Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3201: Tianmo Mountain, 0 million major formation! (2 in 1, 4000...

Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu walk through the dark magic energy at a very fast speed.

Heavenly Demon Abyss, surrounded by pure magic energy, looks like a dim world. Although there are mountains and rivers, it is dead, as if there is no vitality.

The two of them concealed their breath, and they looked unremarkable, so along the way, in addition to some not-so-strong flood and alien roadblocks, they were easily bombed by them, and those powerful floods of Warcraft, each with a strong and unmatched breath, They could feel it very far away, and they all avoided it carefully.

All the way to the destination without any danger.

In the middle of the Heavenly Demon Abyss, there is a towering mountain, which is as high as a million feet, as if the heavenly pillars are in a row.

Heavenly Demon Abyss is shrouded in black magic energy, imposing, ancient and mysterious. Above the mountain top there is chaotic clouds, which looks very mysterious.

"Sky Demon Mountain!"

Somehow, just near the mountain, Zhao Ritian's name naturally appeared in his heart.

It was like there was some kind of mysterious power that directly imprinted the three words Tianmo Mountain in Zhao Ritian's heart.

"Master, this Demon Mountain looks very extraordinary, is there any treasure in it?"

Three-legged Jinwu asked with a licked face, a little excited.

"There should be a baby! I feel a strong trace of Diwei, perhaps this is a place where the great emperor is inherited!"

Zhao Ritian nodded, his eyes showing a strange look.

"Heir to the emperor?"

Three-legged Jinwu's mouth twitched a bit. Zhao Ritian said so easily, did he really think that the place where the emperor inherited was Chinese cabbage?

Even on the road of the Eternal Emperor, the place where the emperor inherited is also the top treasure, and the ancient arrogant devil will compete for it.

But thinking about Zhao Ritian's luck against the sky, the three-legged Jinwu still couldn't help but believe it.


Three-legged Jinwu walked through the heavy magic mist and came to the top of Tianmo Mountain.


Just after they passed through the magic fog, they felt that a vast sky of prestige was coming, which contained an unmatched trend and directly oppressed them.

The three-legged Jinwu and Zhao Ritian were all shocked, and fell directly from the sky dome, and fell **** the hard rock.

"Ouch, it hurts me!"

Zhao Ritian was beaten with seven meats and eight vegetarians, and he suddenly scolded.

"What is this place?"

He stood up and looked around.

In front of me is the towering Tianmo Mountain, majestic and majestic, as high as a million miles, and I can't see the end at a glance.

Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu are located at the foot of Tianmo Mountain, with a white jade stone step in front of them, winding upward and leading to the top of the mountain.

But in the void, there are strange runes flashing, the roads are intertwined, and there is a wave of extremely terrifying power.

This is a no-fly field, and there is simply no way to fly directly to the top of Tianmo Mountain.

Moreover, Zhao Ritian could feel that the runes and order intertwined in the void, the incomparable horror, seemed to be able to tear everything apart, giving him a trace of palpitations.

"Huh? Did someone come?"

A very surprised voice sounded.

"Who? Get out!"

Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu were shocked, and suddenly showed a very vigilant look, probing around.


Only hearing a loud roar, they saw a figure directly rolling down above the white jade stone steps.

That's right, it is rolling off.

It was like a black boulder, magnificent and extremely fast, and in a flash came to Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu.

Both Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu quickly escaped.


The violent shock of the earth directly appeared a humanoid pit, and the figure fell like a meteorite in front of the two of them.

"Three thousand years, and finally someone came!"

A very happy voice sounded, the black figure patted the dust, and no one stood up from the big pit and walked in front of Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu.

It was a ragged young man, looking like a beggar, with long hair on his body and a beard covering his face covering most of his face, only a pair of fierce and overbearing eyes were exposed, but at the moment it was full of joy.

He had a black glove on his arm, which was quaint and very peculiar.

Other than that, there is no difference between this young man and the savages.

"Huh, are you...Zhao Ritian?"

After seeing Zhao Ritian, the hairy young man was suddenly shocked, revealing a look of extreme surprise.

"Do you recognize me? Who are you? Is it that you and the **** of Demon Emperor City are a gang?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes suddenly showed an extremely alert look.

He was convinced that the young man in front of him had never seen it before, and he was very strange.

