Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3011: Jump out of 3 circles, not in 5 rows!

Three days.

Ling Xiao has been wandering through the fairy demon cave for three days, and he has been turned by him for millions of miles. During these three days, he only met two disciples of Zhenwu Immortal Gate and four disciples who shook the Light Immortal Gate. , All died in his hands.

But other than that, the people of the Nine Great Immortal Gates seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and they didn't know where they were.

Even the disciples of the six great religions, Ling Xiao did not encounter one.

"Have they entered some ruins?"

Ling Xiao thought secretly, frowning slightly.

Entering the fairy demon cave is randomly transmitted. It stands to reason that he has been wandering for three years, and he should have met some disciples of the six gods.

However, he didn't even notice the war dust and Wuhen.

This made him have to wonder if something changed in this fairy demon cave.

The Xianmo Cave is vast, but there are no people in the forbidden places that the Protoss and Clan people used to go to most often.

Even, there is no trace of fighting.

"Xianmo Cave is a little weird!"

When Ling Xiao returned to the Forest of Life again, a dignified color appeared in his eyes.

Ling Xiao, found that the traces of his previous battle with Wu Xingchen and Ren Tianjue all disappeared.

It's like being directly erased by some kind of power.

Although Wu Xingchen and Ren Tianjue's Dao Guo were taken away by Ling Xiao, their flesh and blood, Ling Xiao did not move.

At this moment, Ling Xiao found that the flesh and even the broken clothes and fairy were gone.

And in the forest of life, the weird power that devours vitality has not completely disappeared, but it is weaker than before.

It was quiet all around.

The fallen leaves on the ground are very thick, and the sunlight falls from the gap between the branches and leaves, making the surroundings very silent.

However, this silence gave Ling Xiao a chilling feeling.


The feeling of uneasiness in Ling Xiao's heart grew stronger and stronger, and he rose in an instant.

He emptied his feet and looked at this world.


The feeling for Ling Xiao was incomparable silence. The original powerful beasts, and even all the powerful flying birds and monsters that were attacked in the sky, disappeared.

As if feeling the storm is coming, the fierce beasts are hiding!

This state is not right.

Ling Xiao suddenly felt that there was a powerful crisis in his heart.

But the surroundings were extremely calm, so Ling Xiao could not see where the crisis came from.

But that sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger.

The feeling is like sinking into a muddy swamp, sinking little by little, there is no way but to gradually greet death.

Next, before waiting for Ling Xiao to do anything, he saw a very shocking scene.

The heaven and earth in front of me, the mountains and rivers in the distance, and even the void around me, everything Ling Xiao's eyes could melt into one slowly.

It was like being squashed and turned into a flat surface, just like a picture painted by a person, and then fell lightly.

Ling Xiao couldn't move at all in an instant.

Although his thinking did not have any influence, but he felt his body, his primordial spirit, his sweat, everything in his body was still.

He seemed to be incorporated into the picture.

This is the kind of crisis.


Ling Xiao did not hesitate to urge his cultivation practice. Fifteen Daoguo were like shining stars, radiating an infinite amount of light in his Yuanshen knowledge and sea, providing him with endless power.

At the same time, Wu Xiao Tian Shu and the forged jade dish were also urged by Ling Xiao, and his whole person's breath became extremely terrifying, and he wanted to break away from the strange **** power around him.

Ling Xiao was able to move, although it was still very slow.

But he seemed to be detached from the picture scroll, drilled out of the picture scroll little by little, and finally burst out suddenly.

In front of Ling Xiao, there were bright lights.

The white expanse is like a chaotic space, and you can't see anything clearly.

The sky turned upside down, everything was silent, Ling Xiao suddenly fell down, and smashed **** the extremely hard ground.

Then, Ling Xiao saw a scene that shocked him.

The heaven, earth, void, mountains, rivers and all things of the fairy demon cave formed a mysterious picture, all turned into planes, forming a leaf and flying in the air.

In front of Ling Xiao, a huge ancient tree appeared.

The tree is rooted in chaos, surrounded by chaotic fog, mysterious and peaceful, with lush foliage and a tree crown like a dome, covering the sky and the sun.

On top of those leaves, a mysterious scene of a world appeared until it was swallowed, as if countless worlds had evolved, mysterious to the extreme.

Ling Xiao appeared in an extremely vast space.

There is no space, no time, no heaven and earth, and no laws of the avenue.

Ling Xiao is just like that, appearing abruptly under the ancient tree.

He was still unable to move around, only his mind was not restricted, and he could see the leaves above that ancient tree, just like an ancient world.

And those branches are the passages between the world, connecting the endless world.

This feeling is very wonderful, just like jumping out of the world's imprisonment and seeing everything in the world.

Suddenly a feeling emerged in Ling Xiao's heart.

Jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements.

He feels like this now, watching everything in the heavens and the universe in a very strange state.

And the trunk of the ancient tree, in Ling Xiao's eyes, seemed to turn into an incomparably huge road, running through hundreds of millions of worlds, through the chaotic void, and through the river of time, eternal and immortal.

The trunk leads to an unknown space, where it seems to have a magnificent scene that is difficult to understand.

"Is this tree what we call the heavens and the universe, or... the universe?"

The shock in Ling Xiao's heart was shocked like never before.

It seems that countless years have passed, and it seems just a moment.

Ling Xiao was just like that. Sitting under the old tree, she saw that the leaves of the old tree were yellow and fell, and then pulled out new buds again, exuding vitality.

"One leaf, one world, one leaf falling, does it mean that the era is a catastrophe?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment.

He is here as if he has gone through spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The ancient tree also appeared in four different strange states.

From the old tree scattered machine the new buds were extracted, and the new buds grew up to become leaves. The old trees were lush and full of extremes, then gradually yellowed, the leaves slowly fell off, and finally fell to the root of the tree Office.

The leaves collapsed and merged with the roots of the tree, and all traces were erased, as if they had never existed before.

There are only huge tree trunks, which are constantly rising into the sky, as if accumulating strength to break through this vast bondage.

Ye Shengye falls.

Then, it was another reincarnation!

ps: Let me know in advance, it will break out tomorrow, at least ten changes, fight for fifteen changes! The book is late, so writing is slow, only two changes a day, everyone forgive me. In addition, you can add my v-worker number and search for my name "Twilight God" directly. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly. I will also post some fan and plot content on it. Thank you.

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