Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3307: Undead Demon Emperor explodes!

Ling Xiao's eyes also showed an incredible look.

He had planned to fight hard by the Undead Devil Emperor, but also to perform counter-attacks to plunder the Undead Devil Emperor's life source, but he did not expect that someone would help him at this moment.

Above the sky dome, no figure can be seen.

The palm of mystery is unpredictable, and it contains all the power of detachment, and even Ling Xiao can't see any origin.

"Emperor Heaven, it can't be you! You are dead, and there is no bones! Who is it, dare to attack Ben Emperor, get out of Ben Emperor!"

The immortal Devil Emperor's eyes said sensibly, full of monstrous anger and killing intent.

But after that palm hit him hard, it seemed that even the response was too lazy to respond, and disappeared into nothingness instantly.


Ling Xiao was shocked, and a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

The immortal Demon Emperor's induction may not be wrong.

If it is really the Emperor of Heaven, then said that the Emperor of Heaven did not die in that battle and is still alive?

If this news spreads, I am afraid that the entire continent will boil.

The Emperor of Heaven is like a totem in the human race.

But if the emperor did not die, where was the emperor at that moment?

The Witch Emperor, Primal Devil Emperor, and Dark Ling Xiao were equally shocked.

It was originally thought that they would all die in the hands of the Undead Demon Emperor, but they did not expect that the palm of the day would directly hit the Undead Devil Emperor.

The undead field shattered, as if the flesh of the undead devil was torn apart, it was difficult to heal quickly.


Ling Xiao's eyes are unmatched, without any hesitation, and continue to urge the life-changing technique, while merging the internal source of the road, while constantly devouring the life source of the undead Devil Emperor.

How huge is the origin of the immortal devil's life?

He lived dozens of epochs, and in order to survive the epoch of the epoch, he was constantly robbing the vitality of other emperors, and his body contained immense vitality.

Originally, even if Ling Xiao was performing a life-changing technique, it was difficult to shake the life source of the undead Devil Emperor.

But now, the Undead Devil Emperor is hit hard, his flesh is torn apart, and the vast source of life is swallowed by Ling Xiao almost instantly.

The life-changing technique is a skill left by the detached, and it is extremely domineering.

Ling Xiao sat in the void, intertwined with the bright light of the whole body, the origin of the vast avenue emerged, like a bright star, lingering around him.

Between those stars, there are mysterious lines strung together, and the strength of each other is constantly fused, making Ling Xiao's breath more and more powerful.

"Get away from Ben Emperor!"

Undead Devil Emperor was shocked and angry, but did not expect that after he was hit hard, Ling Xiao actually took advantage of it, and the vitality in his body disappeared almost instantly.

The speed of this kind of looting vitality is too fast. The domineering of life-defying technique is far beyond the imagination of the undead Devil Emperor, and he is terrified in his heart.

If it goes on like this, it won't take long for him to be swallowed up completely by Ling Xiao.


The magic light was turbulent, and turned into a black blade of awns above the sky dome, lingering around all the black flames that burned out, and shrouded in mighty towards Lingxiao.

"Magic Day Scourge!"

This is a supreme forbidden technique practiced by the Undead Devil Emperor. The black flame is the Scourge Demon Flame and can burn everything, even the Great Emperor is not immune.

Seeing the sky and the flames of the sky, the original Devil Emperor and Witch Emperor who originally wanted to come to help, showed a very dreadful look in their eyes, and instantly moved towards the distance.

"Undead Devil Emperor, you have been hit hard by Heaven Emperor, and dare to succeed here? Hahaha...Before an era, Heaven Emperor hit you hard. After an era, you may still die in the hands of Heaven Emperor!"

Dark Lingxiao's eyes flickered, and he laughed instantly, his smile was very cold, and at the same time, he rose to the sky, and the chaotic magic light rose around the body, blasting towards the sky and the flame of the disaster.

He has an infinite magic armor body, so that the emperor can avoid the magical natural disasters like a tiger, and there is nothing to fear for him.

boom! boom! boom!

Unmatched fist prints burst out, the chaotic light spreads in all directions, and the sword and demon flames are constantly broken apart by the dark Lingxiao.

At the same time, Ling Xiao struck out three brilliant lights, infused into the three great treasures of chaos, instantly letting Wu Zi Tian Shu, the forged jade dish and the Hongmengzhu also float, and re-formed into three enchantments to block him. whole body.


The unmatched sword fell, the flame burned everything, and the three enchantments continued to tremble, but in the end, they were blocked by the three great chaotic treasures.

The whole body of Ling Xiao seemed to have an illusory and mysterious world, and the terrifying devouring force exploded, continually devouring the vitality in the body of the undead devil.

"The ants like ants, you all **** it!"

Among the eyes of the immortal Devil Emperor, a monstrous murderous anger and anger were instantly revealed.

His cold eyes swept the original Devil Emperor, Witch Emperor, Dark Lingxiao and Lingxiao, and the whole person was completely irritated.

The black demon flame rose around him, exuding a terrifying monstrous breath, like a roaring black ocean in an instant, sweeping all over the world and covering all four of Ling Xiao.

"Undead Magic Skills, Wancao returns to the market!"

The cold and murderous sound exploded like thunder.

The roaring black ocean all around contained a kind of supreme power that destroyed everything, and the terror was extremely extreme.