"Cough... I know you, but you don't recognize me! I've been here for three thousand years, is Eternal Emperor Road still there? Does anyone get the secret of detachment? What's going on outside now?"

The hairy young man coughed and asked quickly, looking forward.

"Three thousand years? Are you teasing me? The eternal Emperor Road is only thirty years old. Who are you?"

Zhao Ritian stared at the young man and asked.

Even the three-legged Jinwu was full of vigilance. There was a real sun around him, as if he felt danger, he would shoot the real sun and envelope the young man in front of him.

"Has it been thirty years? Haha... It seems that my guess is right! Is the time flow rate here different from the outside, is it a hundred times the time flow rate? It's too late, as long as I can step on the mountain, I can leave Now!"

The hairy young man's eyes suddenly lit up, full of excitement.


His whole body was shining brightly, the beard on his face disappeared suddenly, his worn-out clothes and his clothes disappeared, and a black robe was added. The whole person looked like a person and became a heroic young man. .

"Brother Ritian smiled, I was trapped here for three thousand years, and I was too lazy to dress myself up!"

The young man in black robe smiled slightly.

At the same time, his heart is also very emotional. I didn't expect to see Zhao Ritian here. This guy is a boy with scattered money. He has been used by the body so many times, and may be used once by himself.

The young man in black robe is the dark hill!

He entered the Eternal Emperor Road, originally intended to kill the Quartet, so that the Demon Lord's prestige shook the entire Eternal Emperor Road, but he did not expect that even the Demon Emperor City had not entered, he was trapped in this ghost place.

This difficulty is three thousand years!

In the three thousand years, not only did he cultivate without the slightest advancement, he was still the pinnacle of the triple heaven of the emperor's realm, and he had no way to reach the top of Tianmo Mountain.

When Zhao Ritian appeared, he was about to be tortured crazy!

"who are you?"

Zhao Ritian is very stubborn and has been entangled in this problem, looking at Dark Lingxiao with a watchful eye.

Although the dark Lingxiao in front of him looked very strange, Zhao Ritian felt a bit familiar, as if he had seen it before.

"You can call me the devil!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled slightly.

"Demon Lord? What a big tone! Are you a demon?"

There was a flash of coldness in Zhao Ritian's eyes, and a murderous intention appeared.

What he hated most in this life was the demons.

Not to mention the **** enmity between the human race and the demons, Zhao Ritian's father, the death of the heavenly emperor, and the demonic emperor are also inseparable.

Hearing that Dark Lingxiao turned out to be a demon, Zhao Ritian's breath rose around him, and he immediately set off.

"Don't do it! There are millions of major formations here. If you do it, it will cause a chain reaction, and no one can live!"

Dark Lingxiao was frightened, and did not expect that Zhao Ritian had such a great hatred for the Demon Race and quickly stopped.


As if to confirm the darkness of the Xiaoxiao, the runes and order above them, after sensing the breath of Zhao Ritian, all radiated a bright light, and a vast coercion locked Zhao Ritian and the dark Lingxiao. Too.

It seems that as long as Zhao Ritian dares to start, there will be an immediate thunder, and they will be directly killed.

"Damn people, **** it!"

Zhao Ritian gritted his teeth and said, looking at the dark Lingxiao's eyes full of murderous intention, but still chose to converge his breath.

Since you can't do anything here, it's not too late to go out and kill Dark Lingxiao.

"Brother Ritian, I can understand your hatred of the Demon Race, but you can't see the Devil Race and kill it? It's like there are good people and bad people in the Human Race, and there are good people and bad people in the Devil Race!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled bitterly.

If he does it, he may not be afraid of Zhao Ritian. Although Zhao Ritian has all kinds of powerful cards, Dark Lingxiao has a magic armor.

The horror of the magic armor is far above the extreme imperial soldiers.

"You mean you are a good person?"

Zhao Ritian looked at Dark Lingxiao with suspicion.

In any case, he felt that the dark Lingxiao in front of him was not a good person. Dark Lingxiao's body was so angry that he was obviously contaminated with a lot of blood and killed many people.

"Of course I am a good person! Some of the human races are close to the demons, and some of them are also close to the human races, which can be called the evil traitors! You are lucky, I am the evil traitors, I hate the evil ancestors, and hope the human race Can rule the Demon Realm and rule the Demon Race!"

