Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3347: The secrets of the heavens!

Ling Xiao has merged the previous life.

He is the emperor, but he is not the emperor.

Heavenly Emperor was badly hit. After the Dao was transformed, the origin of the Three Thousand Avenues was attracted. A ray of true spirit was immortal, and it fell into the legendary reincarnation and was reincarnated as Lingxiao.

This reincarnation, even the emperor Kunwu Mountain, the four masters and others did not know.

He is not a heavenly emperor, because he has an independent consciousness in this life, and the true spirit of the heavenly emperor has not awakened. It is only after he has merged his previous life with him at this moment that he can get the memory of the heavenly emperor and realize his past life and present life.

After fusing the emperor's memory, Ling Xiao understood the meaning of Zhao Ritian's last sentence.

"In this life, you will not abandon me again!"

Zhao Ritian's words made Ling Xiao today sound like a knife.

"I will definitely save you, even if you break through the heavens and wipe out the reincarnation!"

Ling Xiao said secretly.

After the fusion of the previous life, only the afterlife remains.

The reason why Ling Xiao didn't choose to refine Wan Dao Jindan immediately and prove that Dao is detached, in addition to his desire to fuse the memory of Heavenly Emperor and see everything that Zhao Ritian had once, also because he felt that if he could fuse the three bodies, To be truly detached.

Heavenly Emperor is his predecessor, and the true spirit is immortal, reincarnated into Ling Xiao, as if it has a role in promoting Ling Xiao's detachment. Ling Xiao's integration with the previous life has no obstacles, and it is easily completed.

What is really difficult is to integrate the afterlife.

Ling Xiao's afterlife looks as if he is sitting in a chaotic void, with blood all over his body, like **** in an asura.

There is no doubt that Ling Xiao's afterlife is already a true detached person, detached from heaven and earth, detached from the origin of the avenue, detached from all restraints and unrestrained.

But it is so, it is almost impossible to integrate the afterlife.

Unless Ling Xiao can truly defeat the surrender of the afterlife, it is tantamount to nightmare if you want to merge the afterlife.


Fiery light blooms, time and space are twisted, chaos rises, and Ling Xiao seems to have come into a vast and ancient world.

In front of him, a figure who seemed to be bathed in the **** sea of ​​endless corpses slowly opened his eyes.

It was a pair of extremely cold eyes, with a monstrous murderous intention, as if it could bury hundreds of millions of souls, making Ling Xiao feel a horrible murderous intention coming.

That is Ling Xiao's afterlife.

Until standing in front of the afterlife, Ling Xiao could understand how terrifying the afterlife was.

He stood opposite to the afterlife, as if standing on both ends of the river of years, facing each other far away, that kind of strange feeling.

As if knowing Ling Xiao's intentions, the eyes of the afterlife are full of unruly looks, extremely tyrannical, and suddenly rushed towards Ling Xiao in the air.


Without any signs, a devastating battle broke out in an instant.

The battle between Ling Xiao and the afterlife is as if it happened in nothingness, and shot through the endless years and long rivers, it is terrible in terror and can destroy everything.

The afterlife is extremely powerful!

So powerful that after only a few rounds, Ling Xiao's present and present life has been cut off by the afterlife.

But here is Ling Xiao's home field. His present life possesses almost indestructible power. Although he was cut off by the afterlife, he instantly condensed out and killed towards the afterlife.

The war became more and more intense, the two figures constantly collided, and the speed reached the extreme, just like the opening of the world, the rise of chaos, the reversal of yin and yang, the reincarnation of reincarnation, the emergence of mysterious and unpredictable scenes, completely drowned the two figures...


The wild land, in a mysterious chaotic world.

The majestic Chaos Heavenly Palace, radiating a blazing glory, floating above the nine days, exuding eternal and immortal breath fluctuations.

The Chaos Great Emperor, sitting high above the throne in the Temple of Heaven, seemed to have a chaotic vortex all over his body, filled with mysterious light and constantly engulfing the power of the origin of chaos.

In the battle to **** Wan Dao Jin Dan, he suffered an unimaginable blow.

In particular, the Red Dragon God of War with the top ten chaos treasures, laid down the chaotic limitless array, devoured his cultivation practices for dozens of eras to nourish Wandao Jindan.

If it weren't for the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, I'm afraid he was already dead in the chaotic infinite array.

Under him, Emperor Tongtian stood hand in hand with a calm face, as if there was no slight respect.

"Tongtian, how dare you come to see me?"

Chaos Emperor stared at Tongtianhan with a cold voice, and there was a cold killing in his eyes.

He let the Tongtian Emperor stay in the dark world channel to prevent the reincarnation emperor from coming, but the reincarnation emperor still came, which only shows that the Tongtian emperor did not follow the command of the Chaos emperor.

