Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2902: Lei Di Yuanzhu!

"This is... Dayuanyuanzhu?!"

Xie Wushuang suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and he could not help but startled, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"What?! Dayuanyuanzhu?"

Everyone showed a shocked look.

The Daoyuan Pearl is a bead formed by the solidification of the Daoyuan Origin in the body of the fairy kingland after the strongman's fall, which contains the power of the Daoyuan Origin.

If an Immortal Venerable Master refines Daoyuan Zhu and realizes the source of Daoyuan, it is very likely that he will directly break into the realm of Xianjun.

However, directly refining the Daoyuanyuanzhu, even the breakthrough of the Xianjun is only the weakest Xianjun, but it can enable the Xianzun strong to understand the origin of the Dao, and shorten the time of the breakthrough, it is a supreme treasure.

However, Daoyuan Pearl can be encountered and not sought, not every deceased fairy, the Daoyuan Pearl can be bred in the body.

Everyone did not expect that the piece of fairy stone produced by Ziguang Mountain in Ling Xiao was able to solve the source beads of Dadao.

"This should be a avenue source bead of the Thunder Road attribute, and it looks very complete. It should be left by a Thunder Road Fairy King!"

Xie Wushuang said slowly.

She couldn't help but look at Ling Xiao a few times, and didn't expect her hunch to come true. The fairy stone of Ziguang Mountain actually solved the treasure, and it was the treasure of Dayuanyuanzhu.

She used to ask Ling Xiao to come to Qianyuan Shifang because of Ling Xiao’s fairy stone, so she didn’t have much hope in her heart, but now it seems that Ling Xiao’s luck is far beyond his. Imagine.

Uncovering the treasure twice can no longer be described by luck. Perhaps Ling Xiao is really special.

"How can this be?!"

Master Black Cloud's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

Daoyuanzhu, this kind of treasure can be encountered but not sought, and it is more precious than the best defense fairy and the three-color fairy lotus solved by Wushuang.

He has just said that the fairy stone produced by Ziguang Mountain must be a waste stone, and no treasure can be solved, but he did not expect to be beaten so quickly.

"This son, the old man is willing to bid 10 million fairy crystals to buy this source ball, how?"

An old man with white hair and a stern look came over and smiled kindly at Ling Xiao.

This old man's cultivation practice is a fairyland, and the cultivation is actually thunder, the whole body exudes a breath of thunder, majestic and mysterious.

"Is it Heavenly Thunder?"

Someone exclaimed and recognized the origin of the old man.

Tian Lei Shangren is an old immortal Venerable Powerhouse. He has stayed in the Immortal Venerable Realm for countless years and has never broken through to the Immortal Monarch Realm.

Everyone didn't expect that this source of beads would make Tianlei Master unbearable.

"I want this source ball, I have 15 million fairy crystals!"

At the same time, an old Dao wearing a moon-white robe and holding a dust brush came over.

Yunxiao live!

It is also an old Xianzun who came for the sake of the source.

Even, except that Heavenly Thunder Master and Yunxiao Reality are practicing Thunder Dao, there are other Immortal Venerable Powers who participated in the bidding, and they all want to get this source of the Pearl.

After all, for the powerful in Immortal Venerable Realm, even if they are not practicing Thunder Dao, if they get this source ball of the Avenue, they will be able to comprehend the complete Thunder Dao origin from them, and then be promoted to Immortal Monarch Realm.

This is an unbearable temptation for all Xianzun strong.

And the more people chase after Daoyuanyuanzhu, the more ugly the face of Master Black Cloud is, the cold eyes and murderous intentions flow in his eyes, and he hates Ling Xiao very much in his heart.

"Everyone, I will not sell this source ball for the time being, it will be of great use to me!"

Ling Xiao bowed his hands to everyone and smiled slightly.

This is not a fairy tale's source bead, it is probably Lei Di's source bead, how could Ling Xiao sell it to them?

Seeing Ling Xiao's expression was so determined, although everyone had some regrets, they could only stop.

After all, there is unparalleled solution, and they dare not make strong purchases and strong sales.

The Shijia Shijie's face is a bit ugly.

Xie Wushuang just solved two treasures, but Ling Xiao actually released Daoyuanzhu from a fairy stone in the Ziguang Mountain Mine. Doesn't it mean that their Shijia has no eyes?

"Xie Wushuang won't come here today?"

The Shijia Jieshi division secretly guessed.

"I didn't expect that the Shiyuan Qianyuan Shifang actually solved the Dayuanyuan Pearl? It's really gratifying. This Dayuanyuan Bead, this son has 30 million fairy crystals, no one is allowed to grab this son. !"

At this moment, an arrogant laughter sounded in the Dizi Courtyard.

"It's the three young masters of the Shi family, Shi Tianying?!"

Someone exclaimed.

This voice is simply too familiar. In the ancient fairy city, almost no one does not know Shi Tianying, the three young masters of the Shi family.

The crowd separated, and Shi Tianying stepped forward with a proud and indifferent look. Although he smiled in the corner of his mouth, he had a high posture.

Next to Shi Tianying, there is a beautiful face, Shi Qingyi, who looks extraordinary, and a young man with a gentle smile on his lips.

"That one, I'm afraid it's the fairy Shi Qingyi who shook the fairy gate, right?"

"Not only Qingyi Fairy, have you seen the young man? He is Ren Xiaoyao, the son of Shaoguang Xianmen!"

"Ren Xiaoyao? Is it the Tianjiao King who is known as my fairy world, and is known as one of the ten fairy gods in the fairy world?"

"His...Xianyao Xianzun has come to the ancient city of immortals. Are they afraid that it will be for the Stone Exam in the near future?"


Everyone had a lot of Attention was attracted by Shi Qingyi and Ren Xiaoyao, especially Ren Xiaoyao, who was very famous in God Realm, reconciled Wu Shi and Shi Wuji.

Everyone's look has become a little weird, and the Jie family and the Shi family haven't dealt with it, because the matter of the Jieshi Dadian has recently become even more fierce.

Xie Wushuang came to the Shiyuan Square in Qianyuan today, and he came here to make it clear. Now Shi Tianying and Shi Qingyi are here. There is even Ren Xiaoyao, the holy son of Shaoguang Xianmen.

Shi Tianying stepped forward, and his eyes fell on the avenue source bead floating in the void, with a scorching color in his eyes.

As for Ling Xiao, he was not put in his eyes at all. .

He stretched out his hand and grabbed toward the source bead.

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and he directly flied his hands. The vast and majestic swallowing force exploded, and Daoyuanzhu directly flew back into his palm.

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