Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3349: Emperor Kunwu Mountain is powerful!

Chaos Void.

Ling Xiao was surrounded by chaos and mist, without the slightest breath of life, just like a corpse, floating in the void.

He has been sitting here for hundreds of days.

Emperor Kunwu Mountain has always been here to protect him.

However, more and more people coveted around.

For hundreds of days, Ling Xiao did not have any breath of life. Many people think that perhaps Ling Xiao has run out of lights and died completely.

Especially those great emperors and strongmen, almost can't sit still.

Wan Dao Jin Dan is the treasure they dream of. As long as they get Wan Dao Jin Dan, they will have a chance to detach themselves. This is a temptation that cannot be refused.

"If you want a golden dandan, even though the shot is the great emperor, is it like a rat with a hidden head, is it not embarrassing?"

Emperor Kunwu took a cup of tea and drank it, then said lightly.

He had already felt that the powerful figures around him could not help but shoot.

However, many people are embarrassed by the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, and they have resisted the impulse in their hearts.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

But two figures still appeared.

Those were the two old men in black robes, with fairy bones and clear faces, exuding a scent of dust, and holding a dragon, snake, and walking stick, they walked towards the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

"Have seen the emperor!"

Two old men in black robes greeted the emperor of Kunwu Mountain slightly.

"Tao Hua, Xing Yuan, do you also want to grab a million Dao Jindan?"

The emperor Kunwu Mountain's eyes flashed, and asked faintly.

The two black robe elders in front of them are Xiantao and Xianxing. They were born with the emperor of Kunwu Mountain and grew up in the ancient chaotic land.

But the emperor of Kunwu Mountain has been transformed for a long time, and Xiantao and Xianxing have always been in a state of ignorance. Until a few eras ago, they were transformed by the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, and they came out. Dao Chengdi.

Tao Hua and Xingyuan are the masters of the spirit world. The spirit world is a world of many rare birds and beasts, and the strange flowers and grasses are transformed into the world.

"Emperor, our two life Yuan will be exhausted, this time the era of disaster, it is impossible to pass through! Only with the help of Wandao Jindan, can we continue Shouyuan, and even go further, and invite the emperor to complete!"

Tao Hua said sincerely.

"Wan Dao Jin Dan is Ling Xiao's thing! He is not dead now, he is transforming. Do you dare to covet Wan Dao Jin Dan?"

Emperor Kunwu said indifferently.

"Emperor, although you were kind to us at that time, but our Xiantao and Xianxing of several epochs were given to you, so we don’t owe you anything! For our sake, we let you go. , We don’t hurt you, but we’re going to make a decision!

Among Xingyuan's eyes, there was a trace of unruly color, cold voice.

"Hurt me? Where did you come from? For the sake of the old man, I also give you a piece of advice. It's not easy to be transformed, so don't disappoint this creation!"

Emperor Kunwu said with a smile.

"Is the emperor determined to stop us?"

Tao Hua sighed softly.

"Brother, what did you spend so much with him? If you don't enter the realm of the emperor, you will end up as a ant. Even if he has some means, how can he beat the two of us?"

Xingyuan sneered.

"Emperor, offended!"

Tao Hua sighed softly.


The dragon-shaped walking stick in his palm trembles slightly, and a pink ray of light blooms.

Xingyuan also sneered. The snake-shaped walking stick in his palm, with black light, seems to turn into an ancient giant snake, winding towards the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

The dragons and snakes are intertwined, as if there is a tremendous force of heaven and earth, the breath is terrible.

At the same time, Tao Hua and Xing Yuan were surrounded by a branch of branches, and in an instant, the sky and the sky were empty, the branches and leaves were crystal clear, containing an immortal luster, like a prison, trapping the emperor of Kunwu Mountain in it.

At the same time, endless flowers are blooming, as if blooming withered hundreds of millions of times in a flash. The power of time and space has spread. Under the envelope of time and space, it seems to make everything completely sink.

"Emperor, you will wait for a while in the Fanghua Grand Battle for a while, and wait for us to get a golden pill, and then come to repay you!"

Tao Hua's voice sounded.

At the next moment, the two of them moved at the same time and grabbed towards Xiao Xiao!


But the next moment, the endless chaotic light burst into bloom.

The real dragon giant snake transformed by the dragon snake crutches was instantly shocked by a chaotic mountain, and the mountain rose as high as hundreds of millions of feet. The mighty bombardment shattered the mysterious flowers.

The emperor of Kunwu Mountain stepped from the endless radiant light, and the whole body was not contaminated with the slightest dust, and was immediately blocked in front of Tao Hua and Xingyuan.

"In that moment, Fanghua Formation? You really took great pains to deal with me! Unfortunately, in this moment, Fanghua Formation, you are not at home to practice!"

Emperor Kunwu said indifferently, his eyes were deep and vicissitudes.


Both Tao Hua and Xingyuan were shocked, and their cultivation practices were considered extremely strong. They were the great emperors with several eras, and the dragon snake and crutches were the emperor soldiers they had been practicing for many years. .