Dark Lingxiao said uncomfortably.

He was telling the truth. Although he had the flesh of the Demon Race, he was essentially Ling Xiao’s avatar. When he said this, he naturally didn’t blush.


Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu were both stunned.

Is anyone proud of the evil?

For a time, they could not understand the darkness.

"In a word, Brother Ritian, I don’t have any hostility towards you, and I still appreciate you! Since you have come to this demon mountain, how about we climb the peak together, how about stepping on the top of the mountain? There is a way to leave and a strong heritage!"

Dark Lingxiao said very sincerely.

The news that he is Ling Xiao's doppelganger is the biggest secret. He cannot tell anyone, nor can Zhao Ritian.

Moreover, this guy, Zhao Ritian, is somewhat unreliable. If it weren't fortune-telling, it would be the son of Heavenly Emperor. I'm afraid it would have been slaughtered.

"You first talk about why you have been trapped here for three thousand years. Could it be that there is something weird about Demon Mountain this day?"

Zhao Ritian asked noncommittally.

"That's right! Demon Mountain has a forbidden air field on this day, and there are large arrays of overlaps all over it, which contain great divinity, terrifying terror. After my observation, there are at least one million large arrays here. !"

Dark Lingxiao said slowly, he thought in his heart, Zhao Ritian this guy really is not stupid.

"Millions of players?"

Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu were shocked.

"Yes! So, the Demon Mountain can go in this day and can't get out. The entire Demon Mountain is a restricted area. Only this white jade stone step can reach the top of the mountain! But the white jade stone step, above each stone step, has A large formation, if you want to climb to the top of the mountain, you have to keep breaking the line. The reason why I am stuck here for three thousand years is because of the continuous breaking line!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled bitterly.

In the past three thousand years, his formation skills can be said to have advanced rapidly.

But the 3,000-year-old dark tragedy is also extremely miserable. One million stone steps, that is, one million large formations, and the more upward, the greater the strength of the large formations.

Zhao Ritian and the three-legged Jinwu doubted the words of Dark Lingxiao, but after they checked them, their faces became very ugly.

Sure enough, there was a large formation above each stone step.

Moreover, these large formations seem to be one with Tianmo Mountain, and they will continue to live. Even if the large formations are broken, the large formations will be restored. If they fall from the mountain, they need to start again.

The dense white jade stone steps make people look desperate.

"One million large guards, there must be a strong inheritance on the magic mountain!"

Zhao Ritian said scorching eyes.

"Who said no? But my accomplishments on the way are really bad, so I have been trapped for three thousand years. I can’t get out! But Brother Sun is the son of Heavenly Emperor. It should be a breeze for you!"

Dark Lingxiao smiled slightly.

"Though these formations are strong, they cannot stop me Zhao Ritian!"

Zhao Ritian smiled proudly.

He just checked it out. The formation above the first stone steps was nothing more than a holy formation.

However, the power on the second stone steps was doubled.

However, Zhao Ritian still has no worries at all. In his opinion, what is so troublesome to break through?

As long as the strength is strong enough, just push up.

"Then see Ritian Brother! I would like to follow Ritian Brother and go to the top together!"

Dark Lingxiao complimented.

He knows from the body that this Zhao Ritian is a smooth donkey that eats soft but not hard. It is true that he will follow him.

Now it seems that Zhao Ritian is really ready to break through.

"Master, I think this guy has bad intentions and just wants you to help him break through!"

The three-legged Jinwu sent a message to Zhao Ritian.

"I naturally know that he really thinks I'm stupid? But there must be an inheritance against the heavens on this day's Demon Mountain. Breaking the formation is not to help him. I want to see if he dares to compete with me Zhao Ritian!"

Zhao Ritian smiled disdainfully.


Zhao Ritian's body and blood rose, and the bright light bloomed, and the whole person exuded a super-dusty temperament.

He looked at the Heavenly Demon Mountain in front of him, with an arrogant look, he took a step and set foot on the white jade stone steps!

s: Four thousand words chapter, two chapters, plus three chapters in the morning, today is more than ten thousand words. Unconsciously, I have written more than two thousand chapters. In order to divide the chapters more conveniently, the future updates are two chapters combined into one chapter, four thousand words per chapter. You can write as many as you write after Muyu, and the daily update volume will not be low. For four thousand words, everyone rest early.

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