Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3202: Avenue fruit! (2 in 1 big

Zhao Ritian's body and blood were like dragons, like gold casting, and Jin Xia was shining brightly, making the Quartet's voids tremble slightly.

This is the blood of the Heavenly Emperor, majestic and majestic, and even if the Heavenly Emperor fell, it is still in another way, announcing that it once existed.

"Zhao Ritian is the son of Heavenly Emperor and has many cards. Maybe he can climb to the top much faster than me? As long as he can climb to the top of the mountain in three thousand years, I can still catch up with the Eternal Emperor Road!"

Dark Ling Xiao thought secretly, looking at Zhao Ritian's eyes full of expectation.

This million-dollar battle has tortured him for three thousand years, leaving him with no temper, and now he can only hope for Zhao Ritian.

"Maybe it will not take three thousand years, maybe one thousand years will be enough!"

Somehow, after seeing Zhao Ritian, Dark Ling Xiao felt more confident.


Zhao Ritian stepped up to the white jade stone step, the void oscillated, and the runes burst into pieces. The large formation above the stone steps broke like a blister.

"This Zhao Ritian chose to break the battle with force? But the big battle behind was not able to break through with brute force!"

Dark Lingxiao was a little surprised.


Zhao Ritian took another step, and the large array above the second stone step was broken in an instant.

In this way, every time Zhao Ritian took a step, a large array was broken, as if he could not stop Zhao Ritian at all, and they all broke up like blisters.

"How can this be?!"

Dark Lingxiao's eyes widened, his eyes full of incredible look.

Zhao Ritian has already climbed hundreds of stone steps. According to the experience of Dark Lingxiao, the large formation above the hundred stone steps must look for the formation to be able to break open, but Zhao Ritian is still breaking the formation with brute force.

It seems that there is no way to stop Zhao Ritian in any big formation, and they all shattered under his feet.

One hundred stone steps!

Two hundred stone steps!


One thousand stone steps!

Two thousand stone steps!


In the end, Dark Lingxiao's face was green.

"Damn! Those big formations have no effect on Zhao Ritian? God, why are you so excited about me?"

Dark Lingxiao gritted his teeth and said, very depressed in his heart.

Until now, he could not see clearly.

Where is Zhao Ritian's breakthrough, it is clear that those large arrays have melted like ice and snow after sensing the breath of Zhao Ritian's body.

For Dark Lingxiao, it is like a million giants like a wild beast. For Zhao Ritian, it is like a million blisters.

In other words, Zhao Ritian didn't break the battle line at all, just normal climbing.

At this rate of Zhao Ritian, where was spent 3,000 years?

I am afraid that it will not be used for three days. Zhao Ritian is about to reach the summit.

"Is this the luck and fortune of the Son of Heaven?"

Dark Lingxiao's heart was full of bitterness, and he felt some toothache.

In the Demon Realm, he killed decisively and decisively. No one in the same realm was his united enemy. He even got the inheritance of the Chaos Demon Race, known as the Devil Lord, and his heart was already proud to the extreme.

But today, he understood the taste of jealousy.

"Then what... Devil Lord, right? This is the million-dollar battleship you said? It's not at all difficult, you are trapped here for three thousand years?"

Standing on the stone steps, Zhao Ritian turned back and said to the dark Lingxiao, his eyes full of doubts.

In Zhao Ritian's view, there is indeed a large formation above each stone step, but the large formation is weak and pitiful, and he does not even need his shot, and those large formations are shattered.

Such a weak group, can actually trap the guy who is known as the devil?

How weak is that guy?


Dark Lingxiao black face, feeling a million heads of beasts whistling past.

"I don't believe it today. Is Zhao Ritian really a son of God? Damn, I don't agree!"

Dark Lingxiao cursed inwardly, and ran to the white jade stone steps with his black face suddenly.


Above those stone steps, there was a tremendous burst of light, and the runes rose, like a complete recovery, and a terrifying power broke out.

Dark Lingxiao was full of devilish energy and terrifying breath, and he was too lazy to break through. He rushed directly with brute force, and instantly hundreds of large bursts were broken by him.

However, Dark Lingxiao found that the more he rushed up, the greater the pressure. Even the forces of those large arrays were superimposed together, like a mountain and a tsunami, all pressing on him.

The higher the speed, the slower his speed.

"damn it!"

Dark Lingxiao roared in his heart, extremely sad and indignant.

He felt the deep maliciousness of Tianmo Mountain!

When the dark Lingxiao stepped on the first thousand stone steps, the unparalleled divine power surged and immediately suppressed him, and directly dropped him from the stone steps.


Dark Lingxiao is like a giant stone, hit the foot of the mountain fiercely, hit a humanoid pit!

