Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3350: Ling Xiao wakes up!

"Emperor Kunwu Mountain, you give up, this emperor spares you not to die!"

Chaos Emperor stared at Kunwu Mountain Emperor and said indifferently.

His chaotic light rises all over the body, and his momentum is as if it is a chaotic demon who has come before the sky. He has an immortal mysterious atmosphere.

Staring into the distance and sitting in the empty sky, the eyes of the Chaos Great Emperor were full of hot light.

The Great Emperor did not lie to him. Although Ling Xiao survived the Transcendence Tribulation, he did not choose to fuse Wan Dao Jindan immediately, and the right way was detached, but chose to merge the three bodies.

Today, Ling Xiao seems to have fallen into a state of silence, relying only on that golden Dao Dan to maintain vitality.

Now is the best time to **** Wan Dao Jin Dan.

"Chaos, do you dare to come here and wanton? Are you not afraid that Ling Xiao will be the first to take the surgery after she proves that she is detached?"

Emperor Kunwu gave the emperor Chaos a light look.

"Who can prove the detachment is not yet known, Emperor Kunwu Mountain, you cannot protect Ling Xiao!"

Chaos Great said indifferently.

"Chaos, don't talk that much nonsense with him! I'll stop him, you go and get the golden pill!"

The emperor's eyes flashed sharply in the years, and he shot instantly.


Void concussion, a long river of hundreds of millions of years in the void, the vast and repressed towards the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

The eyes of the emperor of Kunwu Mountain flashed sharply, and there was a fiery light rising around him. He punched out, trying to shatter the years and rush out of it.


The Chaos Great Emperor was also cold, and the Chaos Clock flew across the sky, containing the mysterious origin of Chaos, as if it could suppress everything, and also fell towards the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

Then, Chaos Great Emperor rushed towards Ling Xiao.

In order to prevent night long dreams, we still have to kill Ling Xiao first, and then grab Wan Dao Jin Dan.


The Void Earthquake, as if there was a fierce thunder, broke a million miles of Void in an instant. Emperor Kunwu Mountain and the Great Emperor of the Year suddenly collided with each other, causing the sky earthquake to tremble and the Void to shake.

The mysterious years and long rivers were violently shaken. Among them, the strength of the years was thinned out, and finally burst suddenly.


The chaotic clock was shining brightly, but when it collided with the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, the chaotic clock, which had been traumatized, flew out instantly.

In the palm of the emperor Kunwu Mountain, there were five-colored divine light spreading, like the five-color Tianhe, the vast and mighty, shrouded towards the Chaos Great Emperor.

He protects the law for Ling Xiao, naturally it is impossible for Chaos the Great to approach Ling Xiao.

"Get away from me!"

Chaos Emperor's eyes were extremely cold, and a chaotic fist was directly blasted out, and the divine light was fiercely dazzling, as if it could break everything.

The violent tremor of the five-color Tianhe suddenly broke under the fist of Chaos.

Chaos Great Emperor took a step and came to Ling Xiao.

"Get up!"

The eyes of the emperor of Kunwu Mountain flashed sharply, his hands were sealed, and a bright rune exploded in the void.


In the body of Chaos Emperor, mountains and rivers change, the world rises, Ling Xiao disappears instantly, and Chaos Emperor appears in a mysterious world.

"Heaven and Earth Mountains and Rivers Disillusioned Great Formation?"

As soon as the Chaos Emperor's eyes were cold, the whole body of Chaos light rose, and the whole person swelled instantly, and in a blink of an eye turned into a giant with hundreds of millions of miles.

He punched down with a punch, and every punch seemed to be able to break through the chaos, causing the emptiness of the Quartet to tremble as if it would be broken at any time.

This world of disillusionment is a taboo formation. It once trapped and killed the emperor, and it was extraordinary. It turned out that the emperor of Kunwu Mountain was already prepared.

Although the Chaos Great Emperor is strong, he has fallen into the world of disillusionment of the heavens, mountains, and rivers. If he wants to break open for a while, it may not be so easy.

"Years, do you really want to go to black with Chaos Great Emperor?

Emperor Kunwu Mountain waited for the emperor to die, said indifferently.

"Less nonsense! Either give way or... die!"

There was a murderous flash in the eyes of the emperor of the years, the compass of the years floated above his head, and the long rivers of years gathered from all directions, mysteriously, and trapped the emperor of Kunwu Mountain in it.

"The years are annihilated!"

The Great Emperor of the Years screamed, and the four sides of the sky suddenly oscillated, and those long rivers burst into pieces instantly, as if they were annihilated at the same time.


A tidal wave of years came turbulently, and everything passed by turned into powder, as if everything had to be wiped out by the power of years.

The emperor Kunwu Mountain's eyes are indifferent, and there are mysterious five-colored gods rising around him, circulating each other, exuding immortal luster.

The tides of the years shrouded the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, but they were blocked by the five-colored divine light and could not move forward at all.


The emperor's complexion changed slightly.

Although he had already overestimated the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, but at this moment, he realized that the emperor of Kunwu Mountain was far stronger than he thought.

With one enemy and two, the emperor Kunwu Mountain seemed to be at ease.

"With his current combat strength, I am afraid that on the road to unity of the ten thousand, it is only the last step? But why did he not choose to detach?"

The emperor's heart is full of doubts.


But he didn't have much time to think about it. The Emperor Kunwu Mountain shot down with his palms, and the five colors of light rose, as if he could brush everything and break everything.

The violent tremors of the tides around the years were swept by the five-colored divine light, and turned into nothingness in an instant.

