Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 657: Son of demon Saint!

Ling Xiao was silent.

He wanted to persuade the old goat, but he didn't know where to start. At the moment, the old goat, like a child who had been wronged, was crying.

Ling Xiao has never seen an old goat like this, but Ling Xiao does not know what to say about the matter between their father and son, and can only keep silent.

Tian Lao sighed softly and showed a soft and loving look in his eyes, slowly said: "You are right, I did not fulfill the responsibility of being a father! I don't know, I'm here to Yuanshen The imprint has existed for millions of years. What are you waiting for? Now think about it, maybe not to protect the demon heritage, but to look at you again!"

The old goat trembled and his eyes were red. He still clenched his teeth and said nothing.

"You don't know how terrible that war was a million years ago. The catastrophe came, the earth collapsed, all the spirits wailed, everything no longer exists, and your mother and I were also in that war, Both martyred!"

The voice of the old man was full of endless vicissitudes, which made the old goat tremble with his heart.

"Millions of years ago, the extraterrestrial demon came, raging this world, using this world's spirits as food and slaves as slaves, the God of War world has hundreds of millions of spirits, ten to nine empty, in such circumstances, forgive me can not sleep Watching you die, so I can only seal you up!"

Ling Xiao knew that when he saw the old goat in the holy ruins ten thousand years ago, he had just broken the seal and came to this world.

"However, I can see you again now, I am very happy, I believe your mother-in-law will also be very happy! Originally, I did not intend to pass on the inheritance to you, because this responsibility is too heavy, but since you are by his side It seems that this is destiny, the inheritance of the Demon Saint must be inherited by you, and the name of the Demon Saint will also be given to you!"

Tian Lao, or should be called the demon saint, gave Ling Xiao a deep look.

"Me? Could it be because there is no word?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and asked slowly.

"Young man, it is your creation to get the Wordless Book, but unfortunately, the road ahead is hard and dangerous, and you have to shoulder the heavy burden to complete the missions we have not completed!"

Yao Sheng said slightly.

"Senior Demon Lord? What a million years ago, apart from the invasion of the heavens and demons outside the territory, what else? What is the relationship between the Red Dragon God of War and you? Has the Red Dragon God of War already died?"

There are countless doubts in Ling Xiao's heart. At this moment, when he saw the demon saint, he suddenly asked all of them.

"The Great Tribulation one million years ago? The extraterrestrial demon invasion, but only part of it. As for the deeper reasons, there are great horrors and great laws. I can't say that you can only find answers by yourself!"

Speaking of the catastrophe millions of years ago, Ling Xiao saw even the demon Saint's imprint of the Yuanshen, revealing a trace of fear.

"The Red Dragon God of War is the heaven and earth, the first genius since ancient times, and the adult I followed!"

When referring to the Red Dragon God of War, the demon Saint's eyes unconsciously showed a hint of reverence.

"Millions of years ago, if it wasn't for the Red Dragon God of War, I am afraid that the heavens and the Ten Thousand Realms would have been destroyed once. At that time, under the Red Dragon God of War, there were four great gods, namely Demon Saint, Buddha Lord, Moon Mother and Spirit Venerable!

The demon saint is naturally me, and the Buddha Lord, Moon Mother and Spirit Venerable are also **** fighting in that battle, following the Red Dragon God of War, fighting for nine days, breaking the Nine Nethers, looking at them, killing the demons of the extraterrestrial demons! As for whether the three of them survived, I don’t know!

The Red Dragon God of War is indeed dead. If it were not for him to die in the end, where is this million-year calm? "

Ling Xiao's eyes shook and slowly asked: "Senior Nine-tailed Tianhu, suppressed a demon god, should she also be a man of Senior Demon Saint? Red Dragon God of War and several seniors' cultivation practices should have reached supreme Divine Realm? Isn't such a terrifying combat power enough to destroy the extraterrestrial demon?"

"Little fellow, you will know when you reach the realm of gods, the realm of the gods is just the starting point, the road of martial arts is a long way to go, and even Lord Red Dragon God of War, dare not say that he has reached the summit..."

Yao Sheng smiled slightly.

"The realm of gods is just the starting point?"

Ling Xiao was shocked, a little uplifted, and some inexplicably heavy.

The legendary realm of spirits, immortal and endless life, is the ultimate goal pursued by countless supreme powers on the God of War continent, but in the eyes of the demon saint, the realm of spirits is just the starting point.

How powerful is the demon saint's cultivation?

And what kind of horror is the extraterrestrial demon that makes the demon saint like an enemy?

"Little guy, the secret of Wushutianshu, the Red Dragon God of War did not fully understand, but he once said that it contains the secret to resolve the catastrophe. I hope you can bravely advance and resolve this catastrophe that swept the sky. !"

Yaosheng sighed softly.

Ling Xiao nodded and felt a heavy burden in her heart. It seems that she still has a long way to go!

Next, Ling Xiao asked some questions, but Yaosheng had fallen to millions of years ago. This is just a mark of his primal spirit. He knows about many details, and he has not remembered it.

But the only words and phrases revealed by Yaosheng made Ling Xiao feel inexplicably heavy.

Is the Red Dragon God of War really dead?

The eyes of the demon saint finally fell on the old goat, but the old goat was still stubborn, his eyes were red, and he looked at the demon saint stupidly without saying a word.

"Actually, my mother and I gave you a name! Your name is An An, and your mother gave you a name. She hopes you will live a safe life!"

The demon said softly.

Ling Xiao can see that the eyes of the demon Saint are crystal clear, slightly fluctuating, but he is only a mark of the Yuanshen, and he may not even cry.

"An An?"

The old goat's eyes turned Tears flowed silently again.

How many times has he been dreaming, but he has never seen his mother, what kind of pain is that?

The words An An seemed to penetrate the heart of the old goat instantly, making him fragile like a child.

"Do you want to take a look at your mother-in-law? She is a very beautiful woman!" Yao Sheng's eyes were full of loving smiles.

The old goat nodded vigorously, then stretched out the sheep's hooves to wipe the tears, but the tears fell down just after it was dried.


The light flashed in the hands of the demon holy, and the light and shadow of a woman appeared in front of the old goat.

Ray of light, that is a very gentle woman, wearing a white robe, with a shallow smile on her face, gentle like water.

Her eyes are very bright, she is laughing, her eyes seem to have penetrated the heavy years and fell on the old goat.

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