Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3008: Kill Nintendo!

What Wu Xingchen cultivated was Zhenwu Avenue, which enlightened the origin of Zhenwu Avenue. Zhenwu Avenue entered Wuxian Dao with martial arts. It included countless martial arts exercises, countless martial arts insights, and contained the most original martial consciousness.

After Ling Xiao swallowed the Dao fruit of Zhenwu Avenue, a torrent of information burst into his mind, and countless martial senses were integrated into his Yuanshen.

Zhenwu Emperor's Boxing, Wandao Killing Boxing, Emperor's Overlord Boxing, Junling World's Potential, Wanjian Jue, Tiandaojian......

Countless powerful martial arts magical powers and insights have been perceived by Ling Xiao.

These are all Wu Xingchen's lifelong martial arts perceptions, and from martial arts into immortal road, to achieve Zhenwu Avenue, condenses the true martial arts fruit.

Ling Xiao can feel that Wu Xingchen's strength is indeed very strong. This is a peerless genius born for martial arts. He has extremely powerful fighting instincts. He has been killed all the way from the weak and eventually became the son of Zhenwu Xianmen. Cultivated as the future master of Zhenwu Xianmen.

It can be said that as long as Wu Xingchen doesn't die, the future will become an immortal monarch, able to control the true Wuxian Gate and become a generation of the strongest.

Unfortunately, the gap between him and Ling Xiao is too great.

Although he is two small realms higher than Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao's immortal body and chaotic **** bones have become so desperate that apart from the extreme Taoist soldiers, general fairy tools can't do anything to Ling Xiao caused any harm.

Ling Xiao's flesh is invincible, and has formed a crushing trend. Although Ling Xiao has not yet condensed the original body, his fist is intended to devour the mighty sea, like the resurrection of the emperor, and the sky is overwhelming. Wu Xingchen is even a punch. Can't get it.

Therefore, although Wu Xingchen is very powerful, he eventually died in Ling Xiao's hands!


The Zhenwujian shivered slightly, radiating a blazing light, and the divine emperor sprayed thin voids, and instantly went across the sky, directly breaking through the void and leaving the fairy demon cave.

Wu Xingchen is not the master of the true sword. After Wu Xingchen's death, the true sword will naturally return to his true master.

Ling Xiao did not stop him. With his current cultivation practice, it was not enough to forcibly grab the Ji Dao imperial soldiers and erase the original master's brand on it.

Ling Xiao's eyes are fierce, and there are extremely terrifying powers around him, especially after swallowing the real martial arts fruit, making his fighting instinct stronger and stronger.

At the moment, because of Wu Xingchen's death, Ren Tianjue, Dongfangbai and Fang Qingxue are all pale, and my eyes are full of horror.

The powerful pressure of Ling Xiao came from all over the place, making their hearts tremble, and almost all had lost their fighting intentions.

"Wu Xingchen is dead, Lei Ling is too fierce and already enchanted! Let's go quickly, please Brother Taiyuan, come to eliminate the demon!"

Ren Tianjue gritted his teeth, and suddenly rose up into the sky, directly choosing to escape.

Dongfang Bai and Fang Qingxue also changed their faces. As soon as Ren Tianjue came out, they did not hesitate anymore, and chose to flee around.


The killer flickered in Ling Xiao's eyes, and a thunderous drink broke out in his mouth. He took a step forward, and in a blink of an eye, went directly to Nintendo.

Feeling the horrific murderous intention coming from behind, Ren Tianjue's face changed drastically, and she was about to scold her mother.

This bastard, Lei Ling, didn't even chase Dongfang Bai and Fang Qingxue, and put all his attention on him, making him cry.

In particular, Ren Tianjue felt that Ling Xiao was even faster than him, and the distance between the two was constantly being pulled in.

"Leiling, get out of here!"

Nintendo roared in despair and despair.


The light-shaking mirror in his hand burst into infinite quantity of light, the transfiguration was translucent, and the fairy light was everywhere, and the beams of light interweaved and shot towards Ling Xiao.

He does not expect to be able to kill Ling Xiao, but only hopes to slow down the speed of Ling Xiao's pursuit.


The Xianxian sword is unmatched in light, and the sword qi traverses the void. Ling Xiao strikes the Xianxian sword in the sky, constantly slashing those beams, while the speed is not reduced, it is still chasing Nintendo.

"Nin Tianjue, take me a punch!"

Ling Xiao's speed suddenly accelerated, and instantly approached Ren Tianju's vastness, then Ling Kong punched out.

The majestic fist was thinned out, and the chaos **** bone in Ling Xiao's chest was thinned out by the light of chaos. His fist combined the power of the mystery of chaos, just like the earth, it instantly enveloped Nintendo.

This punch is inevitable.

Ren Tian was so desperate that he was about to spur blood, and his eyes were filled with a shocked and angry look. He didn’t dare to take Ling Xiao’s fist at all. The shaking mirror in his hand instantly rose into the air and moved towards Ling Xiao. The punch greeted him.


The violent shock of the void, Ling Xiao punched on the shaking mirror.

This is the first time Ling Xiao has shaken the extremely imperial soldiers with meat fist.

The beam of light emitted from the shaking mirror was so horrible that it tore his flesh and blood instantly, blurring his fist and revealing crystal clear bones.


Ling Xiao's skeleton made a trembling sound, rippling an immortal luster, mysterious.

Although his flesh and blood can't bear the power of the mirror, his bones are extremely strong, even the mirror can't be destroyed.

And the unmatched boxing exploded, the peerless fist combined with the mystery of chaos, as if it could break everything, directly trembling slightly, and flew back.

"Hahaha...Ji Dao Imperial Soldier, but so!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were filled with incomparably powerful fighting intent, his whole body was full of blood, and his breath became more and more terrifying.

And Nian Tianjue's face was covered with cold sweat and became extremely pale, with an incredible horror in his eyes.

What did he see?

How could this Lei Ling really shake the imperial soldiers with flesh and blood?

The last trace of warfare in his heart also disappeared, instantly burning his life and speeding up, trying to escape.

He never wants to see Leiling It's terrible!

However, Ling Xiao did not intend to let him go. It was also a secret technique of moving. The whole person was like a shuttle to the void. The surrounding scenes became extremely illusory, and the distance between him and Ren Tianjue was quickly pulled in.

These four princes are all peerless arrogance of Xianmen, each of which is superb in strength, extremely powerful, and has various cards.

Just in the Four Elephants Futian array map, if it was not for Xiao Xiao's surprise, the mighty power of the Xeon broke out and directly killed Wu Xingchen. It is really difficult to kill the four of them.

Especially in the case of their wholehearted escape, Ling Xiao could not kill all three of Nin Tianjue, Dongfang Bai and Fang Qingxue, and could only choose to kill one.

And no matter what, it is naturally the best choice!

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