The emperor of Kunwu Mountain's palm, without any hindrance, suppressed it towards the emperor.

The emperor's complexion changed, his eyes were unmatched, and he pointed a finger at the sky. The finger was full of indestructible power, and the chaotic light exploded around it, as if there was an ancient world, which was completely annihilated under this finger. Come on.

Years of destruction means!


The five-color palm prints and the years of destruction mean a sudden collision, and then annihilate at the same time, the blazing light sweeps across the four sides, shaking the heavens.

"His! Emperor Kunwu Mountain is so strong?"

Someone was shocked, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

Emperor Kunwu Mountain is the patron saint of the human race. It is said that its strength is extremely powerful. Although few people have seen him shot, but from his protection of the human race, the human race was not destroyed by other strong races before the birth of the emperor. Can be seen.

But everyone did not expect that the emperor of Kunwu Mountain was so strong, with one enemy and two, in the face of the Great Emperor and the Great Chaos, he did not fall at all.

"The emperor of Kunwu Mountain is the most hidden person in the human race! The cultivation of the emperor's realm in the area, even fighting two emperors alone, this strength is really terrible!"

"In this battle, I don't know who wins or loses?"

"It's hard to say! Chaos Great Emperor and Time Great Emperor, this is for Wan Dao Jin Dan, if they are really robbed of Wan Dao Jin Dan, then the result is hard to predict!"

"Speaking of it, I don't know if Ling Xiao is dead! He is in a strange state now. It seems that there is no vitality at all. It is neither life nor death, but no one dares to do it. The golden dan in his body has become Sweet and sour in everyone's eyes!"


Everyone was shocked to see such a fierce battle between Emperor Kunwu Mountain and Chaos Emperor and Time Emperor.

"However, now Chaos Emperor and Years Emperor have already shot, I am afraid that some hidden emperors will be unable to sit still! After all, this is the best time to **** Wandao Jindan!"

"Yes, at the time of confusion, it is difficult to say whether the emperor Kunwu Mountain can hold Ling Xiao!"



The Great Emperor of the Years exploded into the strongest fighting power, and the whole body of the road was intertwined, and it appeared like a star. Each blow contained the power of ruining the world and entangled the emperor Kunwu Mountain firmly.

Although the Chaos Great Emperor was trapped in the world of disillusionment of the heavens, mountains and rivers, he used chaos to prove that the power of chaos suppressed everything and everything. With his continuous efforts, the world of disillusionment of the worlds seemed to be broken at any time. Come on.

Around, chaotic void surging, space fluctuations permeated.

Several powerful figures suddenly appeared.


In the end, the world of disillusionment of heaven, earth and river still could not bear the terrifying power of Chaos Great Emperor, and it burst directly.

Ling Chao appeared again in the chaotic void.

And those powerful figures, taking advantage of this opportunity, a powerful and powerful pole Daowei broke out in his body instantly, and he grabbed Ling Xiao towards the sky.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

There are powerful and unparalleled imperial emperors and soldiers intertwined, mysterious and unpredictable, as vast as the sea, want to kill Ling Xiao completely, and then rob Wandao Jindan.

"You die!"

The Chaos Emperor had just rushed out of the large array, and he saw that the few emperors suddenly appeared, and then they slayed towards Ling Xiao, wanting to **** Wan Dao Jindan, suddenly furious.

He has regarded Wan Dao Jin Dan as a forbidden person, and these people are so ignorant that they want to pick peaches.

Under the rage, the endless chaotic light converged on the arm of the Chaos Great Emperor, and then turned into a fierce chaotic fist seal, instantly filled with thousands of miles of void, and suppressed towards the great emperors.

"Emperor Chaos, really thought you could dominate everything? Go!"

A sneer sounded, and a great emperor burst out with a blazing glory, offering a golden golden hammer, ushering towards the Chaos Great Emperor.

At this moment, the one who dared to rob Wan Dao Jindan is at least the era emperor.

Many people have seen it with their own eyes. In the battle of Lingxiao's testimony before, Chaos the Great and others were all hit hard and their strength was greatly damaged.

So at this moment, although the great emperors were still afraid of Chaos Great Emperor, they were not afraid of him.

In order to **** Wan Dao Jin Dan, they shot directly towards Chaos Great Emperor.


The violent shock of the void, the endless chaotic light swept away, as if the world and earth were completely broken at this moment.

The Chaos Great Emperor was unforgivable. He punched the Zijin Hammer with a punch, but the speed was also a bit slow. He could only watch the few Great Emperors coming to Ling Xiao, and the powerful and unparalleled Jidao Emperor soldiers Directly submerged Ling Xiao.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Mars is shining and the light is blazing.

The emperors changed their faces one by one, and their attacks seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier when they touched Ling Xiao.

The Ji Dao imperial soldiers recovered completely, bursting out of supreme power, and suppressed towards Ling Xiao, but it seemed to smash on the extremely hard golden stone, bursting out a fierce dazzling light.


The hearts of those great emperors It seemed like they thought of a possibility, and their eyes were shocked.

"You guys, want a golden dandan?"

Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly opened.

Two bright beams emerged, sharp and dazzling, as if illuminating this chaotic void in an instant, let everyone feel the blindness in an instant and involuntarily moved their eyes away.

Ling Xiao stared at the three emperors in front of her, his expression calm but calm.

However, there was an amazing burst of vitality in his body, and the endless power of chaos surging around him. His body was like a black hole, constantly swallowing the power of chaos around him.

However, he feels very strange, as if it does not exist in this world, detached from the avenue, lingering and mysterious.

Ling Xiao, wake up!


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