Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3348: Plan a thousand golden pill!


The Great Emperor Han Ru was red as blood, and two huge **** wings appeared behind him. He seemed to have penetrated the space and time in an instant, and Ling Kong grabbed him towards the head of Chaos.

His claws are extremely sharp, with an immortal light flowing, as if more terrifying than the Ji Dao imperial soldiers, the collapse of a large block of void, a horrible murder quickly enveloped the Chaos Emperor.

"Defeat the master's order, kill without amnesty!"

Emperor Wuchang also sneered, and in the feminine eyes, there was an extremely cold killing intention.

His figure exploded in the void in an instant, splitting into thousands of black shadows, overwhelmingly shrouded towards the Chaos Emperor.

Each black shadow is constantly twisted, containing a power to destroy the Yuanshen, and make the void violently oscillate.

The accompanying sound of ghost crying wolf howling, terrifying, terrifying people.

"This is... the origin of the dark world?! Damn it!"

Chaos Emperor's complexion changed suddenly, and as the Emperor Hanyu and the Impermanence killed him, the chaotic light rose around him, and the Chaos Clock immediately appeared outside his body.

Above the Chaos Clock, there are the sun, the moon and the stars, there are all living beings, containing the origin of chaos, but it is an extremely powerful Ji Dao soldier with extremely powerful defense.


The Great Emperor Hanyu grabbed the Chaos Clock, and even made the sound of gold and iron clashes, Mars was shining, and the four sides of the void were buzzing and trembling.

The countless black shadows transformed by the impermanent emperor wanted to invade the chaotic clock, but the chaotic clock suddenly burst into a fierce chaotic light, and a powerful sound wave diffused, blocking the black shadows from the outside .


Chaos Emperor's face was extremely ugly.

He finally knows why the Great Emperor Xianbiao and the Great Impermanence have such terrible combat power.

It turned out that they had turned to the Lord of the Dark Realm, and their cultivation became the source of the Dark Realm, and under the empowerment of the Lord of the Dark Realm, they had such a terrible combat power.

However, if you want to create two such powerful players, I am afraid that the Lord of the Underworld has also paid a great price.

If the Chaos Emperor was in its heyday, even if it was one enemy and two enemies, he was not afraid of the siege of the Dry Emperor and the Impermanent Emperor.

But now, he was hit hard and lost dozens of eras of cultivation in the chaotic infinite array. The injury has not been healed, and he is not an opponent of these two.

The Great Emperor Drunk and the Impermanence Emperor performed many forbidden spells, and they were unmatched in power and terror.

"No! If I were entangled by the two of them, I might really die! I must first leave here, the mean and shameless villain, and wait for the emperor to restore his cultivation in his heyday, I will definitely let you die without a burial place! "

Chaos Great thought secretly in his heart, raging.

The eyes of Emperor Tongtian flickered, as if he had seen something, facing Emperor Hanyu and Emperor Impermanence: "The two messengers, Chaos is afraid that they want to escape and stop him, and today he must be completely beheaded!"

"Tongtian, you little man, I will kill you!"

Chaos Emperor shouted.

"Less nonsense! Chaos, you just have to use my mind. Since you are stubborn, don't blame me!"

Emperor Tongtian sneered, his eyes full of cold murderous intention.


The actions of the Great Emperor Drought and the Great Impermanence became more and more terrifying.

The sky is full of grief and darkness rises, as if it were a sea of ​​death burying hundreds of millions of souls, and the Chaos Great Emperor was completely enveloped in it for a lore.

The fledgling emperor's flesh is immortal. He was originally a family of zombies. His flesh sacrifices are comparable to the extremely emperor soldiers, and he fights against the Chaos Bell.

The impermanent Emperor, who is good at the method of Yuanshen's attack, set off a dark ghost wind, just like Yan Luo ghost prison, to tear all souls to pieces.

Just a moment ago, Chaos Great Emperor had fallen into the downwind, and the Chaos Bell buzzing and trembling around him, the light became a bit dim.

