Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 689: Pure Yang Lingquan

This hidden big formation was originally left by Ling Xiao's previous life. Although it is not very strong, it is also a powerful supreme formation.

A dozen and a half step supreme were separated, and Ling Xiao Shen appeared in the ghost, walking through the large array, and quickly killed twelve half step supreme, even the Yuanshen did not escape, and was swallowed by the heavenly king Ding Too.

"Three more!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and the remaining three black robe elders were very strong, cold and dark, exuding a terrifying atmosphere, and they were all super powers who had survived the four elephants.

The three of them seemed to have cultivated a kind of supreme supernatural power similar to his heart, and they were intertwined with each other. They were not separated by a large array, but stood together carefully and walked slowly towards the front.


Ling Xiao's figure flashed and appeared behind the three of them in an instant. With a punch, the world shook, and the roar of the real dragon made the white mist all around tumbling violently.

Ling Xiao condensed the body of the dragon, and the body awakened the blood of the real dragon. His strength was terrifying, and his physical strength was better than before. At the moment, a punch came out, and even the void could not bear it, shaking violently.

"Ling Xiao, you really appeared! Kill!"

The three black-robed old men had a murderous glance in their eyes. There was no accident at all. The atmosphere between them was intertwined, and three huge palm prints came to suppress Xiao Ling.


The fist palms intersect to make the void tremble, and the eyes of the three old black robes reveal a trembling color, and they step back instantly.

The power of this punch is too strong, even if they have survived the four elephants, but at the moment, they can't bear it, and they were injured by Ling Xiao's punch.

"The three old guys are left, I will send you to die!"

Ling Xiao's eyes raged in battle, urging the true dragon bloodline on his body, exploding the power of the dragon body, and slaying towards the three elders.


The Earth and Earthquake, the surrounding white fog and large pieces of broken, although the three old black robe elders are extremely strong, and the atmosphere is intertwined with each other, the power is integrated into one, almost has the power comparable to the supreme, but in peace with Ling Xiao After dozens of battles, he was finally killed by Ling Xiao!

More than a dozen half-step supremes of the Hydra family all died in Ling Xiao's hands, even the Yuanshen did not escape.

These dozen people can be said to be most of the high-end combat power of the Hydra family, and they were assassinated by Ling Xiao, leaving only the two polished rods of Xiang Zhizun and Liu Zhizun.

After this battle, I am afraid that the Hydra family will really be erased!

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a cold color, and the Hydra family was willing to run the dog in the demon palace that day, then they must be prepared to be wiped out.


The white mist filled, Ling Xiao's figure flashed, and instantly disappeared into the white mist, heading towards the depths of the valley.

In the depths of the valley, there is a huge waterhole, the ice is cold, the frost is floating, and the white mist is floating out of the waterhole.


Ling Xiao instantly jumped into the water pool and swam towards the depth of the water pool.

The water pool was not deep, and it was colder as it went down. It was dark all around, no fingers were reached, and it was so quiet that it didn’t even have a fish.

In this way, Ling Xiao sneaked thousands of feet below the water pool, and finally touched a hard ground.

Ling Xiao followed the familiar breath slowly towards the front.


At the bottom of the originally dark pool, a faint light began to diffuse in front, and Ling Xiao went toward the place where the light came.

There is a huge underwater cave. There is a huge night pearl at the entrance of the cave, full of fists, showing a faint blue light and dazzling.

And at the entrance of the cave, there is a faint flash of blue runes, and Ling Xiao arranged a powerful defensive formation.

"Ten thousand years have passed, and no one actually found anyone here!"

Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and stepped into the faint blue light in one step.


After the faint blue light, an extremely warm breath permeated, slowly pouring into Ling Xiao's limbs and corpses, making Ling Xiao the whole person very comfortable.

It was the purest pure yang qi, exuded a faint light, and turned into a mist. If you inhale it, a lot of pure yang qi will flow into your body.

Ling Xiao walked towards the depths.

In the depths of the cave, there is a huge underground space, where there is a spiritual spring, flowing in the river, exuding the pure air of pure Yang!


It seems that Lingquan is full of square feet, and countless pure Yang spirit liquid has accumulated in the pool. These are the purest pure Yang Lingquan, which exudes a pure and pure breath.

This is Chunyang Lingquan!

When Ling Xiao was in the Eight Wastelands, he had seen those ordinary spirit springs, and the flow was all the most common aura, which was already the foundation of a small sect.

The pure Yang Lingquan is the foundation of the martial holy land, which can condense the vast pure Yang Aura, transform the mountain gate into a heavenly blessing, and let the disciples in the gate refine and devour the pure Yang Aura all the time.

Chunyang Lingquan is extremely precious. With such a glance, Chunyang Lingquan, even if it is hundreds of millions of pure Yangdan, cannot be bought.

Although the pure Yang Dan is precious, the spiritual energy it contains is still worse than the pure Yang Lingquan, and the pure Yang Lingquan can continue to produce pure Yang Aura.

This is where Ling Xiao came to Shaoyang Island.

"With this pure Yang Lingquan, the small world among the heavenly **** stones can not only accelerate the speed and completeness, but also have turned into a heavenly blessed land, and then can be used as the mountain gate of the Changshengmen!"

Ling Xiao's eyes revealed a look of surprise. He took out the sword of swallowing the sky, dug up the spirit spring directly, sent it into the stone of the god, placed it in a god, and nourished it with the spirit of the earth.


Among the gods of the gods, with this glorious spring, the thunder was shining, the sky was shaking, and countless mountains began to be covered with a layer of crystal luster.

Pure Yang Aura diffused, let the flowers bloom, withered trees spring, ancient trees rose from the ground, the canopy into a dome covering the sky.

The world in the entire Tenjin Stone ~ ~ has become quiet and misty.

"Pure Yang Lingquan already exists! When the time comes to move the Taoist tree, and with the nourishment of the Pure Yang Lingquan, the Taoist tree will surely grow up quickly, and it will not be impossible even when the Taoist fruit is born!"

Ling Xiao's eyes revealed a bright light, thought secretly.

With the pure Yang Lingquan and the Taoist tree, not only can the small world in the Tianshen stone mature quickly, but it can also serve as the sect of the Changshengmen.

Ling Xiao has decided that after he proves the Supreme, he will go back to the Eight Wastelands to bring out the Changsheng Gate. At that time, the Changsheng Gate should really restore his name!

And he's Ling Xiao, swallowing heaven supreme, it is also time to announce his return to the entire Ares continent!

PS: Secondly, Mu Yu came back from her home today. It was 8 o'clock when she got home. After eating some food, she started to code, so today's fifth update will be later. However, you can rest assured that the normal update will resume from tomorrow, and will not make everyone wait so hard. In return, we will add a chapter tomorrow and six more tomorrow!

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