Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3314: If you enter a land of no one!

Chaos Temple's incomparable secret. Most people don't even know where the Chaos Temple is. Even other immortal holy places, they only know that the Chaos Temple is near the Genesis Mountain of the Terran, but the specific location is top secret.

According to legend, the Chaos Temple occupies an ancient world, and only one portal is connected to the territories of the human race, but that portal cannot be entered by ordinary people unless the Chaos Temple is actively opened.

The creation mountain is a forbidden place among the human race. It is said that the ancient gods left behind will be called the creation mountain.

The Genesis Mountain is filled with chaos and fog, and still retains the scene when the world first opened. Although there are many heaven and earth treasures here, most people dare not come here. The dangerous anomaly of the Genesis Mountain is even a saint. Be careful, it will fall here.

When Ling Xiao and Bai Longma came to the Creation Mountain, they saw mountains standing in the sky, exuding majestic momentum.

The chaotic light around rises like a sea of ​​clouds, unpredictable.

"Is this the God of Creation Mountain? What a treasure land of Feng Shui, I didn't expect to be occupied by the Chaos Temple! Ling Xiao, are we going to **** first, or do we rush in directly?"

Bailongma snorted, his eyes full of eager look.

"Go straight in? Do you know how to enter the Chaos Temple?"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

His eyes were filled with bright light, which was the light emitted by the eye of the Lord, able to see everything and reflect the sky.

For others, even a portal that is difficult for the peerless emperor to find is clearly visible in Ling Xiao's eyes.

He can see that in a small world where the Chaos Temple is located, there is an ancient passage light gate connected to the Creation God Mountain.

But at the moment, where the passage is, there are a lot of killing opportunities, runes everywhere, it is clear that the Temple of Chaos has been prepared.

Moreover, Ling Xiao can also see that there are several emperors and emperors who have concealed their bodies and are observing Ling Xiao's every move in the void around the passage.

In addition, there are a lot of powerful people of all races coming to Genesis Mountain. Although they are watching from afar, their eyes are full of excitement.

For them, no matter who wins or loses Ling Xiao and Chaos Temple, it will weaken the power of the human race, and they are also happy to see their success.

"Of course! This can't stop me, the passage of the chaotic temple of the district may be difficult for others to find, but for me, it is easy!"

Bailongma smiled proudly.

However, he awakened the blood of Zulong and Tianma at the same time. He is so powerful that he has the speed of time. Even the strong of the level of the emperor, it is difficult to have such speed.

Moreover, there are wings of space that allow the White Dragon Horse to move the heavens, and no formation, enchantment, or prohibition can trap him.

"We have arrived, and the people of the Chaos Temple must have found us, but so far, no one has appeared, I am afraid that I want to resist the corner! In this case, there is no need to first salute the soldiers, kill them directly!"

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, showing a cold edge in his eyes.

"Okay! Then go in!"

Bai Longma also said with great excitement.


The blazing light of his whole body rises, exuding the immense dragon power, and the wings of space spread out like a cloud in the sky, which looks crystal clear and intertwined with the mysterious fluctuation of space.


The white dragon horse's eyes showed a tremendous excitement, and his body was trembling with excitement. It seemed to be merged into the void in an instant, and then rushed towards the summit of the creation mountain.

"Ling Xiao found the entrance to my chaotic temple?"

"Do they want to force in?"

In the emptiness around, several emperors and emperors showed a startled look in their eyes.

They did not expect that the entrance to the tunnel was discovered so easily.

"What did you find? Forcibly rushing into the passage, it is simply to find death! In the passage, Lord Son has already set up the Godless Array. That is the imperfect imperial array left behind by the master, even if the great emperor does not die. Seriously wounded, although Ling Xiao is strong, now it seems to be just a reckless husband!"

The emperor led the head sneered.

For Ling Xiao and Bai Longma to break into the Chaos Temple, for them, it is even more enjoyable.

They can't wait for Ling Xiao and the White Dragon Horse to enter the imperial imperial array directly, and then be completely crushed by the imperial array.


The white dragon horse is intertwined with the power of wind and thunder, lightning rises, the light is bright, the breath is powerful and unmatched, so that the four sides of the void are trembling violently.

He was supposed to be able to shuttle through the sky silently, but this guy's incomprehensible beating was so much higher than that.

In a blink of an eye, he had already reached the top of the creation mountain, and quickly rushed into the space.


The space is like a mirror, broken instantly.

The dazzling light diffused, a mysterious space channel appeared in front of Ling Xiao and Bailongma, leading to a very mysterious world.

In the mouth of the White Dragon Horse, a sound of dragon chanting sounded with great pride, and instantly entered the space channel.


At the moment when Ling Xiao and Bai Longma entered the space channel, a rune emerged instantly. The powerful formations fluctuated and the avenues were intertwined. In an instant, a terrifying killing array recovered.

