Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 3378: The secret of reincarnation!

Ling Xiao gave the Darkness and Faith a hard hug.

Despite knowing that they had revived with the help of the world tree, Ling Xiao was very excited to see them at this moment.

This feeling of being recovered is very good!

"Get out! Lao Tzu doesn't like men, you guys are so numb, I have to spoil the saints and wives of my demon world!"

After a moment, the dark Lingxiao pushed away Lingxiao.

But his slightly wet corners of the eyes betrayed him.

Belief Ling Xiao is still calm and indifferent. He was originally high above the earth, detached from things, not happy with things, not sad with himself, just like the **** king believed by all beings.

But his eyes at the moment seemed to be a little different.

There is a touch of tenderness, a touch of tenderness, a touch of smile.

It looks like a little more human nature.

"Ling Xiao, we just temporarily borrowed a trace of the power of the world tree and scared them away. It was not a real fusion of the power of the world tree. This is not something that can be done in a moment and a half!"

Belief Ling Xiao also said calmly.

"I know! Since they have left, they will definitely not come back in a short time. This time is enough to allow you to integrate the power of the world tree! This is the biggest creation besides reincarnation!"

Ling Xiao nodded and revealed a dazzling light in his eyes.

"Damn it! I said you couldn't fuse the power of the world tree so quickly, how few fools were you scared away?"

The words and spirits of the wordless book are full of unwilling expressions.

Ling Xiao ignored him, and his eyes fell on the ancestors of Hongjun and Space-Time Master.

"You guys, why did you choose to help me?"

Ling Xiao's expression was indifferent.

Ancestor Hongjun glanced at the Master of Time and Space, and finally Ancestor Hongjun smiled bitterly: "Ling Xiao, it is not that we do not want to get reincarnation, but we know that reincarnation is not ours!"

"What do you say?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"None of Space-Time Master and I are the creatures of the Chaos Sea. We are all exiled here! You know, we come from the eternal land, and the reincarnation species bred by the world tree of the Chaos Sea, only the Chaos Sea. Only creatures can be refined and integrated!"

Ancestor Hong Jun said frankly.

"Yes! We are helping you, and we are also helping ourselves! You got the reincarnation seed, turning one side of the world into an eternal world. At that time, maybe you can break the cage of the chaotic sea and take us out of here, back to the eternal land. !"

The time and space master also nodded.

"Okay! I can believe you for the time being. Since you are from the eternal land, you should know that fusion can regenerate the reincarnation, reinvent the reincarnation?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered with a fine awn, and said slowly.

"It's simple! You become a heavenly path of a party's world. Integrating the reincarnation into the heavenly path, complementing the heavenly path, and turning it into a reincarnation, you can completely detach the party's world! And by then, you will also get great benefits, From then on, you will be in control of an eternal world, and that is the real immortality!"

Ancestor Hong Jun said slowly.

"Become the heaven of a side of the world? Do you want me to... replace it?"

Ling Xiao frowned slightly and said slowly.

He understood the meaning of Hongjun Patriarch.

The heaven and earth of the Honghuang World can be said to be the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

Replacing Heavenly Dao means that the emperor of Kunwu Mountain must be beheaded before he can take control of the wild world.

This makes Ling Xiao unacceptable.

"Ling Xiao, are you worried about the emperor of Kunwu Mountain? IMHO, maybe the emperor of Kunwu Mountain is not as simple as you think. If the reincarnation falls into his hands, then if he wants to do something to you , You are sure to die!"

Ancestor Hong Jun said slowly.

"Do you have evidence that he will be against me?"

Ling Xiao frowned.

"No! It's just intuition, but I believe in my intuition, so I don't want you to take risks!"

Ancestor Hongjun shook his head.

"Let me think about it for a while!"

Ling Xiao thought for a moment.

"Ling Xiao, if I tell you the secret of Emperor Kunwu Mountain, can you let me go?"

Qi Ling of Wu Zi Tian Shu suddenly said.

"The secret of Emperor Kunwu Mountain? What do you know?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, staring at Qi Ling, who stared at Wu Zi Tian Shu, and asked.

"You have to promise to let me go before I tell you! You don't have to threaten me with soul-searching, if you don't agree, I will really choose to explode!"

Qi Ling of Wu Zi Tian Shu said that there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

He was extremely difficult to speak, and he could tell that the secret he wanted to say was extremely important, so important that he dared to threaten Ling Xiao with death.

"Okay! I promise you! As long as you tell me the secret of Emperor Kunwu Mountain, I will let you go!"

Ling Xiao thought for a moment and looked at Qi Ling of Wu Zi Tian Shu.

The Wuling Tianshu's Qiling looked at Ling Xiao deeply, then nodded and said: "Okay! I believe you, the detached are not restricted by the avenue, so even if you swear, you are not bound, I believe I did not read The wrong person!"

"You can say it!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

He really hated the spirit of Wu Zi Tian Shu's spirit, and he wished that his bones would be lifted up before he could let his heart out.

"Emperor Kunwu Mountain, not the Spirit of Heaven and Tao!"

The first sentence of Wushu Tianshu shocked Ling Xiao and others instantly.

Even the ancestor of Hongjun and the master of time and space revealed a very unexpected look.

"What do you mean?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"The emperor of Kunwu Mountain is not the original spirit of heaven and earth! The wild world was born in the Chaos Sea. The original spirit of heaven and earth was already hit hard in the battle of emperor's fall in the first era!"

"Later, the emperor of Kunwu Mountain devoured the spirit of Heavenly Dao and replaced it in order to be able to control part of the authority of Heavenly Dao, so I said that he is not the true Spirit of Heavenly Dao!"

Qi Ling of Wu Zi Tian Shu said slowly.

"Then Emperor What is the origin?"

Han Xiao flashed among Ling Xiao's eyes and asked aloud.

He was already worried.

Everyone, such as Xuewei, Luoluo, and Changsheng, are now under the protection of the emperor of Kunwu Mountain, and it can even be said that they all fell into the hands of the emperor of Kunwu Mountain.

If the emperor Kunwu had any evil intentions, I was afraid that the consequences would be unbearable.

"I'm afraid you can't guess the origin of Emperor Kunwu Mountain! Because he is the former Lord of the Flood!"

Qi Ling of Wu Zi Tian Shu said slowly, there was a trace of deep fear in his eyes.

"The Lord of the Famine? Impossible! The flesh of the Lord of the Famine is in the ruins of the market, and his true spirit is afraid that he will be hit hard by the reincarnation. This is what I saw!"

Ling Xiao frowned and said slowly.

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