Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3313: Kill the Chaos Temple!

When Ling Xiao returned to the human race heaven, the first thing shook the entire human race territory, and even the Honghuang Continent began to shake.

Heaven Court ordered that within one month of Chaos Temple, the Son of Chaos Wuji was sent from Heaven Court, otherwise troops would be sent to level the Chaos Temple!

The reason is that the son of Chaos Wuji repeatedly planned to deal with Ling Xiao, and conspiracy to kidnap Ling Xiao's daughter longevity.

As soon as the news came out, everyone looked at the Temple of Chaos and wanted to see how they reacted.

After all, the Terran of the Human Race has almost unified the entire territory of the Terran, and the Temple of Chaos and the Temple of Destiny have not been added to the Heavenly Court, which is extremely intriguing.

As soon as they saw the movement of the heavenly court, many people subconsciously thought that this was an excuse for the heavenly court to forcefully conquer the temple of chaos and the temple of destiny.

Chaos Temple quickly responded.

Unexpectedly tough, Chaos Temple responded that it would never be possible to hand over Chaos Saint Son Promise, and also said that Chaos Saint Son is the son of the destiny of the human race. Heavenly courts stealing the power of the human race is a human traitor.

The Chaos Temple also announced that Ling Xiao would self-discipline to thank the human race, if not, wait for the day when the Chaos Son proved to be an emperor, and set foot in the heaven.

Seeing that the Chaos Temple was so tough, many people were immediately excited.

Chaos Temple, is this the rhythm of Heavenly Court?

"The Chaos Temple is probably not as good as the heavenly court? Not to mention, Ling Xiao has just slaughtered the four emperors. It is easy to destroy the Chaos Temple. Where does the Chaos Temple come from?"

"It's hard to say! The Chaos Temple is the oldest holy place of the human race. The head of the twelve immortal holy places. It is extremely mysterious and extremely powerful. It may not necessarily be any backhand!"

"What kind of backhand can there be? There is still a great emperor behind it? But even the great emperor, I am afraid it is not the opponent of Ling Xiao?"

"I always think that the Temple of Chaos is not simple! There is also the Son of Chaos, which is said to be very mysterious!"


Everyone talked about it one by one, and each one looked different.

Everyone's eyes fell on the heaven and Chaos Temple, want to see what they are going to do next.

If the Heavenly Court really destroyed the Chaos Temple, that human race will complete the final unification, and Ling Xiao will also become the real human race master.

But if Heavenly Court is not an opponent of the Chaos Temple, those human races that have just unified tend to fall into disintegration.

In the heavenly court, Ling Xiao was closed.

Even the slaughtered beast emperor, undead emperor and witch emperor, and even the undead devil emperor's life origins have been swallowed by Ling Xiao, and now Ling Xiao's body has a large number of life sources.

He is always urging the life-changing technique to complete the fusion of Dadao.

In Ling Xiao's body, the origin of the Three Thousand Avenues is like a vast starry sky, intertwined with each other. The mysterious power makes the Quartet Void tremble.

The integration of the Three Thousand Avenues has been completed by 30%, and with the addition of a large number of life sources, the speed of integration has become faster and faster.

Ling Xiao didn't care about the outside reaction.

Whether the Chaos Temple is willing to hand over the Chaos Son, it does not affect Ling Xiao’s state of mind at the moment, and he feels that the Chaos Temple will not surrender the Chaos Son.

At that time, I am afraid that I will kill the Chaos Temple, and may even face the legendary Chaos Great Emperor.

Ling Xiao's time for this month is reserved for himself.

With the hegemony of life-changing technique, one month is enough for him to refine the life source of the four great emperors, urging the life-changing technique to complete the fusion of the road.

With the gradual integration of Lingxiao's internal avenues, the inner power of his body also began to change into the power of master, making Ling Xiao's breath more and more mysterious.

If a great emperor is here, it can be found that Ling Xiao seems to have broken away from this side of the world, and cut off all the causality and dust, as if detached.

And his breath is getting stronger and more terrifying.

A month later.

Ling Xiao opened his eyes slowly, with a hint of bitter smile in his eyes: "Originally, I thought that the source of life of the four emperors was enough for me to complete the integration of all the sources of the Dadao.

Moreover, the further the integration of the origin is, the more horrible the source of life needed! According to the current trend, even if I slaughter three more emperors, I am afraid it is difficult to complete the integration of all the original sources? "

In Ling Xiao's body, the life source of the four emperors has been completely consumed.

In his body, the gray piece was like chaos, the power of the master was no longer so illusory, and became a little solid.

Ling Xiao can also feel that his fighting power has skyrocketed a lot. As for how strong he is now, even Ling Xiao himself does not know.

The only shortcoming is that his source of life is about to be exhausted. The whole person looks gloomy and full of white hair, as if he is about to fall at any time.

But the blood in his body is as strong as the sea, and the vastness is like the sun, as if a ray of blood power can kill the emperor.

These two breaths converge on Ling Xiao's body at the same time, making him look like a strange temperament!

"The Chaos Temple is so powerful, I'm really curious, what exactly is behind him! Is Chaos the Great?"

Ling Xiao said to herself, there was a powerful surge of war in his eyes.

"A month has passed. Are we going to send troops to level the Chaos Temple?"

Belief Ling Xiao's body was shining brightly, and appeared in front of Ling Xiao, said lightly.

"You don't need to send troops, I'm alone! I see that your way of faith seems to have reached a critical point, and you will be able to preach and take the final step in a few days, so this time I went to the Temple of Chaos alone, you stay Come down and refine the power of faith to prepare for the testimony!"

