Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3377: Welcome back!


At this moment, the heart of the world tree trembles violently, making a thunderous roar.

The four sides of the void began to twist, and the fiery Jinxia rose.

In the heart of the world tree, there seems to be a yin and yang taiji figure rising up, intertwined with each other, mysteriously, rising from the heart of the world tree.

The heart of the world tree becomes dim at a rate visible to the naked eye.

boom! boom! boom!

The whole tree of the world was trembling, and the power of destruction was exploding, making everyone's face change as if a catastrophe was coming.

"not good!"

Hunyuan Dao and others suddenly changed their complexions, as if they thought of something.

"How could it be so fast? Could it be that the two avatars of Ling Xiao have completed the fusion of the heart of the world tree?"

The eyes of Master Xuan Ming Dao are also full of incredible looks.


The spirit of Wu Zi Tian Shu is the most unwilling. He calculated everything, and even united with the Master of Three Avenues, just to win the reincarnation.

But now he is very powerless to find that in the face of absolute power, his calculations are so pale and powerless.


In the heart of the world tree, a crack appeared in an instant.

Two breathless and terrifying figures came out of it.

It is the darkness and the belief in the sky!

The darkness and the sky are full of demonic energy, and the chaotic light is vertical and horizontal, and it is like a chaotic **** and demon born, exuding the invincible evil spirit.

His eyes were cold and unmatched, his murderous intentions were surging, and he seemed cold and cruel, and his whole body exuded a detached breath.

Belief in Lingxiao is the radiance of Jinxia all over the body. It looks more and more unfathomable. There are a lot of radiant lotus all over the body, crystal clear, and above each lotus, it seems that a mysterious world has been opened up.

The breath of both of them has already reached the level of detachment!

"On your own, still want to covet the reincarnation? Find death!"

Dark Ling Xiao said very coldly.

He and Faith Lingxiao were all dazzling and radiant, intertwined with each other, the vastness of the sea, the emptiness of the Quartet was trembling violently, as if it would collapse at any time.

And the breath of the world tree seems to be integrated with the two of them, and a wave of horrible monstrous power has completely locked Hunyuan Taoist and others.

"Damn! How could you merge the power of the world tree so quickly?"

The eyes of Master Hunyuan are full of incredible expressions.

"I don't believe it! There must be fraud. Everyone shot together to kill Ling Xiao and suppress the reincarnation!"

The character spirit of Wu Zi Tian Shu roared with a roar, and his expression was extremely unbearable.

"I don't know if I'm alive! Since you don't give up, then you are all done!"

Dark Ling Xiao sneered.


He and Belief Ling Xiao rose in an instant, and the two of them seemed to merge with each other, and turned into a very mysterious Yin and Yang Taiji.

The yin and yang taiji map glows radiantly, the power of the world tree is immense, and it comes together madly, and then through the yin and yang taiji map, it becomes a blazing light beam!

That beam of light seems to contain the source of the birth of the universe, intertwined with the ultimate destruction of the universe, and also has the mystery of the birth of life, is the beginning of all and the end of all.

By the bright beam of light, Hunyuan Taoist and others suddenly changed their faces, and felt a kind of fear from the depths of the soul.

And a strong death threat.

They all feel unbelievable, but they are the Lord, the strongest in the heavens, and the immortal existence.

Even if several lords shot at the same time, it is difficult to kill a lord.

But now, they really feel the breath of death.

This is a force that belongs exclusively to the world tree. Only the world tree can destroy all vitality and completely destroy the universe.


The master of Hunyuan Dao and others didn't think about it, and instantly turned into a beam of light, and instantly wanted to tear the void and leave here.


But at this moment, that blazing light beam had already hit.

Like the tarsal bones, the fiery beam splits into four trajectories and hits the Hunyuan Taoist Master, Xuan Ming Taoist Master, Qiankun Taoist Master, and Wordless Tianshu.


As if a clear voice sounded, the Master of the Three Avenues trembled all over, and felt the soul of death, as if the Yuanshen had to be completely broken.

There was golden blood in their mouths, and they ran wildly towards the distance.

Daoist strong, insisted on wanting to escape, even if the world tree is difficult to kill them directly, so although they were hit hard, they still tore the void quickly and escaped.

But Wu Zi Tian Shu is not so lucky.

Runes exploded, the wordless shudder violently shook, and the light became extremely dim, as if the source had been hit hard.

The magical spirit of Wu Zi Tian Shu is even more screaming, and the figure has become extremely illusory.


Wu Zi Tian Shu tried to escape, but was hit by Ling Xiao with a punch, and the fiery thunder suddenly rose, and the void was broken.

Wu Zi Tian Shu is like exhausting all its strength. It is directly caught in the palm of Ling Xiao and struggling violently, but it can't escape Ling Xiao's palm at all.

"No words, do you still want to escape?"

Ling Xiao grabbed Wu Zi Tian Shu and looked at Qi Ling with a smile instead of a smile.

Qi Ling's figure was a bit illusory, apparently suffering from a serious injury, and his face was extremely grim, looking at Ling Xiao's eyes full of resentment, unwillingness, and panic.

He understands what will end in Ling Xiao's hands. After all, he has calculated Ling Xiao with one hand, and even those close to Ling Xiao have died because of him.

"Ling Xiao, even if you get the reincarnation, you still want to reshape the reincarnation, and you want to open up the eternal world!"

The Wuling Tianshu's Qiling stared at Ling Xiaodao.

"Oh? Then I am very interested. It seems that you still know many secrets that I don't know!"

Ling Xiao smiled lightly.

"Don't think about it, I can't tell you!"

The word cold in the wordless book.

"Really? Then I had to search for you, I think you should choose to blew yourself up?"

Ling Xiao said with a smile.

The spirit of Wu Zi Tian Shu shivered.

He really does not choose to explode, the longer he lives, the more he fears death. Although his calculations are empty, he still does not want to die like this.

However, the pain of searching souls and souls, so Wu Zi Tian Shu could not help but reveal the color of fear.


At this moment, the Taiji figure in the void was broken, and the dark Lingxiao and the belief Lingxiao were separated again, falling from above nine days.

It's just that their breath is languishing, and their faces are very pale, as if they were hurt by the vitality.

"Fortunately, the guys are running fast! Otherwise, they will really be seen through!"

Dark Lingxiao said with a lip.

"That blow should really make them feel scared! After all, it is the talent of the world tree, and it really has the power to destroy the master!"

Belief Ling Xiao also nodded.

Their eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body at the same time, and there were slight waves in his eyes, as if there were countless emotions.

"Welcome back!"

Ling Xiao gave them a deep look, and his face showed a brilliant smile, and stretched out his arms towards them!


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