Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3014: Tu Tu Tong Tian Xian Men!

"Fifteen people from Taiyi Immortal Gate, 42 people from Tongtian Immortal Gate, hey, Jianxin Shengzi is not here? It seems that beyond the Jianxin, they are all here!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a smile like a smile.

There has been a fierce battle in this valley. The Protoss has suffered heavy casualties. The Immortals have also killed some people. After a closer look, they are almost all here except for the Son of Sword Heart who passes through the Heavenly Gate. Too.

Ling Xiao's body exuded a terrible killing intention. The disciples of the ancient gods died more than 30 people. Those people had respectfully called him the son of God, but in the blink of an eye, they were killed by the clan. People slaughtered.

Ling Xiao still came a step late.

"Lei Ling, you are about to release your second son, otherwise Taiyuan Shengzi will not let you go!"

Among the Taiyi Immortal Gate, a young man headed by the double heaven of Immortal King Realm sighed, his eyes full of frightened expression.

He did not expect that the second son went out to find the treasure of the five elements, and actually fell into the hands of Lei Ling, the star.

"Lei Ling, what do you want to do? This is not a place where you can be arrogant, leave quickly!"

Headed by Tongtianxianmen is a good-looking, cold-looking and proud woman, wearing a long skirt, her coat fluttering with immortality, some sternly said.

Her cultivation practice has also reached the double heaven of the fairy land.

Ling Xiao's strength, she is also very clear, outside the fairy demon cave, Ling Xiao defeated the son of the Immortal Gate, who shook the light.

In the past few days, there have been rumors that Ling Xiao has cut Wu Xingchen of Zhenwu Xianmen and Nin Tianjue of Shaoguang Xianmen. Although these two messages have not been verified, Wu Xingchen and Nin Tianjue have never been. Appeared.

Therefore, Rao is the dozens of disciples who have Taiyi Xianmen and Tongtian Xianmen. They still feel like they are facing the enemy.

"Taixuan, what do you say?"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, but a strong murderous intention appeared in his eyes.

Immortals are always high above the ground, perhaps the sense of superiority that they have cultivated for countless years, so that they have forgotten the glory of the Protoss once, not now, and let them kill them.

Such a person makes no sense, or destroy them all.

Tai Xuan saw Ling Xiao's eyes, and suddenly tremble in his heart, quickly said: "Son of God, these **** dare to provoke you, they should all be damn, and also please Lord Leiling to kill them!"

Tai Xuan was completely afraid of Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's shadow in his heart was too deep, so he didn't care about anything to save his life.

Although there are disciples of Taiyi Xianmen, Taixuan can't take care of his friends.

"Second son?"

The disciple of the fairy monk in Taiyi Xianmen was full of incredible expressions, staring at Taixuan.

Their second son turned out to be a virtue?

"Smart, rest assured, you are so smart, I won't be willing to kill you!"

Ling Xiao said with a smile, and then imprisoned all of Tai Xuan's cultivation, and left him aside.

"This so-called Fairy Demon Assembly was originally a joke. Your Fairy Clan can hunt the Protoss. Why can't the Protoss hunt the Fairy Clan? Let's start with you today. I want to kill all the Fairy Clan in the Fairy Devil Cave. Exterminate!"

Ling Xiao's voice was indifferent, without any trace of empathy, and the whole body exudes a monstrous murderous intention, sweeping towards the people of the fairy family.


"court death!"

The people of Taiyi Xianmen and Tongtian Xianmen were both startled and angry, and did not expect Ling Xiao to act so decisively. Devour

Could it be that he is not afraid of Taiyuan Son and Jianxin Son?

Taiyuan Shengzi and Jianxin Shengzi, but the two most dazzling peerless arrogance among the nine great immortal gates, have even killed many powerful fairy kings in their hands.

Where is the self-confidence in the cultivation of fairy land in Lingxiao District?

But they didn't have much time to think about it, Ling Xiao had already been killed.


The divine light of Ling Xiao's whole body rose and was flaming, and there was chaotic light spewing out of his chest, just like a dazzling sun.

His black hair was flying, his eyes were as bright as electricity, his majesty and mystery, his hands were fistless, and he was slaying towards the crowd.


The unmatched fist prints swept across the Quartet, and contained a sense of intimidating oppression, which made all the strong immortals have a complexion.


They felt the great horror between life and death, so they did not hesitate and chose to shoot directly.

Dozens of powerful fairy lights fought across the sky, and they sacrificed powerful fairy tools one after another, cast powerful fairy techniques, and overwhelmed them with immense momentum.

However, among them, the most powerful of them are nothing but the strongmen of the two heavens of the two heavens.

Others are just the cultivation practice of the fairy celestial realm, or the cultivation practice of the fairy king.

The hurried attack, despite the huge momentum, but in Ling Xiao's view, it was simply unbearable.


The unmatched chaotic fist erupted as if it could break the heavens and sweep across the world, instantly flooding the sky with immortal light, and then directly bombarded it into powder.

The powerful immortals that the fairy elders are proud of are like broken copper and iron, and they have been torn apart under Ling Xiao's fist marks.

They felt an unparalleled divine power swept through, making them all thundered and trembling violently, and flew out directly.

Dozens of strong immortal clan, can't even take Ling Xiao's punch!

The unmatched boxing power swept through the air, and Ling Xiao seemed to be transformed into a supreme emperor. He pushed the sun, moon and stars and walked around the world, and no one was his enemy. .


Ling Xiao punched out, and a fairy monarch of Taiyi Immortal Gate was directly detonated by him, the blood mist filled, and Yuanshen exploded into countless fragments.

The speed at the foot of Ling Xiao is extremely fast, as if traveling through the void, the sky is swept through, and several strong men who only have the cultivation of the Immortal Venerable Realm, and even the screams are too late, they burst directly in the void.

Ling Xiao stepped forward, each step resonated the heavens and the earth, and the powerful momentum was pressed down by the air, which caused a storm of blood and blood.

Dozens of strong elders of the were killed by Ling Xiao in a blink of an eye.

There were only a few Taiyi Xianmen and Tongtian Xianmen's immortal kings still resisting, but they didn't live long.

Ling Xiao's whole body seems to have formed a mysterious and terrifying realm, oppressing everyone's breath in it, and even unable to escape.

After a while, everyone was killed by Ling Xiao!

"It's terrifying! This evil star is terrifying. Fortunately, I and him are vain and uncomfortable, and I don't have any support, otherwise I am afraid this is the end! Brothers and brothers, don't blame me. When my brother comes, I will definitely avenge you. !"

Tai Xuan lying in the distance, trembling straight, said to himself in his mouth, his face pale.

He was really scared!

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