Ling Xiao looked at Faith Ling Xiao and said slowly.

Belief Ling Xiaotong is bright and golden, looks dust-free, ethereal and clear, and at the same time exudes a mysterious and powerful coercion, as if it is possible to condense the divine emperor at any time.

What's more, Ling Xiao can feel that the belief in Ling Xiao's body is filled with robbery, and that kind of robbery is extremely terrifying. I am afraid it is emperor's robbery. It will come soon.

Perhaps, belief in Ling Xiao is one step earlier than Ling Xiao, justifying the emperor.

"it is good!"

Faith Lingxiao nodded.

Although the Chaos Temple is not simple, there may even be an ancient emperor behind it, but the belief in Ling Xiao still feels that it is not a threat to Ling Xiao.

Since embarking on the road of unity of tens of thousands and going out to slaughter the three great emperors, Ling Xiao has developed an invincible trend, not an emperor, but a victor.

This time for Ling Xiao, it may also be a rare opportunity and opportunity.

Ling Xiao is out.

His whole body is ethereal and clear, as if it is separated from the world around him. At every step, there is a mysterious lotus blooming, just like the Buddha's step by step lotus, mysterious.

In the sky above the Lingxiao Mountains, the white dragon horse, the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist are already waiting.

"Are you going with me too?"

Ling Xiao saw a light smile on the corner of her mouth when she saw the three of them.

"Ling Xiao, you are now the emperor. Even if you don't mobilize the heavenly army, you always need a mount! Although the **** of Longma is not very reliable, it is not as good as the mount of Kunpeng, but it is still unreasonable to take it out. questionable!

As for me and the bull nose, we are not with you! If you fight with the people of the Chaos Temple, we will find an opportunity to sneak into it and search for the treasures of the Chaos Temple.

Chaos Temple is the oldest immortal holy place, and there must be many treasures. Let's meet inside and out, not only can shock the Chaos Temple, but also prevent them from jumping into the wall. What do you think? "

The old goat patted Bailongma's head and smiled.

He seemed to be unaccustomed to the image of human beings, and he was still a black goat, but his eyes were tumbling and he looked more and more frivolous.

"Who is not reliable? This seat is an ancient holy beast. This trip, along with the emperor and master, conquered the Chaos Temple. He must ride the world to shake the entire wilderness continent. Can Kun Peng An compare with me?"

Bailongma unhappyly thrown away the old goat's hoof, then looked at Ling Xiao with a flattering smile, and said a little proudly.

He originally followed the emperor of Kunwu Mountain and was given to Ling Xiao by the emperor of Kunwu Mountain. He has always been a little dissatisfied.

But Ling Xiao returned from the Eternal Emperor Road, even the four emperors, and even the Kunwu Mountain emperor praised Ling Xiao, especially after a Kunpeng mythical beast became Ling Xiao’s mount, Bailong horse felt a sense of crisis in his heart. Too.

He is too late to stagnate Ling Xiao, where dare to talk in front of Ling Xiao?

"Yeah? Ryoma, I didn't expect you to have the gift of licking dogs! It's not bad, continue to work hard in the future, otherwise you will really be compared to Xiaohei!"

The old goat seemed to see through Bailongma's thoughts and laughed.

"Fart! Xiaohe can compare with me? The guy like Kunpeng is not worthy of the Lord Lord as a mount. Only me can follow the Lord Lord and drive to the heavens, invincible world!"

Bailongma smiled proudly.

His whole body is as white as jade, there is no variegation, and there are silver-white dragon scales on his four legs. It looks like an immortal god, all of which exude a holy and mysterious light.


Behind the white dragon horse, the light spewed out, and two snow-white wings grew out, flowing a mysterious radiance, as crystal-clear as the wings of a cicada, intertwined with spatial fluctuations, as if walking through the sky at will.

Coupled with the proud gesture of the White Dragon Horse, the eyes of the old goat and the unscrupulous Taoist could not help but shine.

"Dragon Horse, okay! Unexpectedly, your bloodline returned to the ancestor, even the space wings of the first ancestor of Tianma have grown out!"

Wuliang Taoist said with a smile.

The space wings of the ancestors of Tianma represent the speed of the world, and they can even penetrate the long river of time and move the heavens and the world without any formation, any space, or any obstacles to block him.

The white dragon horse not only awakened the blood of the ancestral dragon before, but now it has grown wings of space. This is already the supreme mount that many emperors have dreamed of.

"You know what you know! This is indeed the Wing of With the Wing of Space, even the Great Emperor can only lick Lao Tzu's feet!"

Bai Longma smiled proudly.

After his cultivation practice broke through to the peerless emperor, the blood in his body completely returned to his ancestors, and he also possessed the talents of Tianma and Zulong. His strength was also extremely powerful.

"Where is so much nonsense! Go, go to the Temple of Chaos!"

Ling Xiao reluctantly knocked on the white dragon horse, and then stepped on the white dragon horse.

"Master Lord, rest assured, let's go to the Temple of Chaos immediately!"

The white dragon horse smiled flatteringly, and then the power of the body space intertwined for the next moment. The mysterious light was released, and it instantly disappeared in front of the old goat and the white dragon horse, and went towards the chaotic temple.

"This guy runs so fast? Hurry up and catch up!"

The old goat whispered, also with the unscrupulous Daoist, performing the technique of big shift, chasing towards the white dragon horse.

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