Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3053: Follow me, you will have no hatred in the world!

The six gods were all startled and angry, and acted quickly, protecting Ling Xiao in the center, staring at the Nine Great Immortal Gate with extreme vigilance.

They looked at Gu Tongtian at the same time.

Gu Tongtian's strength is unparalleled. He was already a masterpiece of the Peerless Immortal King ten thousand years ago. Among the immortals, he has a strong name. Gu Tongtian is also the leader of the six gods.

Gu Tongtian took a step and immediately stopped Taiqingzi and Ning Wuji.

"Taiqingzi, Ning Wuji, don't talk about any dogs here. The reason is fart! Lei Ling today I'm Baoding, who dares to deal with him, is the enemy with me!"

Gu Tongtian sneered with a sneer, and an overbearing voice reached everyone's ears.

He walked in the air and stood in front of Taiqingzi and Ning Wuji. His eyes were fierce and overbearing, his hair flying high, and his own invincible charm permeated.

In his body, it seems to contain endless power, spreading the four poles of the world, stepping on the sun, the moon and the stars, and the terror is extremely extreme.

Even Taiqingzi, Ning Wuji, the Taoist old man, and His Royal Highness the Nine Crown Prince are all looking at it.

"Gu Tongtian, do you really think that with your own strength, you can keep Leiling? He has made a lot of anger, and he must wait for me today!"

Ning Wuji's eyes were cold, and there was a horrible sword rising around him, said coldly.

"Give you an explanation? Yes! Today, who of you can beat me, I will give Leiling to you, dare you?"

Gu Tongtian sneered with a sneer, his eyes were fierce, and he glanced at the people of the Nine Great Immortal Gate in front of him.

Everyone in the Nine Great Immortal Gates was shocked. They dared not stare at Gu Tongtian and bowed their heads one after another.

Even Taiqingzi and Ning Wuji have some ugly faces.

The two of them became peerless immortals even earlier than Gu Tongtian.

But what everyone did not know was that they were all defeated by Gu Tongtian.

Ten thousand years ago, Gu Tongtian broke through to the realm of the Peerless Immortal Monarch and tried the world of swords, he once fought with Taiqingzi and Ning Wuji, but they all lost to Gu Tongtian, but the news was blocked by them. No one knows.

Ten thousand years later, even Taiqingzi and Ning Wuji can perceive Gu Tongtian's growing unfathomable, and they dare not say that they can defeat Gu Tongtian.

No one thought that Gu Tongtian's words actually made everyone in the Nine Great Immortal Gate speechless.

"A bunch of waste!"

Gu Tongtian sneered.

He hadn't put these people in front of him.

The people of the Six Great Protestants were uplifted, but they did not expect Gu Tongtian to be so powerful, and they shocked Taiqingzi and Ning Wuji in one word.

"Gu Tongtian, although you have a strong combat power, can you be comparable to those of my nine immortal gates? Today you can't stop it, Leiling must die!"

Taiqingzi said lightly.


His voice just fell, and the air suddenly oscillated, and two powerful and unmatched figures came.

It was a handsome young man, as well as a gorgeous woman in a long dress, all shrouded in a dazzling fairy light.

Another two peerless fairies!

Although they look young, they are all old monsters who have the ability to live. They don't know how many thousand years they have lived. When they appeared, they immediately shocked everyone.

"Is Wu Xiong and Jun Guangxian?"

Someone was shocked and exclaimed, telling the origin of the two.

The commander of Zhenwu Xianmen, Wuxiong Xianjun!

Shaoguang Xianmen's palm, Shaoguang Xianjun!

Unexpectedly, the death of Wu Xingchen and Ren Tianjue even made these two big men unable to sit still, and came here directly.

Their purpose is self-evident, naturally coming towards Ling Xiao.

In a blink of an eye, the four peerless immortals came!

Gu Tongtian's brows also frowned slightly, and he did not expect Ling Xiao to destroy the disciples of the Nine Great Immortal Gate, which would make the Nine Great Immortal Gate so crazy.

There are only four peerless fairies here. I wonder if there are any peerless fairies hidden in the dark?

Although he is not afraid, Lei Ling's cultivation base is after all only the second heaven of the Fairy King Realm, how can he contend with the ambush of the Peerless King?

This is a little troublesome!

"You just killed Lei Ling of Wu Xingchen? Take your life and pay it back!"

Wu Xiong said indifferently.

"It has been against me to shake the light gate many times. How many years haven't there been such a bold and prosperous descendant of the Protoss? How about letting this seat send you to the Progenitor, how?"

Shaoguang Xianjun smiled indifferently, and his eyes fluttered with a variety of styles, but the kind of bone-chilling chill made everyone tremble.

The murderous intentions of the four peerless immortals came down vastly and enveloped Ling Xiao!

"It's up to you?"

Ling Xiao sneered and sneered. His eyes were fierce and unmatched. There was a powerful and unmatched fighting intention rising around him.

He has never fought against the Peerless King.

I do not know how strong Peerless Fairy is?

Ling Xiao's eyes are bright and bright, as if there is a vast war intent.

At this moment, suddenly a quiet but calm voice sounded in the void.

"Leiling, can you be a follower of this palace?"

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone's eyes fell on the fairy emperor's chariot, and it was actually His Royal Highness the Nine Prince!

Hearing the words of His Royal Highness the Nine Princes, although Taiqingzi, Ning Wuji, Wuxiong and Yaoguang all frowned, they did not say much.

His Royal Highness the Nine Princes of the Eternal Fairy Dynasty, it is not that they can easily put their beaks!


If Lei Ling really became a follower of His Royal Highness, then they would no longer be able to shoot Lei Ling.

"His Highness Nine Prince looked at me so high?"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

He did not expect that His Royal Highness the Nine Crown Prince would even appeal to him at this time.

This is not only to solicit, but also to save him.

Everyone was shocked.

You know Even the Son of Taiyuan among the Nine Great Immortal Gates is not qualified to be a follower of His Royal Highness, Nine Princes, how can Lei Ling do?

"Lei Ling, you have this qualification! If you become a follower of this palace, as long as you are loyal to this palace, the entire fairyland, you will have no hatred in the world!"

His Royal Highness Nine Prince said lightly.

Although his voice was bland, it made everyone stunned.

There is no hatred in the world?

How domineering this is!

But the Ninth Prince has this qualification. As the most dazzling existence of the eternal fairy dynasty, the most promising person to become the prince of the eternal fairy dynasty, the most promising person in the fairy world to prove to be an immortal emperor, even a peerless fairy monarch, can only bow down !

Once he became a follower of His Royal Highness the Nine Princes, not only did the Master of the Nine Great Immortals Gate dare to move Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao even got the chance and fortune of Tian Da!

The people of the Nine Great Immortal Gates looked at Ling Xiao's eyes, all showing a look of hatred and envy.

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