"These large arrays are so terrifying?! It seems that the demon has not lied to me! But why did the large arrays not respond to me?"

Zhao Ritian froze.

Seeing this scene in front of him, he realized that the devil was not weak. It was just that the millions of major formations did not target him, but all aimed at the devil.

"It's so pitiful! Master, you really are the illegitimate child of Heaven!"

On Zhao Ritian's shoulders, the three-legged Jinwu's eyes looking at the dark Lingxiao were full of sympathy, and the worship of Zhao Ritian could hardly be added.

What is luck?

This is luck!

Dark Lingxiao was lying at the foot of Tianmo Mountain, feeling very injured, and his face was full of unrequited looks.

"Master, do we want to help this group of guys? Really pitiful, trapped for three thousand years!"

The three-legged gold murmured.

"The people of the Demon Race are all ulterior motives. I will let him die? Just let him sleep here!"

Zhao Ritian sneered a sneer, his eyes full of pride.

Although there is no way to do it here, it is such a good idea that it is a good idea to let Dark Lingxiao be trapped here.

"Bring him together! He has Ling Xiao's breath on him, he and Ling Xiao should be related!"

At this moment, an old voice rang in Zhao Ritian's mind.

"Second Uncle, are you awake?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes lighted up and asked with great surprise.

After entering the Eternal Emperor Road before, the second uncle fell asleep for some reason, and now he is finally awake.

Without the second uncle, Zhao Ritian feels like he is missing his core.

"You said that this guy has the breath of Ling Xiao? Could it be that he is really a traitor?"

Zhao Ritian's face was full of doubts.

"It's possible! But the breath of his body is very deep. If it's not that I know Ling Xiao very well, and he accidentally leaked out when he was in the battle, I won't find it!"

The second uncle said slowly.

"In this case, take him with you! This guy has been trapped for three thousand years, it is indeed a bit pitiful!"

Zhao Ritian nodded.

Dark Lingxiao struggled to stand up and looked very sad.

But he found out that Zhao Ritian had stepped down from Tianmo Mountain again.

"Demon Lord, just because of your slight cultivation, dare to call yourself the Demon Lord? I'm not afraid of people laughing out of teeth! Do you want to leave here? As long as you beg me, I will take you away!"

Zhao Ritian looked at the darkness and smiled proudly.

"Brother Sun Tian, ​​please take me out of here. If there is any inheritance treasure on the top of Heavenly Demon Mountain, I don't want anything. How about I follow Brother Ri Tian in the future?"

Dark Ling Xiaoqiang endured the idea of ​​tearing Zhao Ritian's face, and squeezed out a smile.

"Yes! For your sincerity, this seat will take you out of here! But after leaving here, you are the guard of this seat. Seeing the demon in the future, you can't be soft, you know?"

Zhao Ritian stood down with his hand, looking up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and smiled faintly.

"Understood! Brother Ritian rest assured that I will be the guardian of Ritian brother in the future, whoever you let me kill, I will kill anyone!

Dark Hill nodded again and again.

But in his heart, he gritted his teeth in anger, and Zhao Ritian seemed to be too owed to clean up. After leaving Tianmo Mountain, he would beat the goods anyway.

However, Dark Lingxiao is also somewhat skeptical. On this day, the magic energy rises above the magic mountain, and it is extremely pure. It stands to reason that even if it has a strong inheritance, it should be related to the Demon Race.

But why is Zhao Ritian not affected by the formation, is there anything to do with Heavenly Emperor here?

"Good! If so, then follow me!"

Zhao Ritian nodded with satisfaction.

His whole body was surging with gold and blood, and he covered the dark hills, and then he set foot on the white jade stone steps.

Sure enough, as the dark Ling Xiao guessed, with Zhao Ritian's golden vitality protection, those big formations did not produce any feelings for him, and they broke apart one after another.

Zhao Ritian stood up and walked towards the top of the Heavenly Demon Mountain with his hands in a hurry. His expression was calm but calm, but the expansion and pride in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Damn, swan geese all day long, but Yan pecked! It seems that the body is right, this Zhao Ritian's luck is almost extreme, maybe he is also good to follow him! Look at this guy's not very smart, if so I’m afraid it’s easy to come over if you encounter any treasure!"

Dark Ling Xiao thought secretly.

He had originally wanted to wait to leave Zhao Tiantian after he left Tianmo Mountain, but now he changed his mind.

It’s more useful to coax Zhao Ritian.

In this way, the Heavenly Demon Mountain, which had been trapped in the dark hill for three thousand years, was like a flat ground at the foot of Zhao Ritian.

They were heading towards the top of Tianmo Mountain, surrounded by misty mist, rising demonic energy, and chaotic light blooming in a strange sight.

