Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3013: 2 sons too Xuan!


The young man in black robe unconsciously stretched out his arms to resist, but his arms were bombarded by Ling Xiao, and the whole person flew out directly, with blood spouting in his mouth!

"Railing? Are you the one who has been defeated by boxing?"

The second son's eyes were full of horror.

The four immortal people quickly stepped forward to support the second son, and at the same time sacrificed their swords, staring at Ling Xiao with great vigilance.

"Taiyi Xianmen people? Say, where are the six gods, how are they now!"

Ling Xiao said faintly that he had a strong and unprecedented force to suppress him.

These five people are all disciples of Taiyi Xianmen.

However, the second son, headed by Ling Xiao, felt a little strange, and he didn't seem to have seen this person before.

"Lei Ling, do you dare to deal with me? Do you know who my elder brother is? My elder brother is Taiyuan. Hurry and apologize to me, as long as you apologize, I will forgive you!"

The young man in black robe stared at Ling Xiao and shouted.

And the four disciples of Taiyi Xianmen beside him could not help but twitched their mouths. Their second son was so stupid that he dared to threaten Ling Xiao at this time?

This guy, even Ren Tianjue, dared to do it directly. How could he face Taiyuan Shengzi? What's more, Taiyuan Shengzi is not here.

"Taiyuan's younger brother? It seems that I caught a big fish today. It's not bad. Since you are so brave, I still have to work hard. Let's search the soul!"

Ling Xiao stepped towards the young man in black robe and said with a smile.

"Lei Ling, you can't do it to the second son, otherwise Taiyuan Shengzi won't let you go..."

The disciples who devoured the four Taiyi Xianmen said with courage.

But before they finished speaking, they were swept away by Ling Xiao with a random wave.

Ling Xiao walked to the front of the young man in black robe, held out his hand, grabbed his neck, and lifted him up.

The young man in black robe was finally a little scared, his eyes full of terrified look.

"It hurts... Lei Ling, let me go! You can't search my soul, you want to know what, I will tell you, let me go, bastard..."

The young man in black robe is half begging for mercy and half threatening.

"Interesting! Say it!"

Ling Xiao's eyes gleamed with fineness, feeling that the young man in black robe had some meaning, and then put him down.

After the young man in black robe was put down by Ling Xiao, he didn't have to wait for Ling Xiao to ask him, he was like pouring beans into a bamboo tube, and said everything.

Ling Xiao's expression gradually became dignified.

"You mean, most of the disciples of the ancient gods were killed, and now the rest are trapped in a ruin?"

Ling Xiao's expression was a bit cold.

According to this black-robed young man, he was named Taixuan, but Taiyuan's brother. This time he was buried in a treasure of Taiyuan, and he wanted to be in the fairy demon cave. Experience it.

Tai Xuan and the several true disciples of Tongtian Xianmen have a good relationship. This time they formed a team and prepared to hunt down the disciples of the six gods together.

The disciples of the ancient **** religion inadvertently met the people who passed through the Tianxian Gate. A war broke out between the two parties, and then the disciples of the ancient **** religion fled into a ruin.

However, there is a powerful formation guard in that ruin. Taixuan’s formation has a good attainment, knowing that the treasure of the five elements and the treasure of Yin and Yang are required to be able to break through the large formation.

Therefore, Tai Xuan would come out to collect the treasures of the five elements, but did not expect to meet Ling Xiao.

"Lei Ling, I didn't kill the disciples of the ancient gods. They were all killed by the people who passed through the Tianxian Gate. By the time I arrived, they had escaped to the ruins!"

Taixuan quickly explained.

"Why do you want to team up with Zhenwu Xianmen instead of staying with Taiyuan? Is he so relieved of your safety?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and asked faintly.

"My elder brother seems to have gone to explore the remains of an emperor. I have no time to take care of me and let me experience myself. No one dares to hurt me anyway..."

After Tai Xuan finished speaking, he gave Ling Xiao a careful look.

He did not expect that he would meet Ling Xiao, the star.


Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, although he could feel that Tai Xuan did not lie, but he always felt that there was something wrong with it.

"It's true, I'm not too deceiving!"

Taixuan said quickly.

"Well, take me to see the ruins there!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Lei Ling, won't you kill me? My elder brother is Taiyuan. You can't kill me. As long as you let me go, I will let my elder brother spare you!"

Tai Xuan glanced at Ling Xiao.

"If you are obedient, I can choose to spare your life!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Tai Xuan gritted his teeth.

"Second son, no, you can't believe him, he..."

A disciple of Taiyi Xianmen said quickly.


Among the eyes of Ling Xiao, Han Mang flashed, the emptiness was empty, and the mans seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and instantly penetrated the eyebrows of the four Taiyi Xianmen disciples, and completely killed their Yuanshen.

The strong man of Xianzun Realm, in Ling Xiao's eyes now, is nothing but a ants, which can be destroyed easily.

Seeing the four Taiyi Xianmen disciples, Ling Xiao said to kill, Tai Xuan couldn't help but shudder, crawled up and led the way for Ling Xiao obediently.

This is really a peerless person!

Taixuan didn't want to die like this, but it seemed that Ling Xiao was also a little afraid of his brother Taiyuan, so he didn't dare to kill him directly.

Tai Xuan's heart was a little calm, and only hoped that Taiyuan could come quickly. The world outside was terrible. These **** races were like a group of ruthless people.

Under the leadership of Taixuan, Ling Xiao followed him through several mountains, and finally entered from inside a cave. He walked thousands of miles before his eyes suddenly became bright, and there were no other caves in it.

This seems to be an extremely hidden valley, which can't be found from above the sky. The vast expanse of the valley is covered with exotic flowers and plants.

But at the moment, it seemed that the valley had experienced a war.

There are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and the **** gas is very rich, not only the strong of the fairy, but also the strong of the god.

Dozens of disciples of the Immortal Clan, with a cold breath and cold eyes, held a powerful fairy tool, and surrounded a shining void channel in the distance.

These are all disciples of Taiyi Xianmen and Tongtian Xianmen.

When Tai Xuan walked into the valley with Ling Xiao, everyone's eyes suddenly fell on the two of them.


All the immortals were shocked, and their eyes showed a shocked and fearful look.

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