Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3306: 1 palm!

"The realm of immortality is extremely powerful. Unless you have the strength far beyond the immortal demon emperor, otherwise you want to break the realm of immortality.

Ling Xiao's eyes were burning, and she thought secretly in her heart.

"But it's not without any chance! The only flaw in the undead realm is that the undead Emperor is too confident!

Because the undead realm is the body of the undead Devil Emperor, the entire undead realm is the source of his majestic life.

If I can break a trace of the immortal realm, maybe I can use the life-changing technique to devour the life source of the Undead Demon Emperor. At that time, not only will my road of integration go further, but I may also be able to hit the Undead Emperor! "

Ling Xiao thought about it.

This is the only way for him to find a life, but it is also full of danger. If the undead Devil Emperor angered, even resisting the swallowing of the life-changing spell, he would be dangerous.

He is just a peerless emperor now, and he is abruptly endured by a powerful era emperor. It is very likely that his body will be destroyed and the Yuanshen will be crushed.

This is the biggest crisis faced by Ling Xiao after leaving the Eternal Emperor Road.

He clearly knows that there is a huge gap between him and the undead Emperor, and it is extremely difficult to find a lifeline, but he still wants to try it.


The imprint of the immortal Devil Emperor's overwhelming, once again came across the sky, this time as if covering the entire undead realm, the original Devil Emperor and Ling Xiao naturally have no accidents.

The face of the primitive Demon Emperor changed, and he desperately urged the primitive streamer. The primitive streamer was shining brightly, and in an instant it was like a vast mountain, greeted toward the undead Devil Emperor.

And the glance of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and some of the master's power had been fused into the body, and a punch came out!


The magic light was turbulent, and the thunder was surging. Although the original stream was powerful, it was suppressed by the palm of the undead Demon Emperor, and all the emperor's emperor's power was destroyed. Dimmed.

Although the original streamer blocked a huge part of the attack for the original devil emperor, he was swept in the palm of his hand, trembling all over his body, coughing up blood in his mouth.


The fist of Ling Xiao's **** broke out, and the great power to destroy everything was very similar to the power of the infinite magic armor, directly smashing the imprint of the immortal demon emperor.

"Are you actually starting to merge with each other? Not bad, in this case, I will kill you even more!"

The immortal demon emperor stared at Ling Xiao, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and the murderous undisguised came out.

"Want to kill me? This strength is not enough!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, a sharp flash in his eyes, the whole person moved out like lightning, the chaotic light of the whole body spewed out, and a punch blasted towards the undead field.

Knowing that there was no point in dealing with the undead Devil Emperor, Ling Xiao's thoughts were placed on how to break the undead realm.

He wanted to see if his fist of **** could break the undead field.

"act recklessly!"

The immortal Devil Emperor's face was cold, the whole body's magic light was turbulent, and instantly turned into a fierce sword light, which was overwhelming and shot towards the crowd.

The sword energy is fierce and unmatched, as if it can wipe out all vitality, so that the face of the original Devil Emperor and the Witch Emperor changed instantly.

The primordial devil forcibly urged the primitive streamers to resist, and the witch emperor's flesh was immortal. With the flesh of the sword, the fist burst into a blazing glow, and in a flash back up, he was killed towards the undead demon emperor.

He seemed obsessed with killing the undead Emperor.

Rao is that he also understands that he is not an opponent of the Undead Devil Emperor, but with this obsession, he is still a defiant shot.

The light flashed in the dark Lingxiao eyes, also instantly gave up against the undead demon emperor, but swept towards Lingxiao, the infinite magic armor exploded into the mighty force, and suppressed towards the undead realm.


When the fist seal of Ling Xiao fell, it seemed that there was endless magic light, and the endless sounds of ghost crying wolf wanted to pour into his sea of ​​knowledge and interfere with his primordial spirit. At the same time, the magic light in the field was turbulent, like an enchantment. Generally, there is an immortal radiance.

The fist of the master fell, and instantly collided with the undead field.

The indestructible realm, which was originally indestructible, began to tremble violently, as if it was hit by an unimaginable blow.

"It really works!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered and his spirits rose.


Dark Lingxiao also screamed, punching at the original falling position of Ling Xiao, the infinite magic armor pierced everything and wiped out all magic light.

There was a crack like a spider web in the undead field, and at the same time a faint golden blood came out.

"Protect the Fa for me!"

There was a mysterious light in Ling Xiao's eyes, and he said quickly, and then cast a counter-attack instantly, and slapped it on the faint golden blood.

That's the body of the Undead Devil Emperor!

Undead Devil Emperor has been hurt by him and Dark Lingxiao. After all, such a huge undead field means that Undead Devil Emperor can hardly take care of all positions.

Moreover, the two powers of mysterious power and infinite magic armor, which transcend the power of the earth, cannot be sustained even by the undead Devil Emperor.

Therefore, Ling Xiao took the opportunity to act decisively, and immediately performed the life-changing technique, and began to devour the life source of the undead Devil Emperor.


Moreover, three bright lights flew from Ling Xiao's body.

