Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2903: It's a gamble!

At the moment, Shi Tianying doesn't seem to have any intention to close up. It's still caught by the sky, and the cultivation of the fairy king realm explodes, making this claw seem to be able to tear the void, and it is unmatched.

"Daoyuanyuanzhu is not for sale, go!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, and then volleyed a punch!


Ling Xiao's fist seal is fierce and contains extremely powerful oppression, and Shi Tianying's palm collided instantly, and a muffled noise broke out in the void.

Ling Xiao didn't move, and Shi Tianying couldn't help but change his face, feeling a stream of mountains and sea-like divine power rushing in, making his arm tremor, even making a crisp noise.


Shi Tianying's arm broke off directly.

The blood was flying, Shi Tianying was shaking, the whole blood was tumbling, staggering back, and finally was helped by Ren Xiaoyao, which stabilized the figure.

"Dare you hurt me?"

Shi Tianying scolded loudly, with a cold killing in his eyes.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As his voice sounded, there was a powerful figure around him instantly, and his eyes were indifferent. His whole body was murderous, and he enveloped the three people of Ling Xiao, Xie Wushuang and Heiyun Gongzi.

The guards of Shijia Qianyuan Shifang were dispatched.

Shi Tianying's injury was something everyone had not expected.

After all, Ling Xiao looked like a fairy, and it was almost impossible to be able to seriously injure Shi Tianying in the fairy king realm.

I'm afraid Ling Xiao is hiding cultivation behavior.

"Hurt you? Daoyuanyuanzhu is my thing. I said no, I wouldn't sell it! Can't you still **** it?"

Ling Xiao sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Besieged by the strong people of the surrounding Shijia, he did not have the slightest fear, holding the source beads, the whole person seemed very relaxed, but gave everyone an unfathomable feeling.

"It turned out to be an immortal deity? Really disrespectful. Since you are an immortal deity, why should you pretend to be an immortal man?

Ren Xiaoyao gave Ling Xiao a faint look.

"none of your business!"

Ling Xiao glanced at Ren Xiaoyao.


It's so arrogant!

Everyone looked at each other, and did not expect that Ling Xiao not only injured Shi Tianying, but even Ren Xiaoyao didn't take it in his eyes.

Hearing Ling Xiao's words, even Ren Xiaoyao's elegant face showed a hint of coldness.

"Shi Tianying, what do you want to do? Can Qianfang Shifang force buy and sell? Dadao Yuanzhu was released by Lei Ling, who he wants to sell is his freedom! I advise you to be honest, otherwise don't Blame me for tearing down the Qianyuan Shifang!"

Xie Wushuang stood up and said lightly.

Although she was beautiful, she was wearing armor, she looked heroic, and her words were so domineering, as if she did not put Shijia in her eyes at all.

"Xie Wushuang, dare you?"

Shi Tianying said angrily, with a trace of fierceness in his eyes, as if he didn't agree with one word, he would start in this Qianyuan Shifang.

At the moment, the black cloud son's face is even more ugly.

He was regarded as a companion for Ling Xiao's reconciliation, and was besieged by the strong of the Shijia. At this moment, he was neither walking nor staying, which was extremely embarrassing.

And all this was caused by Ling Xiao. He wanted to shout that he had nothing to do with Ling Xiao, but after seeing the Jie Wushuang around him, he still swallowed it.

This Leiling is simply a broom star!

No, Leiling?

The name sounds familiar.

There was a trace of doubt in Master Heiyun's eyes.

Between Xie Wushuang and Shi Tianying, there was another crossbow.

"Tianying, stop! You are all withdrawing. We in Qianyuan Shifang open the door to do business. The visitor is a guest. Miss Wushuang is here, and we are naturally welcome!"

At this moment, Shi Qingyi stopped Shi Tianying and smiled indifferently at Xie Wushuang.

Her smile was like a spring breeze and rain, and the dignified atmosphere was slightly eased in an instant, and the strong members of the Shi family all retreated under the command of Shi Qingyi.

"Yes! We came in the name of Qianyuan Shifang. They all said that there are many treasures in Qianyuan Shifang, so we have to come and see! Now it seems that it is really good, and it can solve the best. It can be said that the defense of fairy artifacts, three-color fairy lotus fire and Dayuanyuanzhu is an unexpected joy!"

Xie Wushuang said lightly, but there was satire in the words.

"It's your creation to be able to solve the treasure! But Wushuang, the most precious thing in our Qianyuan Shifang is the Tianzi Bieyuan. The fairy stone in this Dianzi Bieyuan is not worthy of your identity, not as good as mine Come to accompany Miss Wushuang and go to Tianzi Bieyuan to play, how?"

Shi Qingyi smiled slightly.

"How to play?"

"It's easy! Gambling Stones! We choose a piece of fairy stone in Tianzi Bieyuan, and it depends on who has the highest value of treasures in the stone, and who wins, how?"

"Yes! But how do you want to gamble? How about losing? How about winning?"

"If you lose! Your friend hurt my third brother, just let him kneel and kowtow to apologize to me? If you win, the treasures unearthed from the two fairy stones belong to you. !"

"No! I never take a friend as a bet, let alone Shi Tianying's injury, everyone knows it!"

Xie Wushuang shook his head and rejected Shi Qingyi's bet.

This time she came to bet on stones, but she had her own principles and could not bet on the dignity of Ling Xiao.

"Miss Wushuang, are you afraid?"

Shi Qingyi chuckled softly.

"There is no fear or fear. This is a matter of principle. I don’t have the habit of betting on the dignity of my friends! If you want to bet, you can also bet a big one. If you lose, you will put Qianyuan Shifang Leave it to me! If we lose, Xuanhuangshifang belongs to you!"

Xie Wushuang said lightly.


Xie Wushuang's surprised everyone.

Xie Wushuang's bet is too big, even to take two Shifang as a bet?

Xuanhuang Stone Square, one of Xiejia's signature stone squares, is not weaker than Qianyuan Stone Square, which also has many precious fairy stones and fairy jade babies.

Once this bet comes into effect, it is a big bet that both Jiejia and Shijia will shake!

No matter who loses a stone workshop, they will be seriously hurt.

Especially at this critical moment when the Jieshi Grand Ceremony is about to begin, this bet almost decides to understand the success or failure of the two Stones!

Gambling too hard! !

Shi Qingyi's brows were also frowned, and she didn't expect Jie Wushuang to play so big, her original intention was just to give Shi Tianying a breath.

And now, if you accept this bet, it is directly related to understanding the victory or defeat of the two stone interpretations!

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