Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2896: Divine fragment!

Even if Shi Qingyi was in front of this woman, she was somewhat eclipsed.

Solution home, solution matchless!

A name appeared in everyone's heart, and the look of incomparable awe appeared in his eyes.

They did not expect that an ordinary calcite would lead to Shi Tianying and Shi Qingyi, and now it is also one of the two great kings who deserves to know the home's peerless arrogance, the ancient city of the immortal, and it is unparalleled!

And everyone found that Ling Xiao, who caused this incident, was standing there at the moment, and his expression was very calm, as if there was no slightest fear and fear, just like a fool.

I really don't know if Ling Xiao is ignorant or fearless, or still has a chance to rely on!

After seeing Xie Wushuang, even the indifferent and gentle Shi Qingyi showed a faint color of jealousy in his eyes.

Shi Tianying concealed the blazing heat in his eyes, and every time he saw such a hot figure in Wushuang, Shi Tianying felt that he could not control himself.

This is a perfect woman, so that all men in the world will feel ashamed.

"Shi Qingyi, Shi Tianying, you came to the Jieshi Pavilion of my Jiejia to make trouble, do you really think that I am good at bullying?"

Xie Wushuang stood in front of Shi Qingyi and Shi Tianying. Her figure was extremely tall, and she was one head taller than Shi Qingyi and Shi Tianying. Unconsciously, she felt a sense of dominance and her voice was indifferent.

"Xie Wushuang, what about the Jie Shi Pavilion of the Jie Family? This kid is not good at me and my sister. What's wrong with us trying to teach him? You don't do much business here..."

Shi Tianying said arrogantly.

Shi Qingyi stopped Shi Tianying and looked at Xie Wushuang Yan Ran with a smile: "Sister Wushuang, you are afraid that it is misunderstood! We just want to make a deal with this son, how can we do it at Xie's Jieshi Pavilion?"

"Is it just as simple as a transaction? Five million fairy crystals, are you really generous! Just five million fairy crystals want to buy Shending fragments?"

Xie Wushuang smiled faintly, with a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Shen Ding Fragment? What is that?"

Everyone's eyes are full of doubts.

Even Ling Xiao couldn't help but move.

But the sky-biting rat was shocked, as if thinking of something, his eyes showed a very excited and incredible look.

"Master, no wonder Shi Qingyi's little **** will spend 5 million fairy crystals to buy ceramic pieces. So it turned out to be a fragment of Shending? We sent it!"

The excitement of the Skybiter transmitted to Ling Xiaodao.

"What is the fragment of Shending?"

"Master, Shen Ding has also been made into a Ding Ding, but it is the luck of the Divine Race! But the Ding Ding has been broken into countless pieces in the ancient times. Over the years, some people have obtained fragments of the Ding Ding, some from Among them, they realized the supreme divine art, and some of them realized the heaven and earth avenues, and some of them cultivated for the leaps and bounds, and built the supreme base!

The fragment of the **** tripod is a treasure, representing the supreme opportunity! According to legend, if you can gather all the fragments of the Divine Tripod and re-form the Fortune Tripod, then you will be able to gain the blessing of the God Race's luck, and even prove the Emperor! In the fairy world, every time the fragment of the Divine Tripod appears, it will cause countless strong fights. The ordinary people may not know, but Xie Jia and Shi Jia must know!

No wonder Shi Qingyi's little **** is willing to produce 500 fairy crystals. You are right, master. Even if there are 50 million fairy crystals, 500 million fairy crystals are not enough! The heart of the Shijia people is really dark, and even want to master your treasure, **** it! "

Skybiter transmitted the sound to Ling Xiaodao, very excited.

Ling Xiao was a little speechless in his heart. The guy who ate the rat was just a wall of grass. I was afraid that this guy had forgotten who had just sold the ceramic piece to Shi Qingyi, so as not to offend the Shijia.

However, the prosperity of the Protoss is the treasure of the Fortune Ding, or Ling Xiao can't help but move. What is the relationship between the Fortune Ding and the Protoss Seal?

The fragments of the Fortune Ding can cause the trembling of the God Seal, which shows that the two have a deep origin.

"Xie Wushuang, don't tell me, you don't want the fragment of Shen Ding! This kid is weak, and holding the fragment of Shen Ding can only invite disaster, I am helping him!"

Shi Qingyi's eyes were cold, but he couldn't help but sink in his heart. Sure enough, he was discovered by Xie Wushuang.

"Yes, I also want the fragments of the **** tripod, but I acted in a family way. I have always been upright, never bullying, and I will never do anything that buys and sells! Two, since this son is not willing to sell to You guys, please come back!"

Xie Wushuang said lightly.

"Very good! Xie Wushuang, I hope you can still be so stingy at the Xie Shi Dadian! Let's go!"

Shi Qingyi's complexion changed slightly, and she looked at Wushuang and said coldly.

"Do not bother you!"

Xie Wushuang said lightly.

Shi Qingyi left with Shi Tianying, and since there was a solution to Wushuang's shot, it was impossible for them to get the fragments of Shending from Ling Xiao.

Shi Qingyi and Shi Tianying's faces are not very good-looking, especially Shi Tianying, before leaving, also gave Ling Xiao a fierce look, his eyes full of warnings and threats.

But Ling Xiao ignored him.

Everyone was distracted, and Ling Xiao originally wanted to leave Jieshi Pavilion with Tian Tianshu, but he was yelled by Jie Wushuang.

"What do you call this son?"

Xie Wushuang looked at Lingxiao Road with interest, a pair of beautiful eyes flashing, full of curiosity.

"Under Lei Ling! Miss Wushuang, if you want to talk about the fragments of Shending, forget it!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Lei Ling? A familiar name! I know you won't sell Shending fragments. I didn't find you for Shending fragments!"

Xie Wushuang smiled slightly.

Her words also made Ling Xiao's eyes jump. He had already left the dozens of Daozhou where Leiling was active. Is there anyone here who still knows Leiling?

There was a hint of bad thought in Ling Xiao's heart, but he said quietly, "What's the matter?"

"I wonder if Lei Gongzi is interested in stone betting? Shijia's Shifang has just come to a group of fairy stones. Among them are the old mines that buried Shenyuan, and there are even fairy jade fetuses. Treasure! I want to invite Lei Gongzi to go to Shifang's Shifang to gamble stone, how?"

Xie Wushuang smiled slightly.

"Go to Shifang's Shifang Stone Gambling?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange This lady Xie Wushuang is really a temperament, where is this to bet on stones? I'm afraid it's to make trouble?

"Why does Miss Wushuang invite me? I don't know anything about gambling!"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Intuition! I think Lei Gongzi's luck is against the sky, and even the fragments of Shending can be solved. Perhaps in Shijia Shifang, more treasures can be solved! Is Lei Gongzi afraid of Shijia?"

Xie Wushuang's eyes waved and smiled indifferently.

"I'm afraid I can't talk about it! But I'm really interested in gambling stones. Since Miss Wushuang invited me, there is no reason to refuse in the next time!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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