Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3370: Fight alone and win the world!

"Before one hundred and eighty centuries, what did the Lord of the Famine do?

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly in his heart.

Seeing the many strong men in front of him blazing with anger and boiling intent, he understood that the Lord of the Famine was only afraid of completely offending this group of people.

No wonder when the Lord of the Underworld talked about the Lord of the Famine, they gritted their teeth and wished they could swallow Ling Xiao.


The main eyes of Hunyuan Dao were indifferent, and the yellow sword battle gun in his hand turned into a fierce lightning, piercing towards Ling Xiao's eyebrows.

Time and space seemed to freeze in an instant.

This shot of Hunyuan Dao pierced everything and made Ling Xiao feel a very strong sense of crisis.

Ling Xiao pointed out, pointing directly to the Golden War Gun.


Mars was shooting everywhere, and the golden war gun trembles slightly. In a flash, it was like a golden dragon. It differentiated thousands of ways and came towards Ling Xiao's whole body.


Ling Xiao's body was full of energy and blood, and his eyes were filled with extremely powerful fighting intent, and the unmatched master's fist came across the sky, constantly colliding with the golden war gun.

The Hunyuan Taoist in front of him was indeed terrifyingly powerful, but it also inspired Ling Xiao's powerful fighting intentions and exhibited the most powerful means of killing.

Looking at the many Xeons who were eager to try, Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply and sneered: "Since you don't believe me, leave it to you!"

Ling Xiao's words just fell, and he waved his hand instantly, the enchantment around Qing Emperor broke into pieces instantly.

"Reincarnation? Grab it!"

"Go away for me, the reincarnation is mine!"

Many Xeons, their eyes lit up, their eyes glowing fiercely, they could not deal with Ling Xiao, and they all flew towards the reincarnation.

"You missed the last chance to get reincarnation, a bunch of idiots, wait to die!"

Qing Emperor's look was incomparable, his mouth seemed to have a trace of ridicule, and he looked at everyone in front of him lightly.


Chaotic Qinglian's light gleamed, and suddenly a haze of chaos rose and enveloped this void.

The chaotic Qinglian and Qingdi in the mist, do not know when they completely disappeared in front of everyone.

"Ling Xiao, what means did you use to steal the reincarnation? Call it out quickly!"

There was a murderous flash in the eyes of the Lord of Dark World, staring at Ling Xiaohan.

"I stole the reincarnation? Idiot, haven't you heard that reincarnation is scolding you? He has now gone to the heart of the world tree. When he refines the heart of the world tree, let's die together!"

Ling Xiao said with a sneer while fighting with Master Hunyuan.

"Don't listen to him talking nonsense, let him catch him together, and ask the specific whereabouts of samsara!"

The Lord of Dark World shouted.

Many Xeons are a little hesitant, but the sight of Ling Xiao is also full of killing intent.

At this moment, the Lord of the Dark Realm turned into a black lightning and moved quietly towards the distance.

"Want to shoot me, even if you go together? Why am I afraid of Ling Xiao? But you fools, look where is the Lord of the Underworld!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched and sneered.

"Dark Lord? Damn, he has already run away!"

Someone exclaimed.

Suddenly, those heaviest men did not hesitate and moved towards the distance, even giving up directly to deal with Ling Xiao.

Now they already believe Ling Xiao's words, and they search in all directions to find the heart of the world tree.

But what Xiao Xiao didn't think of was that Master Qiankun, Master Hunyuan and Master Xuanming actually stayed, and all of them looked at Ling Xiao's eyes, all of which were extremely cold and murderous.

"Don't you look for reincarnation? To deal with me, don't even need reincarnation?"

Ling Xiao sneered.

"Heir of the Famine, must die! Even if there is no reincarnation, I will kill you!"

Hunyuan Dao stared at Ling Xiaohan with a voice.

"Ling Xiao, I have a hunch that the reincarnation species will most likely fall into your hands at the end, so as long as you catch you, you can get the reincarnation species!"

Xuan Ming Dao said with a smile.

"I also have this hunch!"

Master Qiankun said indifferently.

They have all merged with the three generations, and they are so powerful that they can see through to the future, wandering in the long river of time.

Although they are also detached, they can't see Ling Xiao's bottom and heels, but they have an instinctive hunch that allows them to make the most correct choice.

"Want to kill me? Then see if you have this skill!"

Ling Xiao sneered with a sneer, the war intent rose in his eyes, and the fiery blood in his whole body rose as if he could destroy everything.

There is nothing wrong with the premonitions of the three Xeons in front of him. Ling Xiao has indeed left behind, but even his own back is not sure that he will succeed.

However, in the face of the siege of the three strongest players, Ling Xiao's heart was also inspired!

"Then... fight!"

Ling Xiao's eyes are bright and sharp, and the whole person's intent to fight is like a peerless sword with a sheath. The terrifying breath seems to be able to break everything.

At the next moment, he was like a supreme blade that broke the world, his body was full of blood and blood, and a fist was pressed against the three strong men in front of him.

An extremely fierce battle broke out instantly!


boom! boom! boom!

It's like a tumbling drum, and it's like an endless thunder blast.

The inner world of the world tree is a mysterious and unknown place.

The vast and majestic source of life is like an endless sea, surging and surging.

The source of life in this sea of ​​life can be a saint a long time ago, and it can nourish a world.

This is where the life roots of the world tree converge.

Above the sea of ​​life ~ ~ there is a huge golden heart, like a bright sun, exuding endless golden glow.

The golden heart is beating continuously, and every time it beats, there is a magnificent breath of life converging and falling into the sea of ​​life below.

The golden heart, as high as hundreds of millions of feet, looks like an immortal eternal mountain. It looks crystal clear and crystal-like, pure and flawless.

In the heart, there is a mysterious old tree vaguely, which looks like the world tree of No. 1, but the breath of life is more intense.

This is the heart of the world tree!


A cyan ray of light came out of the sky, like breaking through the vast void, and instantly appeared under the golden heart.

It was a thirty-sixth grade chaotic green lotus, on which stood a handsome and elegant young man.


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