"No! This is a forbidden technique created by the Undead Devil Emperor, which can annihilate the Great Emperor of the Epoch Times Emperor!"

The original Devil Emperor's face changed greatly, and his eyes showed a look of terrified fear.

He knows better than anyone else, the immortal Devil Emperor is afraid of being anxious.

This is the return of the ten thousand robbers to the ruins in the undead magic, which means that everything is reduced to nothingness and completely nonexistent.

The use of this prohibition technique is also a great burden for the Undead Devil Emperor, which will make him unimaginably hit hard and weak for a long time before he can recover.

Before the epoch, Heavenly Emperor was severely hit by this forbidden technique and finally fell.

Regardless of whether the Heavenly Emperor really did not die, but the original Devil Emperor understood that neither he nor the Witch Emperor, nor Dark Lingxiao and Lingxiao, could fear this forbidden technique.

Although the original Devil Emperor recognized the ban, it was still too late.

The black ocean annihilated everything and devoured everything. The primordial Devil Emperor and Witch Emperor were trapped in it, and they could not escape at all.

Moreover, what shocked and despaired them was that the source of the avenue in their bodies was constantly collapsing.

Their vitality is constantly passing by.

And they can't explode any trace of power at all, they can only stare at themselves, sinking into endless darkness.

The kind of silent despair, Rao is that they are emperors, and their hearts are like iron, but at this moment they can't help panicking and frightening.

Dark Lingxiao and Lingxiao were also enveloped by the black sea.

Although there is an infinite magic armor, Dark Lingxiao still feels that his vitality and Yuanshen are escaping. Although this process is much slower, if he goes on like this, he will also die.

The horrible robbery returns to the market, no one can stop it!

The Wordless Book of Heaven, the Forged Jade Disc and the Hongmengzhu were once again bombarded by the Undead Demon Emperor and flew out horizontally. The black magic light enveloped Ling Xiao.

The magical energy surged as if it had invaded Ling Xiao's body, leaving Ling Xiao with a strange black light.

"Ling Xiao, you can force me to use this same forbidden technique. You are also proud of yourself! At that time, the Emperor Tian was once hit by this forbidden technique, and now you are going to die here!"

Immortal Devil Emperor stared at Ling Xiao coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

He already felt a powerful threat from Ling Xiao.

Today, Ling Xiao has not yet proved to be an emperor, but if he really wants to merge a thousand ways, then take the last step and prove to be an emperor?

At that time, I am afraid that even he is not Ling Xiao's opponent?

The Undead Devil Emperor already has a sense of crisis, so even though he was hit hard, he must cast a forbidden technique at all costs to completely kill Ling Xiao.

"is it?"

Ling Xiao opened his eyes suddenly, a slight sarcasm appeared in his eyes.


Ling Xiao's body seemed to have a dazzling sun rising, and there were mysterious stars converging, which had not yet been fully integrated into it, but the terrifying power made the emperor frightened.

One line permeated out, and three thousand lines, like a waterfall, wrapped silently around Lingxiao.

The magic light like a black sea even made a clear voice.


The magic light shattered, and then the whale swallowed the sea and sucked it up, swallowed by three thousand lines, and then cast off, winding toward the broken body of the undead Devil Emperor.


Immortal Devil Emperor's complexion changed, and he didn't expect that his forbidden technique could be cracked by Ling Xiao so easily. The demon flame rose in his palm and he wanted to burn those lines.

But the three thousand lines, as if they were very illusory, instantly disappeared into the body of the Undead Demon Emperor and disappeared.

At the same time, the undead Emperor felt that the vast source of life in his body swarmed into Ling Xiao's body ten times and one hundred times in an instant.

Immortal Devil Emperor, instant death!

This domineering means of plundering Shouyuan made him seem to have seen the deep powerlessness of the gods and demons when he was once a mortal.

Ling Xiao devoured his life yuan, devoured his vitality, he had no way to get rid of.

In a moment, half of his Shouyuan was swallowed by Ling Xiao.

"Ling Xiao, do you really think my Shou Yuan is so easy to swallow? Then die together!"

There was a mad look in the eyes of the immortal Devil Emperor.

He screamed suddenly, the whole body was raging with light, the flames were rising, the thunder was blazing, and a tyrannical and terrifying breath swept in all directions.

"No! He wants to explode himself!"

Both the original Devil Emperor and the Witch Emperor were shocked. moved towards the distance one after another.

Ling Xiao broke the immortal demon emperor's forbidden technique. They had not yet responded to the joy of the rest of the life after the robbery. They did not expect that Undead Devil Emperor was forced to explode by Ling Xiao.

How horrible is Ling Xiao?

At this moment, even the original Devil Emperor and Witch Emperor were deeply afraid of Ling Xiao.


The world's huge earthquake, the immortal demon emperor's huge body, like chaotic mountains, exploded in the vast void in an instant.

The monstrous flames were as turbulent as the waves, and the tyrannical force could destroy everything, instantly submerging Ling Xiao and Ling Xiao.

The original Devil Emperor and Witch Emperor, too, did not escape far, but were affected by the power of self-detonation, and were instantly submerged, causing the Sifang Sky Vault to tremble violently.

The wild continent, the blood and rain poured instantly, just like crying!

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