Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3007: Shattered to death!


Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, his whole body blazed with blood, and there was a terrible killing breath.

He used the technique of killing immortals, as if forming a field of killing all around him. Every time the sword of immortal kills in his hand, he can destroy everything and match his power.

As for Kunlun Qin and Kunlun Sansong, although they are extremely strange, they directly attack Ling Xiao's Yuanshen, but they are all resolved by his Heaven Swallowing Mystery.

Ling Xiao held the Fairy Sword, against Wu Xingchen, Ren Tianjue, and Dongfang Bai. The sword light spread across the Quartet, and a shadow of Jian Qi appeared in the void.

Every collision of Ji Dao imperial soldiers will inspire millions of Dao's divine light.


In the four-image Futian array map, the Jidao Emperor's soldiers crossed the sky and reached the extreme, and the Jidao Emperor's dignity spread thinly, covering Ling Xiao and Wu Xingchen and others.


Ling Xiao's eyes were indifferent, and the Xianxianjian was urged to the extreme by him, and he suddenly collided with the Zhenwujian. The unparalleled divine power exploded and directly flew Wu Xingchen out.

Yin and Yang Ding came out of the sky, and there were Yin and Yang intertwined. Ding mouth seems to contain a Yin and Yang world, which can take everything into it and completely wipe it out.

Ling Xiao came with the sword, and immediately cut out hundreds of swords. The sword gas enveloped the Yin and Yang Dings, and the sound of gold and iron struck, and finally the Yin and Yang Dings flew out.

Dongfang Bai was shocked, and his eyes were full of horror.

He didn't even think that his cultivation practice was higher than Ling Xiao's, and that he had Ji Dao imperial soldiers in his hand, but he fell into the downwind and was suppressed by Ling Xiao's death.


The light beams emitted from the shaker mirrors were annihilated one after another, quickly decomposed in the killing field around Ling Xiao, and there was no way to even touch Ling Xiao's body.

Ling Xiao held the Immortal Sword in one hand, and showed his unmatched fist marks in one hand. The vast boxing fist was full of heaven and earth. Every drop of the fist contained the power to shatter everything.

Wu Xingchen, Dongfangbai, and Nintendo were all shaking, their blood turned up, and their faces became extremely ugly.

Ling Xiao shot too harsh and overbearing!

Although the three of them were strong, and there were three great imperial soldiers, there was no way to suppress Ling Xiao. Instead, Ling Xiao became stronger and stronger.

The Xianxian sword is entangled with the three martial arts soldiers of the true sword, the light mirror, and the Yin and Yang Ding. Each blow can radiate an unparalleled light and sweep the emptiness of the four sides.

Ling Xiao was surrounded by chaos, and the immortal body of Hongmeng was urged to the extreme by him. The whole person exudes a domineering momentum!

He chased the stars and rushed to the moon. The Sword of Immortal Sword opened the true sword. The unmatched chaotic fist marks suppressed it, making Wu Xingchen's complexion change. He felt that all the voids around him were filled with boxing intentions. a feeling of.


Wu Xingchen's face was pale, and he wanted to move away.

But he couldn't escape Ling Xiao's punch.


Wu Xingchen was in shock, and the fist of the True Wu Emperor broke out. This punch hit his chest, making him tremble and flew straight out.


He coughed up blood violently in his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror.

"Lei Ling, Hugh is rampant!"

Ren Tianjue drank a loud voice, the shaking mirror in his hand burst into infinite light, and the beams of light penetrated the void, intertwined into a lore field, and enveloped towards Leiling.


Swallowing Ling Xiao violently screamed, the Immortal Sword instantly differentiated hundreds of millions of avenues in the void, and greeted them towards those beams, all of which were simultaneously annihilated.


A wave of mountain and tsunami erupted throughout Ling Xiao's body. The secret technique of swallowing the sky was urged to the extreme by him. Within his body, the chaotic light was thin, and a vast swallowing vortex emerged.

The piece engulfed the vortex, quickly exploding in the void.

The turbulent fairy light around, and the powerful force intertwined with the sky, were swallowed by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao as a whole turned into an ancient fierce beast, rushing into it, as if he didn't take Wu Xingchen's eyes at all.


The tremor of Yin and Yang Ding flew out directly, and Dong Xiaobai's chest was cut with a sword by Ling Xiao, the blood was blurred, and the whole person was pulled by the engulfing vortex, as if to be completely engulfed.


The notes of Kunlun Sansong came to an abrupt end, and Ling Xiao's punch hit the Kunlun Qin, which made Kunlun Qin shine radiantly.

Fang Qingxue was hit by the huge anti-shock force, and the whole person flew out directly, his eyes full of incredible looks.


Ling Xiao strode the meteor like a flash of lightning, and it can't be beaten by anyone.

Wu Xingchen and Ren Tianjue were instantly shrouded in **** fist prints. Their mouths roared repeatedly, but there was no way to resist them.

A huge fist print slammed on their chests, causing them to collapse, their mouths spurting blood, and their faces became extremely pale.


The horrible engulfing power around Ling Xiao is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, even the Sixiang Futian array is directly torn apart.

His body contains the power of ruining the world, and the four sons are so vulnerable in front of him!


Ling Xiao Lingkong pointed out, pointing to the Mang hole through everything, coming towards Wu Xingchen's eyebrows, containing a great burst of power fluctuations.

This finger came through the void and contained the power of the years, making Wu Xingchen tremble, and the surrounding time seemed to freeze.

There was a terrified look in his eyes, and he felt the threat of death completely.

"Go away!"

Wu Xingchen roared with a loud voice, burning the body's blood, trying to avoid Ling Xiao's finger.


But Ling Xiao's finger not only contains the power of unmatched flesh, but also the godless technique of the Great Emperor of the Years.

Ling Zhi pointed his finger, pierced Wu Xingchen's eyebrow, and then clicked on his immortal Yuanshen.


Wu Xingchen's immortal Yuanshen shattered openly, and then Ling Xiao caught in the sky, and suddenly grabbed a strange Dao fruit from Wu Xingchen's immortal Yuanshen.

That is the fruit of the origin of Zhenwu was forcibly extracted by Ling Xiao!


Wu Xingchen's flesh was torn apart, and the whole person exploded directly in the void, with no bones and scattered souls!

Ling Xiao directly integrated that Dao Guo into the eye of Yuanshen's consciousness of the eyebrows, cast the secret technique of swallowing the sky, and refined it directly!

"He is the first! You all have to die!"

Ling Xiao sneered with a sneer, thunderous and shocking.

Ren Tianjue, Dongfang Bai and Fang Qingxue all changed their faces, their eyes were full of terrified looks. The Saint Wu Xingchen of the Zhenwu Immortal Gate was even cut by Ling Xiao?

A big deal is about to happen!

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