Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 690: 4 big demon respect war dragon king!


Ling Xiao left the waterhole, like an arrow out of the string, shot towards the waterhole!

The valley was shrouded in white mist. Although Ling Xiao had taken away the pure Yang Lingquan, he did not intend to destroy this hidden formation.


Above the void, this Supreme War became more intense.

Xiang Zhizun and Liu Zhizun's cultivation bases are slightly stronger, but the elders of the three dragon clan dragons, dragon rain and dragon thunder took action at the same time, but they competed with them in battle!

And they are all looking forward to the battle between Longlie and the four demon lords. The outcome of this battle is related to the real outcome of this battle.

If Long Lie dies, the three dragons are too difficult for the elders of the elders, and may also die here. The crystal palace will be really dangerous!

If Long Lie wins, perhaps the war between Crystal Palace and Celestial Palace will really start!

However, Long Lie here is just a supreme dharma body, which is already a bit precarious under the siege of the four demon lords.

The four-elephant sabre traverses the void and hangs on the four sides, just like the four sacred mountains, exuding the dazzling awns, and the terrifying swords are unmatched, as if everything is going to be turned into powder.

Long Lie was trapped in the battle of the four elephants. Although his imperial dragon fist was invincible, he was gradually suppressed by the four demon lords.

"Long Lie, die well!"

Hu Yaozun's eyes showed a cold edge, said indifferently.


Under the urging of the Four Great Demon Venerables, the Four Elephant Divine Swords radiate brilliant light at the same time, coming across the void, just like the four galaxies converging in the void, turning into a terrifying sword domain, suppressing towards Longlie Down.


In the mouth of Long Lie, the sound of the dragon-yin shook in the sky. He punched out of the void, struck out with a punch, and greeted the power of the Four Elephant Divine Sword.

He was full of dragon scales and dazzling eyes, and the whole person seemed to turn into a golden real dragon, and collided with that terrifying knife field.


The sky was full of fiery swords, and with the terrifying thunder, Long Lie was overwhelmed.

Despite his struggling to fight, under the joint of the four elephant swords, he was finally completely suppressed and suddenly cut off!

Long Lie's body is somewhat illusory, this Supreme Dharma Body consumes too much energy, and has already reached some limit.

"kill him!"

The four demon lords are all cold-eyed, and they all come out with their swords in their hands, and want to take the advantage of the situation to completely kill Long Lie.


At this moment, the sky dome trembles and splits instantly!

A bright light erupted, ancient, vast and mysterious. The horrible dragon chant made the Quartet's void tremble. The big waves raged and swept the sky, and a terrifying horror broke out.

A golden dragon claw, with a size of thousands of feet, fell across the sky from nine days ago, and suddenly shot towards the four demon lords.


The four demon lords all changed their faces, as if they thought of something extremely horrifying, and their eyes were all terrified.


The sky of the sword was swept away, and the huge golden dragon claw was photographed directly on the four elephant **** swords, and suddenly countless runes exploded, terrifying.

The four demon lords flew out of the air as if struck by lightning.

"Long Lie?! Long Lie's body is back!"

"Damn, shouldn't his body be in the extraterrestrial world? How could he return so quickly?"

The eyes of the four demon lords all showed a very ugly look, staring at the golden figure above the void, their faces dignified.


Above nine days, a golden real dragon fell across the sky. On top of the real dragon, stood a five-clawed golden dragon robe, wearing a flat crown, walking on cloud boots, and a majestic and overbearing middle-aged man. People, a breath of terror that makes the world tremble.

It is Long Lie's body that has returned from the outside world!

After the appearance of the ontology, Long Lie's supreme dharma body instantly transformed into a streamer and merged into Long Lie's body.

"Do you really want to die?"

Long Lie stood above the Nine Heavens, looking at the four demon Venerables below indifferently, his voice shaking the world, with an irresistible domineering.

"Long Lie, what are you so rampant about? Offended my Celestial Demon Palace, you are a dead end, even if his body comes back? The cloth four elephant sword battle battle, kill him!"

Hu Yaozun's eyes showed a cold look, his voice was very cold.


The Leopard Demon Venerable, Wolf Demon Venerable and Bear Demon Venerable all roared loudly, with a hint of madness in their eyes.


The quake shook, and the four elephant **** swords rose up into the sky, and turned into magnificent daggers, which merged with each other, as if forming a horrible monstrous sword array, covering the middle dragon. Slash it down!

"The four-elephant sword is indeed extraordinary. If it is an ordinary supreme, maybe it will really be slashed by you! It is a pity that Long Lie is not an ordinary supreme, but a supreme title that proclaims the title!"

In Shaoyang Island, Ling Xiao looked at the war above the void, his eyes showing a touch of sarcasm.


When the fiery blade fell on Long Lie's body, in a flash, Long Lie's body shone brightly.

A bright and ancient fist print broke out, as if it encompassed the heavens, shattered the stars, with an eternal and immortal breath, and instantly rushed out of the envelope of the four elephant **** swords, and carried a terrifying Thunder is like a catastrophe.

"Is it the Thunder Dragon's Ben Lei style?" Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, staring closely at Long Lie's figure.


That fist seal was immortal, and instantly broke the surrounding knife field, and was fiercely printed on the four elephant **** swords.

Mars was shining, the four elephants were trembling violently, and countless runes exploded.

A horrible the four elephant swords into the body of the four demon lords, all four of them were trembling, and their faces were instantly pale as paper and suddenly sprayed A sip of blood.

"Are've already claimed the title?"

There were huge waves in the hearts of the four demon lords, their eyes were full of incredible looks, and their voices were shaking.

Title Supreme, but title Supreme!

On the entire God of War continent, the title of the supreme title is rare, because it represents the ultimate humanity, represents an ultimate power, and it is only a half-step away from the real god.

The supreme strongman, implying the heavenly path, is unparalleled in every aspect, and supreme in the same state, it is extremely difficult to kill the opponent.

But if the title Supreme wants to kill the ordinary Supreme, it can be said to be a breeze!

Standing at the top of humanity, with its own unique title, that is enough to shine forever glory!

Countless things that the Supreme did not do, Long Lie did it!

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