Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3052: Xingshi asks guilt!

Xianmo cave.

   Swords crossed.

   The six gods and the nine elders are too elders, and they are divided into two groups, and they face each other, and there are sharp flashes in the eyes.

   And Taiqingzi and Ning Wuji, even faintly locked Gu Tongtian.

   The atmosphere became extremely subtle and depressed, as if the battle between the Six Great Deities and the Nine Great Immortal Gates was about to happen.

   This time the Fairy Demon Conference, all the disciples of the Nine Great Immortal Gate were wiped out, including the arrogant evils such as Taiyuan and Jianxin, so that the Nine Great Immortal Gate was bleeding.

   The culprit is Leiling.

   So, this time, no matter what, they can not let Leiling pass!

  The hearts of the six gods are naturally extremely exciting. This is the unprecedented victory they have achieved, not to mention that Leiling is the son of God, and the hope of the Protoss. They will naturally desperately protect Ling Xiao’s safety.

   One month is about to pass, and the confrontation between the Six Great Deities and the Nine Great Immortal Gates is becoming more and more obvious.

   "His Royal Highness, in this case, Lei Ling is afraid that he will die for ten years? No one can save him unless he agrees to be your follower!"

   Next to the fairy emperor's chariot, the old man in the robe said to His Royal Highness the Nine Prince.

   "Although the Nine Great Immortal Gates are located in the borderland, the background is still very deep. Although there is no great emperor sitting in the town, there are still so many outstanding immortal kings!"

  The light of the eyes of His Royal Highness Nine Prince flashed, said lightly.

   "Yes! Although Lei Ling's combat power is superb, and he has more emperor soldiers in his hands, it is impossible to contend with the peerless fairy monarch! He has only one way to live, that is, to be a follower of His Royal Highness!"

  The old robe nodded.

   "You can't underestimate this person, I expect him to be very likely, and I won't agree to be my follower! But this person is lucky, I'm curious how he will get through the deadly situation in front of him!"

   His Royal Highness Nine Prince smiled lightly.

   "Your Royal Highness actually values ​​him so much?"

  The old man in the robe was slightly surprised.

   His Royal Highness, the Nine Prince, is like a dragon on the heavens. In overlooking the sentient beings, in the eternal immortal dynasty, few people can enter his eyes, but what about Lei Ling?

   "You will know soon!"

  Nine prince said lightly.

   Soon, the fairy hole opened again.


   The blazing light sprayed out thinly, and the immortal magic cave burst into endless immortal light, and gradually formed an extremely stable passage.

  The six great gods and the nine great immortals were all shocked at the same time, each one with a sharp eye, and his eyes fell on the fairy demon cave.

   They are waiting for Leiling to appear.

   The passage of the fairy devil cave is vast and majestic. There are great divine emperors scattered out, and there are chaotic laws. It looks very dreamy, as if it can transform many strange scenes.

  Nine Daxianmen people were about to wait a little impatiently, Ling Xiao appeared.


   Ling Xiao stepped out from the fairy demon cave, the whole body was rising, exuding a dazzling light, and his eyes were bright and bright, just like a fierce sword, piercing the void.

   He came from the sky, without any cover, his cultivation practice has broken through to the double heaven of the emperor's realm!

  The body of 16 origin Taoguo tempered body, the condensed original body is called immortal, and it is extremely powerful.

   Nowadays, unless it is an extremely imperial soldier, ordinary weapons can hardly cause any harm to Ling Xiao.

  After the appearance of Ling Xiao, the fairy demon cave glowed radiantly, and the twelve breathing and terrifying figures were also striding forward one by one, with no sharp edges, all around the body, with exuberant power, exuding a powerful and unparalleled Diwei!

   One hundred and twenty emperors and powerful men!

   led by people such as War Dust, Wuhen and Fujiyama, all 120 emperors were full of fanatical worship and respect for Ling Xiao.

  Lingxiao opened their blood imprisonment, making them a true **** clan, and with the help of the vast origin of the ancestral **** spring, all of their cultivation behaviors directly broke into the realm of the emperor!

   One hundred and twenty emperors, even if placed in the fairy world, is also a very powerful force!

   "What?! Lei Ling's cultivation practice broke through to the second heaven of the emperor's realm. The 120 disciples of the six great religions all broke through to the realm of the immortal monarch. What kind of creation did they get?"

   someone exclaimed, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

   For the top powers in the fairy world, the fairy and strong are the core and the foundation. Every fairy and strong has the opportunity to prove the emperor.

  Although most of the immortal kings are blocked by the sky, if they can become peerless immortal kings, they can also maintain the longevity of a major force.

   One hundred and twenty celestial monarchs, let the nine celestial gates all look at it.

   However, the Nine Great Immortal Gates were just shocked. After all, they had just broken through to the Realm of Immortal Monarchs, and most of them were cultivated by the Chongtian. Only a few reached the Chongtian and Chongtian.

Although there are many   , it is only a low-level fairy.

  Most people's attention still fell on Ling Xiao.

   Boom! boom!

   At this moment, two fierce and fierce killers came across the void in an instant, just like substance, locking Ling Xiao up.

   is Taiqing Xianmen's head teacher Tai Qingzi, and Tongtian Xianmen's head teacher Ning Wuji!

   "Lei Ling, did you kill Taiyuan?"

   "Lei Ling, you dare to kill the Sword-Heart Son, and take me to the heavenly gate to the treasure, blame for death!"

   The voices of Taiqingzi and Ning Wuji were indifferent, like a thunder exploding, and the emptiness of the Quartet was roaring.

   Both of them are peerless immortals. Their strength is unfathomable. That murderous opportunity turned into a vast trend and dignity. The mighty suppression was down, and the terror was extremely extreme.

   Such an imposing attitude, even if it is an immortal monarch, might be taken away, and immediately kneel down to the But Ling Xiao's expression is very calm, as if not affected by the slightest.

"Can't help but see Tu Qiong dagger so soon? The rules of this fairy demon conference are jointly formulated by your nine great immortal gates and six great deities. The life and death in the fairy demon cave are fighting, only talking about strength and weakness! What qualifications do you want to ask me to blame?"

   Ling Xiao smiled coldly.

  He had long expected that this would be the result, and he had already made preparations.

Although the rules of the Fairy Demon Conference are the same, Ling Xiao really killed too hard this time. The disciples of the Nine Great Immortal Gates were destroyed by his group. Even Taiyuan, Jianxin, Wu Xingchen, Ren Tianjue, Fang Qingxue and so on All the celestial sons and daughters died in his hands.

  Nine Daxianmen don’t worry about it!

   "Dare you dare to quibble? If it weren't for your conspiracy, how could all the disciples of the Nine Great Immortals Gate be buried? I think you are a demon outsider, and I will be a great trouble for the immortal world in the future, and I must die today!"

  The elder of the Kunlun Xianmen is an old woman who looks very mean, said at the moment he gritted his teeth.

   "Yes! Leiling must die today!"

   "Lei Ling is not dead, it will be a big problem for my fairy world, this son cannot stay!"

"kill him!"


  The people of the Nine Great Immortal Gates are all excited by emotions, and the eyes are filled with murderous opportunities, and a surrounding circle is vaguely formed, trapping Ling Xiao in it!

  :. :

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