venerables behind him were all flashing in shape, the breath of the Immortal Dao around him, the eyes cold and indifferent, immediately stopped in front of Ling Xiao and blocked Ling Xiao's retreat.

This time, even Shi Qingyi was silent, and did not stop.

For the sake of ceramics, even the strongest will not hesitate.

"Why? Do Shijia really plan to buy and sell?"

Ling Xiao said faintly, with a trace of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth.

His eyes seemed to be filled with purple lightning, giving him a majestic and ancient atmosphere.

The Skybiter was a bit afraid and frightened, and his heart was full of misery. If it really worked with the Shijia, it would be in trouble.

By then, if the identity of him and Ling Xiao were exposed, then they would not even want to run away, and could only be taken back as Shijia as a turtle in the urn.

In the ancient city of immortals, the Shijia people have immortal kings and powerful people, and there are more than one!

"Work in the Jieshi Pavilion of my Shijia is really as arrogant as ever!"

At this moment, a clear female voice sounded.

"Xie Wushuang?"

After hearing the voice, Shi Qingyi's face changed slightly, and her eyes fixed on a figure in the distance.

The crowd slowly separated, and a heroic figure came over.

It was a woman in armor, and her tight, soft armor outlined her perfect figure, and she was very tall, with an indescribable heroic energy all over her body. .

Her face is extremely beautiful, and her skin is as white as jade. It is a combination of charming and heroic temperament, especially a pair of eyebrows like a sword, which makes her soft and beautiful.

This is a heroic woman, very special, as if it is the brightest star in the night sky, as soon as it appeared in the Jieshi Pavilion, it suddenly became the focus of everyone.

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