Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3012: The trail of the Protoss!

I don't know how long after that, the ancient tree in front of Ling Xiao seems to have experienced a reincarnation, and then slowly disappeared in front of Ling Xiao.

The scene in front of Ling Xiao changed, and he appeared in the fairy demon cave again.

Still above the forest of life.

The life forest below is lush and contains magnificent vitality. At the same time, it also breeds countless powerful beasts, and sometimes roars shake the sky and resound through the forest.

"Just that was an illusion?"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed with fineness, thinking secretly.

But he felt that it was not an illusion, it was a scene that really existed. There were still no traces of actuation in the wordless scriptures and forged jade dishes in his body, and even the source of life in his body consumed a lot.

Originally Ling Xiao gained the majestic vitality in the heart that swallowed the fairy emperor, but now it is almost exhausted.

"I inadvertently got rid of the shackles of this universe, beyond the avenue, and saw the most real scene? The so-called heavens and the world are just countless leaves on a tree?"

Ling Xiao's heart shook, this thought made him a little unbelievable, but it seemed reasonable again.

For an ant, perhaps a small puddle is the vast sea, and a dirt **** is the mountain range that rises into the clouds.

The scene I just saw made Ling Xiao feel very shocked, as if the Yuanshen had sublimated a little.

"Or, is that detached power?"

Ling Xiao's heart vibrated as if he had thought of something.

According to legend, the top of the emperor is the road of detachment, beyond the detachment avenue, detached from the heavens and the world, and detached from the strength of this world.

Ling Xiao vaguely felt that perhaps he had just unintentionally discovered some great secret.

"No matter what, that kind of power is not what I can touch now! Why is there such a strange power in this fairy demon cave, is it because this is the land of imperial war?"

At the same time, Ling Xiao's heart is also full of doubts.

He strolled through this fairy devil cave for three days, but he did not find the whereabouts of the Protoss and the Clan, but he accidentally strayed into that strange space.

In that space, whether it is the fairy demon cave or the heavens and the world, it seems to have turned into a leaf, which is very clearly presented in front of him.

Could it be that the people of the Protoss and Immortals also entered the space?

Ling Xiao felt that maybe they were just affected, but they should not jump out of the Three Realms directly like they did.

After all, Ling Xiao broke out the power of two great chaotic treasures before he could do it in front of him.

Anyway, that scene has been deeply imprinted into Ling Xiao's mind, leaving an indelible impression.

"Huh? There is a breath of fairy in the distance?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and suddenly noticed the sound of fighting in the distance, he instantly converged his breath and moved away.

On the edge of the forest of life, three or five elder clan strongmen in robes are besieging a lion with a reddish body.

"Kill this sacred lion king and get its inner pill, the last fire attribute of inner princess of the five elements treasure will be gathered together!"

Headed by a young man in a black robe holding a fairy sword, his face is cold and arrogant and his breath is powerful and unmatched.

His cultivation base has reached the double heaven of the fairy kingdom, and the remaining four people are all powerful in the fairy kingdom!

"Congratulations to the two sons, with these treasures of five elements, we can open that ruin, and the people of the Protoss who are hiding in it will be killed!"

A few Xianzun disciples next to them all complimented.

"Yes! Everyone work harder, this venerable lion king is almost done!"

The young man in black robe sneered.


The sword spirit is vertical and horizontal, and the dazzling divine light seems to be able to destroy everything. Under the siege of the five powerful men, the lion king is completely wounded, and finally screamed with a sorrow, and was directly pierced with his eyebrows and exterminated. Yuanshen, soul disappeared.


The body of the Lion King Jueyan hit the ground fiercely, breaking several towering ancient trees, and made a violent roar, like a small hill.


Holding the fairy sword, the young man in black robe directly cut the belly of the Lion King of Jueyan, and then took out a dazzling red inner pill from it, lingering around the dazzling flame.

It is the Nedan of the Lion King!

After seeing this inner pill, the disciples of Xianzun Realm could not help swallowing their saliva, their eyes full of fiery look.

Among this inner pill, there is a very pure source of flame. If it can be refined and then slowly realized, it will not take long for them to break through to the realm of immortal king.

"Let's go! This time, we must kill those despicable protoss!"

The young man in black robe put Neidan away and sneered.

But at this moment, they found a person appeared behind them.

"Who are you?"

The eyes of the black robe youth flashed, and sighed coldly.

Stopped in front of them, naturally is Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao said lightly: "I heard that you are looking for the Protoss people? Exactly, I am also looking for them. Why not take me with you?"

"Look for death! Are you also a protoss? The ants-like things dare to stop the way of the son and leave me!"

The black robe youth's eyes flashed with a murderous opportunity, and the fairy sword in his hand pierced out, pointing directly at Ling Xiao's brow.

The four people behind the black robe, after seeing Ling Xiao, could not help but change their face, instantly recognized Ling Xiao's identity, and quickly exclaimed.

"Second son, be careful! He is Leiling, Leling of the ancient gods, Nintendo will be defeated by him!"

However, they said it was too late, the fairy sword of the black robe youth had reached Ling Xiao's eyebrows.


Ling Xiao stretched out **** and directly clamped the fairy sword, the sword qi was annihilated, and the fairy sword buzzed and shook, shaking the void.

The young man in black robe couldn't help but change his He felt that Ling Xiao was like a huge wild beast with infinite power. The fairy sword was caught by Ling Xiao, and he couldn't even pull it out.

"Young people are so angry, you don't listen if I talk to you. Do you want me to do it?"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, flashing sharply in his eyes.


Between his two fingers, it seemed that there was a horrible force bursting out instantly. His **** shook, and the unparalleled divine power exploded, instantly shaking that fairy sword into several sections.

He punched out in the air.

The face of the young man in black robe changed greatly, and he felt Ling Xiao in front of him, as if he had transformed from a little sheep into a wild beast directly, exuding an unstoppable momentum.

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