Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 670: Xiang Liu Zhen Shen

"Aunt, that's a cousin!"

Long Aotian, who was hiding not far from the East China Sea Eye, was originally observing the situation of the East China Sea Eye. When he saw Ling Xiao flying out of the Sea Eye, Ling stood upright. He even fought against the four elders, and his eyes suddenly showed a look of great surprise. .

"The four of them are all half-step supreme, and they have survived the four elephants. Will Xiao'er be in danger?"

There was a trace of worry in Long Hanyan's eyes.

Long Aotian said with a smile: "Aunt, don't worry, even the Burning Demon Emperor is not a cousin's opponent. These four old guys have **** decay and impure blood. How could it be a cousin's opponent? You are Concern is chaotic!"

"Yes! Princess Chang, the sword in Ling Xiao's hand should be a supreme weapon, with a supreme protector, plus Ling Xiao's combat strength, he should be no danger! Instead, those four old guys, It seems to be very afraid of Ling Xiao, even the Tiangang Demon God Battle Formation has ended!" Elder Baipao smiled slightly.

"By the way, while Ling Xiao is fighting with these four old guys, we might as well go to Haiyan in the East China Sea and catch Xiang Jie and those of the Hydra family, and then the Hydra family will also cast a bogey! "

The elder in black robe shined.

"This is a great idea! The two elders, please trouble you to take a trip and arrest all those of the Hydra family!"

Long Hanyan also looked up and nodded.

"Okay! Let's go!"

The two elders in black robe and white robe smiled at each other, and instantly concealed the breath of their bodies, carefully flying towards the eyes of the East China Sea.


Four nine-headed giant snakes, wrapped in monstrous waves, covered with magical energy all over the body, exuding a pungent smell, lingering Ling Xiao in the center.

Four black water waves rose up like a sky pillar, forming a dazzling light curtain, mysterious runes permeated, and an ancient atmosphere of ancient floods permeated.


A huge roar came, four nine-headed giant snakes, thirty-six heads opened their mouths at the same time, and suddenly a black divine light spewed out towards Ling Xiao.

The black divine light interweaves a force that destroys everything, blocks Ling Xiao up and down, left and right, all the four sides of the void are blocked, and wants to completely annihilate it.

"Break me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and his whole body instantly shone with light, swallowing the sky sword up in the air, hanging beside him, instantly spinning around him at high speed.

When the thirty-six Divine Lights interweave, Ling Xiao's body burst into an immense sword light, breaking all the black Divine Lights apart.


Above the void, an ancient lightsaber crossed the heavens and the earth, exuding a force that swallowed the heavens and earth, and suddenly slashed towards the four nine-headed serpents.


The water is turbulent, the sea is boiling, the horrible swordman's sword is chopped on the body of the nine-headed serpent, and the sound of gold and iron strikes, and Mars is shooting.

The horrible sharp edge penetrated everything, making the nine-headed snake also painful and roared loudly.

A horrible and vast momentum was oppressed towards Ling Xiao, as if to crush Ling Xiao.


Four nine-headed giant snakes roared up in the sky at the same time, suddenly spit out a spit of blood, and suddenly the clouds changed color, and the sun and moon were dark. A black divine light between heaven and earth penetrated through the clouds, and fell from the nine days, forming a breath of faintness The monstrous black figure.

It was also a hydra, covered with black, and all eighteen eyes exuded blood red light, with a fierce, ancient and tyrannical atmosphere.

"Tiangang Gang Demon God Battle Formation, consolidating the real body of Xiang Liu? These old guys are really crazy to waste their blood, it is really crazy!"

There was a dignified look in Long Aotian's eyes.

Xiangliu is an ancient fierce beast, a peerless powerhouse comparable to gods, even if it is just a trace of Xiangliu's true body, it is extremely terrifying.

These four elders are also completely mad, and want to completely kill Ling Xiao with Xiangliu Zhenshen.

"Xianliu's true body? It's a pity that your bloodline is mixed, and the only thing that condenses is nothing human or ghost!"

Ling Xiao looked at the Hydra above his head, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes.


The Hydra, the real body of Xiangliu, seemed to be irritated by Ling Xiao, and he roared in an instant. In the eighteen eyes, at the same time, he emitted eighteen **** divine lights, and then the sky was full of magical energy. Ling Xiao rushed in, instantly submerged Ling Xiao.

That fierce monstrous breath made Long Aotian and Long Hanyan both look away.


At this moment, a bright light lit up, as if tearing the sky's magical energy in an instant.

It was a sword sword, dazzling and bright, as if the whole sky was shrouded!

No one can describe the brilliance of that sword, and no one can describe the style of that sword!

I saw that the sword came across the world, like a light that broke through the chaos, Xiangliu Zhenshen was instantly cut from the middle!

The sky's magical energy and blood were instantly swallowed up!


The four huge nine-headed snakes all showed incredible looks in their eyes, blood spattered in their mouths, and their breath became extremely depressed.

If they did not try their best to support, I am afraid that Tiangang Demon God of War will break open instantly!

In the void, the clouds were scattered and the sky was clear, only Ling Xiaoling was standing upright, Bai Yishengxue, holding an ancient sword that swallowed the sky, and locked the four nine-headed giant snakes underneath.


Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched, and he moved in an instant, a sword slashing towards the nine-headed snake!


A huge head was cut off in an instant, but the light flashed, and a new head grew.

"I want to see, how many heads do you have for me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed coldly, and he swallowed the sky sword in his hand, as if entering a land of no one. The so-called Tiangang Demon God Battle Formation was a joke in front of him.

puff! puff! puff……

The heads of the four nine-headed serpents were all cut off by Ling Xiao almost instantaneously. Although the light flashed and they all grew up again, their breath was obviously weakened, and the source of life consumed a lot.

"No, this son is too scary, let's go!"

The four elders of the Hydra family, where is there a hint of war at the moment? All eyes were very terrified.

"Want to go? Or leave my life to me!"

The killer flashed in Ling Xiao's holding the sword chasing towards the four elders.


In the eyes of the East China Sea, the two elders in black robe and white robe flew out and took Xiangjie up, and the other powerful men of the Hydra family were all slaughtered by them.

What they were speechless was that Xiang Jie was actually destroyed by Ling Xiao. Although he was not dead yet, he had become a waste and a fool. He only knew that there was a smirk and unconsciousness.

When they saw that the four elders of the Hydra family wanted to escape, they all sneered and immediately stopped them.

"Old stuff, where do you want to escape?"


A powerful dragon power permeated, and the elders in black and white robes were full of breath, and their eyes were cold, blocking the front of the four elders.

There were chasing soldiers in the back and blocking in front, and there was a moment of despair in the eyes of the four elders!

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