Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3369: Besiege Lingxiao!


The chaotic green lotus at the foot of the Qing Emperor exudes a strange light, and the mysterious power of reincarnation rises instantly, like a bright beam of light, piercing the void in an instant, and shooting towards the endless chaos.

The breath of reincarnation is pure and unmatched, reverberating in the world of the world tree, even spreading out of the world outside the world tree.

That's the breath of reincarnation!

"you wanna die!"

The edge of Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and the swallowing sword burst into a fierce and radiant glory, just like a supreme sword light that broke the world, and fell down toward the Qing Emperor.

He instantly understood Qing Di's intentions.

The Qing Emperor released the breath of reincarnation, but he wanted to attract all the strongest in the market.

At that time, Ling Xiao will face the siege of countless Xeons, and naturally there is no chance to deal with the Qing Emperor.

"Ling Xiao, it's you who is going to die! If you don't let me go now, and wait for all the detached people to arrive, you will definitely die!"

The Qing Emperor sneered, and his eyes were filled with cold air.


Chaos light rose around him, the chaotic green lotus bloomed like chaos, the thin lotus blooming like a cicada wing, like a chaotic enchantment, enveloped the Qing Emperor.

Although Tian Tianjian is sharp and capable of destroying everything, falling on the chaotic green lotus is like slashing in a eternal world of Hunyuan, and it is easily bounced away.

Above the chaotic green lotus, a layer of mysterious ripples pervaded, but still blocked Ling Xiao's sword.


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold and unmatched, and the surrounding sword spirit was rising, and all the ruins of the ruined edge fell towards the Qing Emperor.

At the same time, Ling Xiao punched like a dragon, and the fist of **** suppressed everything. There were three thousand circles rising around him, and the mighty suppression was suppressed.

Feeling the horrible power erupted on Ling Xiao, even Qingdi's eyes could not help revealing a dignified color.

Ling Xiao's strength is indeed very strong. If it is so hard to resist Ling Xiao's attack, I am afraid that it will not take long for Chaos Qinglian's defense to be broken by Ling Xiao.

But Qingdi knew that this situation would not last long.

Whoo! Whoo!

At this moment, two powerful and unmatched figures flew from a distance one after the other, and instantly penetrated a lot of space and came here.

A black robe hunted, grievous, cold and unmatched, all around the body with a wave of dark energy that destroyed everything.

A person wearing a white robe, whose breath is mysterious and unpredictable, seems to be shrouded in a large space in the meeting, exuding a special kind of breath fluctuation.

It is the Lord of Dark World and Master of Heaven and Earth!

Although they first stepped into the body space of the world tree, but after feeling the breath in the reincarnation, they all did not hesitate to follow the fluctuation of the breath and broke out, almost found it almost instantly .


"It's reincarnation, can't be wrong! Ling Xiao, hand over reincarnation!"

Both the Master of Heaven and Earth and the Lord of the Dark Realm are shaking, and their eyes are full of excitement and excitement.

Especially the Lord of the Dark Realm, whose eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, even revealed a monstrous murderous intention.

He didn't expect that Ling Xiao would find a reincarnation step before him.

Never let Ling Xiao get the reincarnation species, otherwise Ling Xiao will reincarnate the reincarnation species, reshape the reincarnation, and transform the ancient wasteland into an eternal world. The Lord of the Dark Realm will definitely die.


Master Qiankun was even more murderous in his eyes, and a sharp killing intention broke out all over his body. An ancient war knife with a strange shape appeared in his palm, and he fell towards Lingxiao.

Space Blade!

This is the treasure of Qiankun Dao, who has been sacred to the level of chaos treasure, invincible and unmatched.

The blade of space fell with a knife, even an ancient world can be split in half directly.

Master Qiankun is also the strongest person who has merged with the three generations, feeling the strong threat from Master Qiankun’s body, Ling Xiao’s eyes flashed sharply, swallowed the sword with a sharp edge, and greeted Master Qiankun across the sky. Go up.

"Two! He is indeed a reincarnation species, but the reincarnation species has been transformed. Now he wants to go to the heart of the world tree. Once he has integrated the power of the world tree heart, we will not be his opponents at that time! Two It's better to stop for the time being, we first suppressed the reincarnation species, and then decided the outcome, how?"

Ling Xiao said to Shen Qian, the Master of Qiankun Dao and Lord of the Dark Realm, while facing the enemy.

"Fuse the power of the heart of the world tree?"

The eyes of Master Qiankun's eyes flashed a bit, and he seemed hesitant.

The Lord of the Dark Realm sneered: "Ling Xiao, are you cheating? The reincarnation is nothing more than the seed of the world tree. If all the seeds can counter the world tree and devour the power of the world tree, then the world tree is early. It doesn't exist anymore, I think you just want to swallow the reincarnation alone!"

He hated Ling Xiao to the extreme, so he didn't believe what Ling Xiao said.


The Blade of Space and the Swallowing Sky Sword collided together, causing the Quartet Void to tremble violently, the sword-man sword annihilated, and the Quartet Void seemed to be completely annihilated.


The Lord of the Dark Realm is so cold-eyed that he shoots with a palm. The huge palm print is like a sky curtain, covering the sky and covering the sun, and there is no match for terror.