Chaos Clock, this extremely imperial soldier, although unmatched in power and possessing superior defense power, has also reached the limit of endurance under the attack of the two strongest men.

In particular, the body of the Great Emperor Hanyu was not weaker than the soldiers of the Ji Dao. Every collision made the Chaos Clock tremble violently, as if it would be broken apart at any time.


Chaos Emperor's eyes are fierce and unmatched, and suddenly inspired the Chaos Bell's supreme power. A terrifying sound of sonic waves bloomed, pushing Impermanent Emperor back.

At the same time, He Hehandi Emperor shook his mind hard. With his current flesh, he was not an opponent of the Hanrui Emperor, and was directly flew out.


An ancient stone rune appeared in the palm of Chaos Great Emperor's palm, and the outline of the road above the stone rune seemed to contain some kind of mysterious heaven and earth.


Chaos Emperor's eyes showed a very painful look, but he still gritted his teeth and directly sacrificed the stone rune.


The stone runes shone in the void, and the simple lines on it looked like mountains and rivers, and they were suppressed from the void in an instant.

A simple mountain, a long river, and a mysterious void converge to form a forbidden area. In a flash, the three emperors of the Dry Emperor, the Impermanent Emperor, and the Emperor Tongtian were imprisoned.

"Not good! This is a treasure left by the detached. Hurry up and break away, never let him escape!"

Emperor Tongtian's face changed suddenly. He felt as if there were hundreds of millions of divine mountains suppressed. His whole body was trembling, but he was unbearable. He knelt directly there, his eyes full of incredulous horror.

In the eyes of the Great Emperor Han and the Great Emperor Chang, there was an extremely cold killing intention, and the darkness of the whole body gathered together, and the sky rushed towards the Great Emperor Chaos.


As if an invisible enchantment emerged, the Void Shock, the two of them were directly blocked back.

"Don't waste your energy! This is the Zhentian character left by the detached, even your master, don't think about breaking it for a while, you will wait for me, I will not let you go!"

Chaos Emperor gave a cold look to the three people in front of him. His eyes were filled with extremely cold killing intentions, and he moved away from the Chaos Heavenly Palace instantly.

Behind him, the roar and shouts of the emperor Handi and others sounded, but they could not escape the ban at all for a while.

"Damn! Is the main of the Underworld awakened? In this way, I am afraid that the entire wilderness world will be caught in a catastrophe. I want to fight him, only detachment!

Chaos Emperor's eyes were full of worry and fright, and he left this small world in no time.

The Zhentian symbol is a treasure he obtained from the ancient ruins, which contains the power of detachment, but is left by the detached. It has a very strong effect on suppressing the creatures of the dark world, but for the strong in the wild world , The effect is not so great, otherwise he would have sacrificed before competing for Wandao Jindan.

"Now that Ling Xiao has already refined the Wan Dao Jin Dan? Damn it! If it wasn't the spirit, the person who proved the detachment of the Tao must be me!"

Chaos Great's eyes were full of unwilling looks.

Now, the threat of the Lord of the Dark Realm makes him feel terrified, feeling that he is lacking in strength and urgently needs help.

Therefore, he decided to contact the Destiny Emperor and the Causal Emperor to gather the power of three people, and may have the opportunity to contend with the Lord of the Dark Realm.


The power of the years ahead flows, and a long river runs across the void, blocking it in front of Chaos Emperor.

"Years, do you really think I dare not kill you?"

Chaos Emperor's face was cold and coldly said.

Needless to say, he also knew that the man who was standing in front of him was the emperor of the years.

In the void, there was a ray of light, and an old man in white robe and white hair came out of the long river. The whole body exuded a mysterious and mysterious light and came to the front of Chaos Emperor.

"Chaos, what are you doing so anxiously? Although I can't wait to kill you, there is now a chance of detachment, do you want it?"

