Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 656: Do you know my loneliness?

"Thank you!"

The old goat grinned, and the three hundred and sixty-five demon inheritances all converged together. The light above the old goat's head was radiant and the endless divine light was surging, and finally turned into a black ancient portal, as if leading to an unknown world.

Everyone was shocked, maybe after that portal, it was the true demon inheritance!

Just after the old goat gathered the 365 inheritances of the demon saint, the light in the void flashed, and the old man with white hair appeared in front of everyone instantly.

When he saw the old portal above the old goat's head, he was slightly startled. It seemed a little surprised and complicated, and finally all turned into a deep sigh.

The old goat shivered suddenly when he saw Tian Lao. His eyes showed a very excited look. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

"You, the ultimate inheritor of the demon inheritance has been decided, you can leave! This world is far from being as calm as you think, I hope that the people of my demon clan can work hard, unite, and ascend as soon as possible. Well, maybe the day of the catastrophe is not far away!"

Tian Lao slowly looked at everyone, and there was a trace of sadness and compassion in his eyes.

"Dare to ask God, what is the so-called catastrophe? Could it be that Heavenly Demon would invade my God of War mainland?"

Long Zhantian asked with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Tianji cannot be leaked, cannot be said, cannot be said! Let's go!"

God shook his head.

I saw his sleeves waved, a bright light flashed, the door of the hall of thousands of monsters burst open, exuding endless majestic air.

Although many demon clan strong people are somewhat unwilling, they still left the hall of demon frankly honestly.

Lin Hui, in particular, gave Ling Xiao a deep look before leaving, and his eyes were extremely fierce.

"Cousin Ling Xiao, would you like to go back to the Crystal Palace with me?"

Before leaving, Long Zhantian looked at Ling Xiao and asked.

"Big cousin, I can't go yet. You leave the map of the Crystal Palace to me. When this happens, I will go to the Crystal Palace to find you!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.


Long Zhantian nodded his head, the light flashed in his hand, an ancient golden token appeared, and handed it to Ling Xiao.

"This is my crown prince's order, and will guide you to the Crystal Palace. Xiao Jiu would have come to see you this time, but was suppressed by the old man in the Crystal Palace! When you come to the Crystal Palace, the father will be happy, maybe he will Auntie let it go!"

Ling Xiao took it over and smiled lightly: "Big cousin, rest assured, I will rush to the Crystal Palace as soon as possible! But you must be careful on this trip, but I offended many people, I am afraid they will be angry at you!"

"Hahaha... Could they dare to provoke my dragon clan to fail? You have to be careful, you have killed so many people in the holy ruins, I am afraid that outside the holy ruins, those martial arts holy sites have already laid Tianluodi nets, waiting for you to vote What about the net!"

Long Zhantian said with some concern.

"Big cousin, don't worry, I have my own way to get out. You leave now!" Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

Long Zhantian nodded.

"Brother Ling, please come to Xiuluo Zong for some time!" Li Jingming said to Ling Xiao before leaving.

"Brother Li, rest assured, I will go to Shu Luozong!" Ling Xiao replied.

In the end, everyone left the hall of the demon, all the demon clan strongmen knew that this time the demon clan might have a big shock.

Burning Heavenly Demon Emperor didn't get the Demon Saint Heritage, but the Demon Saint Heritage was obtained by a very mysterious old goat.

The old goat was also suspected of being Ling Xiao's pet, which made them very unhappy.

It is necessary to discuss countermeasures. Even if the old goat has inherited the demon sacred, it cannot be admitted as the co-owner of the demon.

Now that the demon clan has been split, then continue to split, with an additional master on the head, purely self-seeking and uncomfortable.

As for what Tian Lao said, they were left behind in the blink of an eye.

In the hall of all demon halls, this bright starry sky suddenly deserted, leaving only Ling Xiao and Lao Goat.

"Why are you?" Tian Lao glanced at the old goat and sighed softly.

"Why can't it be me?"

The old goat stared at Tianlao and asked.

"This burden is too heavy, this future is too difficult, I just hope you can live well!" Tian Lao said slowly.

"The World Tribulation is coming, without strength, how to survive? This inheritance belongs to me and can only be obtained by me!"

The old goat said unprecedentedly seriously, very stubbornly.

"The catastrophe is coming, and only the people who are the most dead will die. If you can be mediocre, you will naturally be able to live!"

There was a trace of soft color in the eyes of Tian Lao.

"The world is overturned, like a ant for life, if the world doesn't exist, how can I live? Besides, how can I be mediocre as your heir? Father, I don't want mediocrity!"

The old goat looked at Tianlao's eyes scorchingly, his eyes reddened.

The feeling that the blood is connected can't be worn away by years, and the world can't be cut off. Standing in front of Tian Lao, the old goat knows that this is his father.

In other words, Heaven is the demon Saint!

Tian Lao shuddered, and his father's words made his original unwavering state of mind, which was also difficult to calm down, and there was a trace of guilt and sigh in his eyes.

"You still know!"

The old goat seemed a little excited to say: "How could I not know? You are my father, even if you only have one Yuanshen brand left, you are my father! But why do you want to seal me a hundred?" For thousands of years, why don’t you let me see you and my mother-in-law? Why are you so cruel?"

The old goat cried like a child while crying.

The sadness, the loneliness, the helplessness made Ling Xiao's eyes redden after watching it.

That humorous scolding, that frivolous arrogance, that greed for money, and the old goat who seemed to never have troubles, showed such a helpless side!

" son..."

Tian Lao trembles, reaching out to touch the old goat, but it seems to be in the void, he has no entity, he is just a brand, he can’t even touch his son~www. Tian Lao's face showed endless pain, clenching his fists unconsciously.

"I’m your son, but do you know that I don’t even have a name? Seal a million years, do you know my loneliness and helplessness? Do you know my desires and dreams? Why don’t you let me die with you? Before a million years?"

The old goat became more and more excited, and the crystal tears fell, and he became more and more sad.

The birthplace of the old goat in the holy ruins, although Tian Lao deliberately concealed the breath of his body, but the feeling that the blood is connected, there is no way to be cut off anyway.

Especially after the old goat got 365 inheritances of the demon saint, he saw Tian Lao's first glance and instantly understood that Tian Lao is his father.

He also understood everything and his life experience, and many previous speculations were confirmed.

PS: Sixteen chapters were thrown out in one breath. Mu Yu's achievements broke out yesterday night, and there are four chapters left. Mu Yu is now paying close attention to the time code, and four more chapters will be issued at night! Ask for monthly tickets, rewards and subscriptions, thank you brothers for your support!

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