The three chaotic treasures of Wushu Tianshu, Zaoyu Jade Disc and Hongmengzhu were also sacrificed by Ling Xiao. Although they knew that even then, it was difficult to resist the undead Devil Emperor's counterattack, but they couldn't care about the desperate blow. A lot.

Dark Lingxiao's face was very dignified, and the whole body shone with indefinite light, and the magical energy was surging, as if he could destroy the void at any time.

Infinite Magic Armor has been completely urged by him, and a shocking shock is brewing!


There was a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of the immortal demon emperor.

Although Ling Xiao and Dark Ling Xiao could shake the undead realm, which shocked him, he also believed that they could not escape.

But he didn't expect that Ling Xiao actually found his true body, and sat in the void to devour his life source.

How powerful is the life source of the immortal devil emperor

He is confident that even a peerless emperor who devours thousands of years can never devour his life.

At this juncture of life and death, what a stupid act to devour his source of life?

But soon, the immortal Demon Emperor's expression froze.

"How can this be?!"

His eyes were full of incredible horror.

He felt that the source of life in his body was passing by rapidly, and at this moment, a large number of sources of life had been swallowed by Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's body exuded a mysterious atmosphere, which made the emperor feel incomparably strange, and locked the life source of the undead Devil Emperor very accurately, and he should be swallowed up completely.

You know, before the barbarian emperor and the undead emperor were both hit by Ling Xiao, and then devoured all the vitality to die.

The hegemony and terror of the life-changing technique can be seen.

This speed of engulfing the origin of life, even the undead Devil Emperor, can't do it, and it is even more powerful than his own.

"Can it be... is this the real secret of detachment?!"

The immortal demon emperor was shocked, and his heart moved.


The fierce tremor in the undead field, the magic light surging, a huge figure appeared above the void, and the horizontal sky came towards Lingxiao town.

The real body of the Undead Demon Emperor appeared!

His avatar is still suppressing the original Devil Emperor and Witch Emperor, but at this moment, the real body is violently killed towards Ling Xiao.


The wordless heavenly script, the forged jade dish and the Hongmengzhu are shining brightly, like three layers of mysterious enchantment, blocked in front of the immortal demon emperor, exuding immortality.

"Without the chaotic treasures of the spirit, dare to prestige in front of the emperor?"

Undead Devil Emperor said indifferently, with a palm shot, the unmatched palm print fell on Wu Zi Tian Shu, and the first layer of the enchantment suddenly shattered.

Then, he shot two palms in succession, and the jade dish and the Hongmengzhu were also unable to stop the footsteps of the undead Devil Emperor.

Only the dark Lingxiao was still in front of Lingxiao, and there was a cold edge in his eyes.

"Go away!"

The eyes of the undead Devil Emperor were cold, and they also shot down towards the dark Lingxiao.

Although the strength of Dark Lingxiao has not been put in his eyes, but with a complete infinite magic armor, Dark Lingxiao is almost like the unstoppable Xiaoqiang, so that the undead Devil Emperor is also bored.

He had planned to keep the darkness at last.

"Undead Devil Emperor, take a punch!"

There was a cold smile in the corner of Dark Lingxiao's mouth, without any intention of retreating. Instead, he leaned forward and directly punched at the undead Devil Emperor.


The fists and palms intersect, the void tremors, and the horrible sound waves permeate, but the immortal Devil Emperor's immense palm print is even directly exploded by the dark Lingxiao.

The infinite magic armor became crimson like blood, like some kind of living creature, rushing towards the undead demon emperor.

There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the undead Devil Emperor, but the magical light around him was turbulent, and the cultivation of dozens of epochs erupted in an instant, as if to pass through the ancient and modern times, and destroy the chaotic immortal power. Body.


Rao has an infinite magic armor. Dark Lingxiao still feels a huge earthquake. His internal organs seem to be shattered. The mouth can't help but spit out a blood mist, and the whole person flew out!

Losing any resistance, the undead Devil Emperor came to Ling Xiao.

Feeling the source of life passing by quickly in the body, not only did the Undead Demon Emperor not panic, but there was a gleam of glow in his eyes.

"Ling Xiao, I have to say, the secret of your detachment, my heart moved!"

Immortal Demon Emperor stared at Ling Xiao in front of him, said slowly, and then probed towards Ling Xiao!


But at this time, nine days above, it seemed that there was a shining glory falling down.

It's like a dark sky has been broken into a large cave, and the endless bright brilliance blooms, mysteriously unpredictable, and gorgeous to the extreme.

It was a huge palm print, as if it had come out of nothingness, without any breath of fireworks, directly photographed on the undead field.


The undead field burst like a mirror.

And that palm, as if penetrating the real and the false, through time and space, immortal and mysterious, imprinted on the body of the immortal devil.

The immortal demon emperor was shocked, and his flesh was torn apart instantly, and a spit of blood suddenly spurted from his mouth, and his breath instantly became depressed.

With one palm down, the undead Devil Emperor was instantly hit hard! !

"It's you?! How could it be you?"

Undead Devil Emperor's complexion changed greatly, and he exclaimed aloud, his voice full of incredible.

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