Although the power of the Great Array was not stimulated, Zhao Ritian could still feel the terror of the Great Array above the Heavenly Demon Mountain, and the divine power was pervasive, as if it could break everything.

This is absolutely a godless formation!

Without Zhao Ritian, Dark Lingxiao would have been trapped here forever, and it would be almost impossible to break out of the imperial imperial formation.

Tianmo Mountain is as high as a million miles, like a heavenly pillar, one after another. It is magnificent, ancient and majestic.

But at the foot of Zhao Ritian, there is no obstruction, just like a smooth road.

Soon, the top of the mountain was in sight.

Above the top of the mountain, chaotic fog is lingering, and there is an ancient pine standing on the top of the mountain, exuding eternal and immortal breath fluctuations.

Somehow, after seeing the ancient pine tree, Zhao Ritian and Dark Lingxiao both felt their vitality and lived on.

"this is……"

The voice of the second uncle sounded in Zhao Ritian's sea of ​​knowledge, with a bit of surprise and excitement.

"Second Uncle, do you recognize this? Are there any treasures here?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes lit up.

"Hurry up, make it! Really a great make!"

The second uncle was very excited and urged.

Hearing what the second uncle said, Zhao Ritian didn't hesitate at all and stepped up to the top of Tianmo Mountain in two steps.

As they climbed to the top of the Heavenly Demon Mountain, the surroundings were vacillated, the chaos and mist rising, and the ancient pine even gleamed with a brilliant light, and an extremely soft light enveloped Ling Xiao, Zhao Ritian, and the three-legged golden black.

The majestic breath of life surged into their bodies, making them shocked, and they were immediately very comfortable.

Especially the dark Lingxiao, his cultivation base has already reached the peak of the triple heaven of the emperor's realm. It was suppressed here for three thousand years. The foundation is extremely strong. At this moment, he has absorbed a breath of life and there is a sign of breakthrough.

On the ancient pine, there are two pine cones, one with golden radiance, like crystal glass, and the other with black glaze, surrounded by pure magic energy.

"It really is the fruit of the road! Hahaha, every day, you are really going to be developed now! However, I am afraid that the devil will be cheaper. I did not expect that there will be a road fruit of the magic road attribute!"

The voice of the second uncle sounded, very excited and excited.

"Second Uncle, what is Daotang Fruit?"

Zhao Ritian asked curiously.

"The Avenue Fruit is the Dao Fruit condensed in the body of the Emperor, which contains the Dao Yun of a Avenue, which is extremely precious! If the Peerless Emperor got the Dao Fruit and realized the Dao Yun in it, there is a chance to prove Dao Emperor!"

The second uncle explained.

"What?! Have swallowed the fruit of Dadao, and have a chance to prove to be an emperor?"

Zhao Ritian was also shocked. His eyes were full of shock.

This is really the treasure of the sky!

No wonder the 2nd Uncle is so excited, if the Peerless Emperor is here, seeing these two Avenue Fruits, I am afraid they will come to fight for everything.

"How can there be great fruits here?"

Zhao Ritian asked with some doubt.

"If I expected it to be good, there should be two great emperors from the ancient times buried in the Devil Mountain in this day. Their Dao rhythm is in heaven and earth. Hundreds of millions of years, it is possible to gather the fruits of the road!"

The second uncle said with emotion.

"There are two great emperors buried in Tianmo Mountain?"

Zhao Ritian was also shocked.

"One of them should be the demon emperor, the other one is unclear! But you don’t have to think about it, they should all die after the war, so they will become the Tao and condense the fruits of the road! The others should have nothing left. !"

The second uncle seemed to understand what Zhao Ritian thought and explained.

"So how did this million-dollar formation come from?"

Zhao Ritian asked curiously.

The Million Great Array is clearly intentionally laid out by someone, and it is not naturally formed. If I expected it to be good, the Million Major Array should be left by the Emperor of Heaven. , But the fruit of Dadao is not yet ripe, so it will be a big formation! So, after feeling your breath, those big formations will have no effect on you! "

The second uncle said with some emotion.

"My dad?"

Zhao Ritian's eyes showed a complex look.

Unexpectedly, it is the relic of Heavenly Emperor!

But what puzzled him was that this million-strong array was clearly a godless array, and it was a complete godless array. When the Heavenly Emperor conquered the Eternal Emperor Road, he had not yet proved how to be an emperor. ?

"Swallowing the fruits of the avenue, although it will not let you immediately preach the sanctification, but it will let you have no bottleneck before the emperor, and even if it is the future preaching, there will be more opportunities than others. This is the preaching. The foundation, don’t miss it!"

The second uncle said slowly.

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