In their hearts, they were very vigilant about the emperor Kunwu Mountain, so they exploded their full strength as soon as they shot, not only the recovery of the two great imperial soldiers, but also the burst of a large array of Fanghua. This ancient taboo array is to want to conquer Kun Emperor Wushan was trapped for a moment.

But they did not expect that the taboo line, which claimed to be able to trap the era emperor, was so easily broken by the emperor Kunwu Mountain.

"Since it's here, stay!"

Emperor Kunwu said indifferently, and then slapped it with his backhand.


The immense palm print lingered around the chaotic light, as if it was an endless repression of the mainland, which made Tao Hua and Xingyuan both feel an unmatched threat and could not help changing their faces.

"Give me!"

Tao Hua shouted suddenly, the dragon-shaped walking stick in his hand suddenly rose into the sky like a towering ancient tree, exuding the monstrous dragon power, wanting to stretch the sky.

At the same time, Xingyuan does not mean like a sword, a fierce sword light, and in a matter of moments hundreds of thousands of miles of void, want to kill the palm of Kunwu Mountain.


The huge imprint of the palm fell, immortal and mysterious, like the suppression of hundreds of millions of chaotic gods at the same time, terrified.


The sky's light exploded, the sword gas was broken, and the dragon-shaped walking stick whistled, and even flew straight out.

Both Tao Hua and Xing Yuan were struck by lightning, and they were covered with huge shocks.


The faces of both of them are extremely ugly, and their eyes are full of incredible panic, it is difficult to imagine why the emperor Kunwu Mountain will be so powerful.


The emperor of Kunwu Mountain looked very indifferent, and with a sip, the volley of a finger fell towards Tao Hua and Xingyuan Point.

The finger is crystal clear, mysterious and unpredictable, and contains a supreme power to destroy the Yuanshen, which makes Tao Hua and Xing Yuan tremendously shocked, revealing a look of extreme fear.

"Do not!!!"

A very desperate voice sounded.

puff! puff!

Blood flashed, Tao Hua and Xing Yuan's eyebrows exploded at the same time, and their primordial spirits emerged, but it was a bright peach tree and a mysterious apricot tree.

The emperor Kunwu Mountain fell down with a finger, and the peach tree and apricot tree broke apart in an instant. Their primordial spirit turned into countless pieces, and together with their flesh, they broke apart instantly.

When the sleeve of Emperor Kunwu Mountain waved, Tao Hua and Xingyuan instantly showed their bodies, and turned into a peach tree with a height of one hundred meters, and an apricot tree with a height of one hundred meters. Among the sleeves.


Everyone around could not help but take a breath.

Especially those great emperors and strong men, all of them were cold, and their eyes were full of fear.

Tao Hua and Xing Yuan are not weak, that is the master of the spirit world, the two era emperors, even so easily, were suppressed by the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

It is even more unknown today.

The power of Emperor Kunwu Mountain is far beyond their imagination!

"It's too strong! There is the law of Emperor Kunwu Mountain, I'm afraid we don't have any hope!"

"Wan Dao Jin Dan, but that can be detached! Really... not reconciled!"

"What can we do? With the fighting power shown by the emperor Kunwu Mountain, we are just going to die!"

"It would be nice if someone could lead Emperor Kunwu Mountain away!"


All the people hidden in the surrounding void are full of panic and unwillingness in their eyes, and even some people have chosen to leave.

Some emperor Kunwu Mountain protects Ling Xiao, and even two great emperors Tao Hua and Xing Yuan have been suppressed. They may have no choice.


But at this moment, above the void, a mysterious long river came across the sky, as if there were endless souls, the endless world was buried in it, and the mighty king shrouded in Kunwu Mountain.

"The Great Emperor, do you dare to come?"

Kun Wushan emperor's eyes flashed sharply, said indifferently.


He punched out with a punch, and the chaotic fist print was unparalleled, just like the chaotic mountain of God.


In the long river, the great emperor of the years struck white robe, the bones of the fairy wind, and stepped towards the emperor of Kunwu Mountain. The eyes were full of strange light.

"Kunwu Mountain, it seems that everyone underestimated you! Although your cultivation base is only the emperor's realm, but what you are walking is also the road of unity of all paths! Are you unimpressed?"

The emperor smiled lightly.

His words shocked everyone.

The emperor of Kunwu Mountain is also taking the road of unity?

How can this be?

After the emperor Kunwu Mountain heard the words of the emperor of the years and did not refute, said lightly: "My way, tell you that you don't understand! Ling Xiao is a man of fate, destined to be detached in this life, The Dao Dao is invincible! When you come here, are you not afraid that Ling Xiao will kill you first after Dao Dao Dao Dao?"

"Destined to be detached? Who is destined? Emperor Kunwu Mountain, I don't believe that you are not interested in Wandao Jindan. I think you have another scheme. Want to take Wandao Jindan as your own? Only Ling Xiao If you die, anyone can become a detachment!"

Years Emperor sneered.

"You're so confident? I'm afraid you're not alone? Who else will come out at once and want a thousand golden golds, just beat me first!"

Emperor Kunwu said indifferently, looking towards the void in the distance.

There, the chaos rises, the light is dazzling, and a breath-taking figure steps forward, all of which exude a powerful momentum that shakes the sky.

It is Chaos Great!

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