The light flashed in the eyes of the emperor of the years, and he smiled indifferently.

"A chance of detachment? Where is the chance of detachment? Could you still make a golden pill for me?"

Chaos Great Emperor sneered.

"Fei Ye! Ling Xiao's Wan Dao Jin Dan, he did not choose to merge immediately, he chose a more difficult path! He is integrating three bodies!"

The Great Emperor smiled slightly.

"Fusion of the three bodies?!"

Chaos Great Emperor was shocked, his eyes showed a terrified look.

"Yes! It's almost impossible to integrate the three bodies before detachment! But Ling Xiao did it. I think this is the best opportunity for us to **** Wandao Jindan, isn't it?"

The Great Emperor smiled slightly.

"With such a good opportunity, why don't you **** it and come to me?"

Chaos Emperor asked with some doubt.

"Because, the person who protects Ling Xiao is the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, I am not sure to defeat him!"

The emperor said slowly.

"Kunwu Mountain? That old immortal? If he was protecting Ling Xiao, it would be really difficult!"

Chaos Emperor's brow furrowed. Obviously, he also has some knowledge about Emperor Kunwu Mountain. Although Kunwu Mountain is only the cultivation of Emperor's Realm, it is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface.

At least, Chaos Great Emperor is not willing to provoke the emperor Kunwu Mountain.

Years Emperor nodded and said, "I can lead the emperor of Kunwu Mountain for you. You are going to kill Ling Xiao and seize Wandao Jindan. What do you think?"

"Would you be so kind?"

Chaos Great Emperor sneered: "Less nonsense, say your terms, I don't believe you have nothing to do!"

"I want Chaos, Destiny, Cause and Effect, and Reincarnation, the Four Golden Origins! I believe that you should have it there. As long as you give me the Four Golden Origins, I will help you to win the Golden Dan!"

The Great Emperor smiled indifferently and said his true purpose.

"Four Big Origins Jindan? You really have a big appetite! However, if I can get Wanda Jindan, what if it is for you?"

Chaos Emperor raised a brow and sneered.

The emperor's appetite is indeed great.

Moreover, through the conditions of the time emperor, he also saw the real strength of the time emperor.

The great source within the emperor's body will condense into the immortal source of golden calamity after the Great Tribulation.

It is like the four great emperors of chaos, destiny, cause and effect, and reincarnation. They are called masters because in these 108 eras, they have condensed three thousand origin Jindan, with 108 The cultivation of the era, the strength has been raised to the extreme.

The next step is to prove the detachment.

However, unlike the unity of Wan Dao, it is almost impossible to integrate these three thousand gold Jindans into one. Only with the help of Wan Dao Jindan can one have the opportunity to ascend in one step and prove the detachment.

Strictly speaking, they can be said to be a half-step master, because only real transcendents can be called masters.

And the Great Emperor of the Years wanted these four origins Jindan, indicating that his cultivation base was a half-step away, and it was not far away. Perhaps the fusion of the four origins Jindan could be equal to the four people such as Chaos.

"Emperor Chaos is really refreshing! As long as you give me the four origins Jindan, I will definitely help you achieve detachment, and then you will have to dominate the adults, take care of it!"

The Emperor of the Years smiled But if you dare to cheat me, you should know the cost of cheating me! "

Chaos sneered, then waved his hands, and suddenly four mysterious and bright Jindan flew towards the Great Emperor.

The Four Origins of Golden Dan!

This may not have much effect for Chaos Great Emperor, but for the Great Emperor of Time, it is very important.

The eyes of the emperor of the years brightened, and he immediately put Jin Dan, the four major sources, in his pocket.

"Emperor Chaos is really refreshing, let's go, I'm afraid there are many people who are eager to move and want to **** a thousand golden pill!"

The Great Emperor smiled slightly.


Years and years of rivers and criss-crossings of hundreds of millions of voids enveloped him and Chaos Great Emperor, and suddenly moved towards endless chaos.

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