The chaotic light was turbulent, and the endless swordsmanship intertwined, so that the Quartet's voids were oscillating, as if they were about to burst at any time.

Ji Dao Di Wei permeated, horrible killing, constantly greeted Ling Xiao and Bai Longma.

"Asshole, these guys are so mean?"

The white dragon horse was furious, and his eyes were full of fierce mans.

"Why? Can't hold it? If it doesn't hold up, just say, I will take you into the Chaos Temple!"

Ling Xiao's expression was incomparable, as if he hadn't put the big killers around him in his eyes at all, a slight smile appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Bailongma and said slowly.

"Fart! How can I not hold it? What about without the **** formation, this seat moves the heavens and the world, and where is the world?"

Bailongma smiled proudly.

Although he was angry, he did not panic. He also expected the White Dragon Horse in front of him. He didn't believe that the Chaos Temple would take hold of him. No one saw it. It must be holding back some bad water.

However, can the imperial constituency block the great dragon horse?

They really don't know anything about power!


The blazing light of the White Dragon Horse rose around him. Above his head, Long Yin shook the sky, and the hissing sound shook the void, revealing a mysterious phantom of an ancestral dragon and a Tianma.

The body of the white dragon horse seems to have recovered a mysterious rune, and it looks extremely old, making the shadow of the white dragon horse extremely illusory.

Just as the sky-long murderous influx came, the White Dragon Horse and Ling Xiao disappeared.

He was like a mysterious ray of nothingness, as if penetrating the truth and vain, walking in the endless void, directly penetrating the entire array.

At the next moment, Bailongma, with Lingxiao, has rushed out of the passage and came into that ancient and mysterious world.

This is an extremely small world.

The huge mountain ranges are rolling, the ancient trees are towering, and there are strange flowers and grass everywhere, filled with chaotic fog, and the original power of the avenue is like a sweet rain falling from the sky dome, so that there are many legendary ones on the earth. Treasure medicine holy medicine.

The most striking thing is the ancient Temple of Heaven above the Nine Heavens.

The whole body is like a bronze cast, ancient and mysterious, and magnificent, as if it were the residence of the gods, lingering in endless chaotic light, exuding an eternal and eternal atmosphere.

Bailongma emptied the sky, staring at the huge heavenly palace, with a loud dragon chant in his mouth.

"The grandsons of the Chaos Temple, all get out and die!"

The voice of Bailongma is full of arrogance.

His whole body is shining brightly, lingering around the mysterious phantoms of Zulong and Tianma, and the wings of space spread out, making him look like a god.

Bai Longma's heart is very cheerful, and I haven't been so arrogant for a long time.

In the past, in God Realm, within the Eternal Emperor Road, he was a man with a tail in his tail, and he was chased and killed by everybody.

And now, he came to the Chaos Temple, the head of the Twelve Immortal Holy Lands, and shouted that he would destroy the Chaos Temple.

This feeling is really cool!

The most important reason is that the ride on his back gives the White Dragon Horse unlimited arrogance.

Bailongma felt for the first time, maybe as a mount, it still felt very good!

"He...he...they broke into the chaotic world? How is this possible?"

The emperors and powerful men of the Chaos Temple were stunned one by one.

Originally, they also counted on the killing formation under the Chaos Temple, which could give Ling Xiao a dismountable power. Even if Ling Xiao could not be killed, Ling Xiao would be extremely embarrassed.

But they didn't expect that Ling Xiao rushed into the chaotic world so easily. The godless array under them was like air.

"It's the dragon horse? He awakened the blood of Zulong and Tianma, and grew the wings of space. The wings of space claim to be able to travel through the heavens and the world, have the world's speed, and can penetrate all formations, prohibitions and enchantments, even if it is The Imperial Array can't stop him!"

An old emperor looked at the white dragon horse deeply, and his eyes were filled with horror. The ancient **** beast of the dragon horse, the bloodline of the Tianma and the ancestral dragon, is known as the supreme emperor. I didn't expect the mount to be the mount of Ling Xiao now.

This makes them both shocked and jealous.

"The grandchildren of Chaos Temple, do you really plan to be a tortoise turtle? Haven't you rolled out to meet the great Lord Ling Xiao!"

The White Dragon Horse shouted arrogantly again, and the sound resembled thunder, echoing through the entire chaotic world.

"Ling Xiao, you're going to bully too much!"

In that ancient chaotic temple, a young figure emerged, followed by a group of powerful emperors and powerful emperors, volleying on the empty sky, and Ling Xiao faced each other.

The young figure looked handsome and elegant, with a magnificent figure, dressed in a robe of chaos, a chaotic clock above his head, and his eyes were like electricity and indifference, exuding a powerful and unmatched source of chaos.

It is the Son of Chaos!

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