Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 669: Fight the 4 elders!

Long Aotian suddenly dumbfounded, even the gentle and graceful aunt on weekdays still has such a tough side? Even screaming at the old man's face?

But how do you feel that your aunt is so cool? Long Aotian couldn't help but wanted to give it a try.

"Nonsense! You quickly return to the Crystal Palace, Ling Xiao handed it to me!"

Long Lie's face suddenly sank, yelling at Long Hanyan and Long Aotian.


No matter what Long Hanyan and Long Aotian said, the light mirror in front of them disappeared directly.

"Aunt, are we going to return to the Crystal Palace? Old man should he come?" Long Aotian asked.

"Let's not go back, let's go and find a place to hide! If we go back to the Crystal Palace like this, maybe Long Lie's **** will not come to rescue Ling Xiao, believe me, there is nothing he can't do!"

Long Hanyan snorted coldly, filled with endless resentment towards the brother Long Lie.

Long Aotian screamed, followed Long Hanyan towards the distance of the sea eye, and temporarily found a place to hide, waiting for Long Lie's arrival.

The two elders, black robe and white robe, smiled bitterly at each other. In the entire crystal palace, the only one who dared to speak to the dragon king was Long Hanyan and Long Aotian.

They naturally followed quickly, and before the arrival of the Dragon King, they must protect this grandmother and this little ancestor.


Just as Long Aotian blew the true dragon horn, the look of a big elder of the Hydra family changed, and Senhan's murderous intention was revealed in his eyes.

"Damn, Long Aotian actually blew the real dragon horn?"

He quietly left a trace of Yuanshen on Long Aotian's body before. When Long Aotian blew the true dragon horn, he felt it instantly.

"Boy, let go of the young master, otherwise we will kill you with our lives!"

The four elders all approached together, their faces cold and their eyes full of murderous opportunities.

"Ling Xiao, obediently you let me go! My father has rushed over, and when he arrives, it will be your death!"

Xiang Jie also sneered.

"Hahaha... Since you want him so much, I will give it back to you!"

Ling Xiao looked at the four elders, and suddenly he laughed loudly, his palms sprayed dim light, and instantly urged the power of the Great Soul Extermination and Soul Extinguishing Needle, which was slammed into Xiangjie's sea of ​​knowledge. , Kicked at the same time, kicked Xiangjie to the four elders.


There was an extremely miserable cry from Xiang Jie's mouth, and blood spewed out of his mouth, and he flew out instantly.

"kill him!"

The four elders suddenly couldn't help it, and a tremendous murderous eruption broke out all over them. Their eyes were extremely cold, and they came towards Lingxiao.

And Xiangjie was taken over by the strong men of the Hydra family. They all saw that Xiangjie's face was pale, the breath was weak to the extreme, and Yuanshen had broken up by half.

Ling Xiao's Great Soul Destruction Technique and Soul Destruction Needle destroyed Xiang Jie's Great Half-Elemental God, and that foot kicked him to the ground and smashed him.

Such a serious injury can be said to be a divine being rescued, even if it is not dead, it must become an idiot!


The four elders of the Hydra family exude a terrible atmosphere, all of them are super powers who have survived the four elephants, and they are all in one body. They are all murderous in their eyes, and they wish to break Ling Xiao. Ten thousand dead bodies.

"On the basis of these old things, you also want to kill me? Today, all of you will leave me!"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly, his eyes showing a violent sharp edge.


The Swallowing Sword buzzed and shivered, exhaling hundreds of millions of fiery rays of light. The swords were filled with air and sharp, and the surrounding water began to tremble violently.

"If you want to kill me, come on!"

Ling Xiao cut a sword, the black waves exploded, a drop of sea water and a sharp swordmand condensed, and instantly turned into a billion sword energy, suddenly fell towards the strong of many Hydra family, containing a burst of destruction All power!


The four elders were surrounded by black light, and their palm prints were shot horizontally. They suddenly shattered countless sword qi.

But those powerful in the realm of the emperor have no such good luck. What horror is Ling Xiao's power to swallow the sky sword?

Almost in an instant, there were more than a dozen emperor powers penetrated by Jianmang, which directly exploded into a blood mist, even the Yuanshen did not escape.


Ling Xiao laughed loudly, and turned into a golden divine light, flying towards the East China Sea.

"Where to go?"

The elders of the four elders were cold-eyed and angry, and they all stood up and chased towards Ling Xiao.

Fighting on the seabed has some influence on Ling Xiao, but the Hydra family can be blessed with power.

Therefore, Ling Xiao left the depths of the sea eyes and came to the void above the endless sea.

Although the four elders of the Hydra family have survived the four elephants, they are far worse than the emperor of burning the demon, and these four people have passed the peak period, and their blood is a bit decayed.

Ling Xiao has swallowed the sword in his hand, and he has no fear in the face of these four elders. Instead, he has a great sense of pride!

With his bare hands, he can defeat even the Heavenly Demon Emperor, not to mention the Heavenly Sword in his hand at the moment. Ask the world's heroes, who can take him a sword?

"kill him!"

The four elders glanced at each other while rushing towards Ling Xiao.


The figures of the four elders are like ghosts and ghosts, with vertical and horizontal voids, and the speed is about to reach the extreme.


Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and the swallowing sword in his hand was suddenly shocked. He suddenly rose up in the sky and cast a secret move technique. The sky was all Ling Xiao's figure. I saw that the swallowing sword was differentiated into hundreds of millions of swords. Horse, slashing towards the four elders.


The black palm print was chopped by Jianmang, the horrible supreme supernatural power was swept away, and was urged to the extreme by Ling Xiao. The four elders all changed their faces and were suddenly shocked.

The edge of the swallowing sword is too invincible. At this moment, Ling Xiao who swallowed the sword was more powerful than Ling Xiao who did not swallow the sword.

Moreover, the Swallow Sky Sword was refined by Ling Xiao. In his hands, he is like an arm command, operating freely, and can explode the most powerful four elders originally meant to despise Ling Xiao. , But this confrontation instantly discovered Ling Xiao's horror.

No wonder it is a peerless genius who can defeat the Burning Demon Emperor!

"This kid is too perverted, showing his body, and forming a battlefield of demon gods, even if he can't kill him, he will be trapped to death!"

One of the big elders shouted instantly.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

In an instant, four trembling worlds and terrifying roars sounded like a roaring sky, containing a force that destroys the world.

The four elders gleamed with light, and instantly turned into four nine-headed monster snakes. The whole black body was thousands of feet long, and the body was dozens of feet thick, just like the four huge mountains, exuding a fierce monstrous grief.

The black scales and clanks on their bodies exude the light of the cold, each monster snake has nine heads, and there are black runes spreading from each other, so that their momentum instantly rises to the extreme!

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