Otherwise, with the characteristics that the dark world channel is easy to defend and difficult to attack, even if the Tongtian emperor is not the opponent of the reincarnation emperor, it is still not difficult to achieve it if you want to block the reincarnation emperor in the dark realm.

"I've seen Lord Dominion! If it weren't for me to release the reincarnation Emperor out of the dark realm, I'm afraid you are dead in the Chaos Infinite Array now?"

Emperor Tongtian raised his head and looked at Chaos Emperor with a smile, his eyes full of playfulness.

"So, I have to thank you?"

Chaos Great said coldly.

"Thanks are not necessary! But I think that the master should be a person who knows the current affairs. How about letting the master dominate my master?"

Emperor Tongtian smiled slightly.

"Your master? Tongtian, you really are the wolf ambition, who is your master? Destiny, cause and effect, reincarnation, or the spirit of the wordless book?"

Chaos Emperor stared at Tongtian Emperor coldly.

"Master, your vision is too narrow? Is it limited to this world, how can you know the vastness of the world? My master is naturally the one in the dark world!"

Emperor Tongtian laughed.

"The one in the dark world?! He...has he awoke?"

Chaos Great Emperor was shocked, as if thinking of something terrible, suddenly stood up from the throne.

"My master is naturally not awake! However, it is not far away from him to wake up! Master, you have no hope of detachment now. Why not take refuge with my master, and perhaps be able to escape when immense robbery arrives? Get a life!

Lord Master should know that this world is not complete, there is no reincarnation of life and death, it is destined to return to the market completely! And my master, immortal, surrender to him, you have hope for life! "

Emperor Tongtian stood upright.

His face is very confident. Although it seems that he is not as good as Chao Chao, he seems to rely on it. When he looks at Chao Chao, there is no respect or fear.

"Your master has been sleeping for so long, but it is nothing but a lingering panic. He may not even be able to save himself, so how can he talk to save me? What's more, the return of all beings to the market is an irreversible trend, even if he also changes No!"

Chaos Great Emperor sneered.

"This is bad! Master, do you forget that place in the cosmic river? If my master enters there, he will not only be able to reincarnate, but also go to the eternal land!"

Emperor Tongtian smiled slightly.

There was a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.


Chaos Emperor's mouth spit out two words, which seemed to be very important. Chaos DìDū couldn't help but breathe quickly.

"Yes! It is the ruin world, and the ruin world is about to open! This time, my master will not only sweep the flood, but also dominate the world, and no one can stop his footsteps! Chaos, I have said enough. Now, you can make a choice!"

Emperor Tongtian smiled indifferently.

"What if I refuse?"

The Chaos Emperor said quietly, and there was a hint of rebellious sharpness in his eyes.

"If you refuse, you can't stay!"

Emperor Tongtian said indifferently.

"It's you alone?"

Chaos Great Emperor sneered and said, "Although the Emperor is injured and his power is greatly reduced, it is not that you like the younger generation can covet! Look at that face and immediately give the Emperor away, otherwise if the Emperor has changed Idea, you can only save your life!"

"Chaos, it seems that you are determined to reject the good intentions of my host. Since that is the case, don't blame me!"

Emperor Tongtian shook his head and said with a pity in his eyes.

As soon as the words fell, I saw him turn around and respectfully said, "Please have two messengers!"


The void was broken in an instant, and the two monstrous figures stepped forward and appeared in the Chaos Heaven Palace.

It was black and white and two figures, wearing a black robe is a middle-aged man, black all over the body, cast like gold and iron, exudes immortal light, grief in the eyes, a pair of fangs sharp and unmatched, face Full of cruel killing intentions.

Wearing a white robe is a very handsome young man, like a ghost, with a pale complexion, and a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Both of these figures exude monstrous extreme dignity and dignity. The breath is terrified to the extreme. As soon as they appear, the emperor Chaos is locked up.

"Dry monk? Impermanence?"

The Chaos Great Emperor was shocked, and instantly recognized the identity of the two people in front of There was an incredible look in his eyes.

The Great Emperor is one of the first ancestors of the zombie family. He became enlightened in the ancient era, and he was powerful and unmatched. He once set off a storm of blood and blood in the heavens and the world.

Impermanence Great Emperor is one of the first ancestors of the ghost clan. It was also enlightened in the ancient era. It was a brilliant and arrogant figure who was once the son of the heavenly election. With his own strength, the ghost clan became the master of the era.

Chaos Great is very familiar with both of them, but it stands to reason that these two should have fallen, why did they appear here?

Especially the terrifying breath emanating from the dry emperor emperor and impermanence emperor made chaos emperor's face suddenly change.

The strength of these two is terrible, and it is not weaker than Chaos Emperor in the heyday.

How can this be?

"Chaos, die!"

In the eyes of the Emperor of the Dry Emperor, there was a flash of opportunity, and he instantly killed the Chaos Emperor!

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