He didn't kill Ling Xiao, but went towards Ling Xiao's trapping of the reincarnation. He wanted to break the enclave and **** the reincarnation.

"Go away!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched, punching toward the Lord of the Underworld.

The unmatched fist seals shattered that palm print in an instant, and the endless dark energy was annihilated like a storm.

The face of the Lord of Darkness changed slightly, and suddenly flew away, avoiding Ling Xiao's punch.

Ling Xiao merged with the three bodies, and his strength was terrible. Before that, he was hit hard by Ling Xiao. Although he wanted to **** the reincarnation at this moment, when he faced Ling Xiao, his heart had already developed fear.


Ling Xiao was also very anxious in his heart. He was alone in dealing with the Master of Heaven and Earth and the Lord of the Dark Realm, but if there was another detachment coming, he could not be distracted and trapped in the reincarnation, and the Qing Emperor would escape. .

Once Qing Di reaches the heart of the world tree, what will happen is hard to say.

"Although I have left behind in the chaotic Qinglian, it is still unknown whether I can block the Qing Emperor!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

But at this moment, a worse situation appeared.

A breath of powerful and unmatched figure came.

Among those figures, although there is no shortage of great emperors and strong men, there are dozens of breaths of horror and unmatchedness, as if surpassing the heavenly path, mysterious and unpredictable, the terror is extremely extreme.

All are detached!

Among them, there are two breaths, and the breath of Qiankun Dao seems to be different. It is awe-inspiring two masters who have merged three bodies.

"Huh? Is it her?"

Ling Xiao's heart moved, and Yu Guang swept to a familiar figure.

Xuan Ming Lord.

And in his view, Xuan Ming Dao called Xuan Ming Dao Master only afraid of more appropriate, and Xuan Ming Dao Master has a breath he is very familiar with.

Wu Zi Tian Shu is on the body of Xuan Ming Dao!

In addition, there is an heroic man wearing a golden armor and exuding an immortal light all over his body. His eyes are extremely cold, his body is full of murderous intentions, and he is holding a golden war gun, giving Ling Xiao the feeling of even more than The breath of the Master of the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth is stronger.

"Master Hunyuan? Master Xuanming? You even came?"

Qian Kun Dao's face changed slightly.

Especially when looking at the master of the Hunyuan Dao, the man wearing the golden armor, his eyes were deeply distraught.

"Master Qiankun, if you can come, can I not come? The reincarnation is mine, who dares to covet and die!"

The main eyes of the Hundred Yuan Dao are indifferent, and the whole body exudes a monstrous murderous intention. The bright golden Shenxia seems to be able to destroy the world, so that the four sides of the sky are trembling violently.

"Master Qiankun, do you know this Master Lingxiao? He is the one who almost killed your good friend Blood River Master. You must not let him go so easily!"

Xuan Ming Dao's gaze circulated, his eyes were full of charm, swept across Xiao Xiao and Qian Kun Dao Master, said with a smile.


Both Ling Xiao and Qian Kun Dao couldn't help but scolded.

Everyone is pregnant with ghosts, and their murderous intentions are boiling, but at this moment their eyes are all attracted by the reincarnation, and their eyes are very hot, as if they want to swallow Ling Xiaosheng and strip it away.

"You guys, please listen to me! This is indeed the reincarnation, but the reincarnation has given birth to self-consciousness. He wants to devour the heart of the world tree. If he succeeds, I am afraid that we will all die in his hands. Here! You want to reincarnate, how about we suppress it first and then decide the victory?"

Ling Xiao's eyes swept across the crowd, Shen Sheng said.

Although he was also reluctant to give more explanations, if so many Xeons were besieging him at the same time, they would have to escape while chasing reincarnation.

No one knows what will happen at that time.

Ling Xiao said that the reincarnation species would devour the heart of the world tree, and the fusion of the power of the world tree was only his own guess.

But he felt that this guess should be right.

Although the detached person is said to be immortal and immense in strength, but in the face of the world tree, the source of the world, I am afraid it is not enough.

Ling Xiao believes that if the World Tree has its own consciousness and wants to destroy the detached, it is not difficult to be afraid.

"Don't listen to him, he just wants to swallow the world tree alone! Do you know his true identity?"

The Lord of Dark World sneered.

"True identity? What other identity does he have?"

Qiankun Dao asked lightly.

There was a sneer in the corner of the Lord of the Dark Realm, and his eyes fell on the Master Hunyuan Dao. He said slowly: "Master Hunduan Was you hurt by the Lord of the Wild? Ling Xiao in front of him is the heir to the Lord of the Famine!"


"Heir of the Famine?"

"Damn! The Lord of the Famine, who swallowed reincarnation alone, caused us to kill each other and suffered heavy losses, and his disciples should also die!"


After hearing the words of the Lord of the Underworld, everyone was shocked, and the eyes looking at Ling Xiao were full of monstrous murderous intent.

"Heir of the Famine? You... **** it!"

The master of the Hunyuan Dao took a step forward, and the fiery Jin Xia rose around him, and his eyes were filled with extremely cold killing intentions. The golden war gun in his hand pointed at Ling Xiao, and the horrible killer locked Ling Xiao.

A word from the Lord of the Underworld suddenly made Ling Xiao the target of everyone!

:. :

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