Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 692: Impermanence will!

?? "Long Lie, I didn't expect you to escape from the Dragon Tomb so quickly. It seems that I really underestimated you! There must be a battle between you and me, but not today!"

An old and mysterious voice emanated from the ancient clock of the sun.


The light of the ancient sun bell flashed, and hundreds of millions of rays of light blew out. The four demon lords were rolled up in an instant, directly penetrated the void, and left here.

"Senior Demon Lord, help!"

"We are willing to surrender to the Heavenly Demon Palace. Seniors save us!"

Both Xiang Zhizun and Liu Zhizun changed their complexion and quickly called for help.

They didn't expect that the ancient sun clock of the big sun deity came to take away only the four big demon deities of tiger, leopard, wolf and bear, and they didn't care about them at all.

"Want to leave? Leave this king!"

Long Lie's gaze flashed, the Emperor Dragon Sword exuded an unmatched light, and fell across the sky towards the ancient clock of the sun.


Earthquake trembles, the sun's ancient clock trembles, and ripples spread out, like Hong Zhongdalu, ringing between heaven and earth.

The ancient sun bell broke the Emperor Dragon Sword, then instantly broke open the void, and flew into it.

"Where to go?"

Long Lie's eyes flashed with a murderous look, and he also stepped into the void, chasing towards the ancient clock of the sun.


On the other side, the looks of Xiang Zhizun and Liu Zhizun are extremely ugly, and his eyes are full of anger.

They didn't even think that the big demon venerable, regardless of their life and death, let them spontaneously die.

"let's go!"

Xiang Zhizun and Liu Zhizun looked at each other, and there was a cold edge in their eyes.


They were surrounded by black light and blood, and a dark, mysterious and cold breath exploded.

Taking advantage of Long Lie's pursuit of the ancient clock of the sun, Xiang Zhizun and Liu Zhizun started desperately!

They burned their entire body of blood, and their breath suddenly rose. The two shot at the same time, pushing the two elders of Yin and Yang back, and then turned into a black light, shooting quickly towards the distance!

Xiang Zhizun and Liu Zhizun did not have the slightest intent to fight and chose to escape!

They knew that if they did not leave at this time, when Long Lie came back, I am afraid they would not be able to leave!

"Follow me! They must be killed!"

In the eyes of the two elders of Yin and Yang, the murderous eyes flashed, and they took three people, Longfeng, Longyu and Longlei, to chase away.


Soon, the sea area calmed down.

Ling Xiao's figure flashed, and rushed out of Shaoyang Island in an instant.

"This time, the Heavenly Demon Palace steals chickens and does not become an eclipse. I am afraid that the Hydra family will be completely annihilated! I will return to the Crystal Palace first!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, thinking secretly.


At this moment, Ling Xiao felt a cold air machine lock him up, the void broke silently, and a black palm print came out across the air, marking toward his back.


Ling Xiao glanced at the center, without thinking, just punched!


Fists of palms intersect, the sky tremors, Ling Xiao trembles, and is instantly blown out by a palm!

"Impermanent impermanence?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes startled, and he did not expect that the person who shot him turned out to be the impermanent general of the Temple of War!

"Boy, follow me obediently, you can suffer less from flesh and blood, otherwise you should not blame me!"

The impermanent **** said Yinyue, and there was a cold look in his eyes.

"Very impermanent general, I have no injustice with you, why do you want to shoot me?" Ling Xiao said slowly, his expression cold.

"No injustice and no hatred? Hey, who made you Longlie's nephew? You can't catch his son, you can catch his nephew! I don't believe it. If I catch you, he will not hand over the goddess. "The impermanent **** will say indifferently.

"Goddess? It turns out that your purpose is to fall!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in the center.

"Boy, just know it! The obedient handcuffs will catch you, and you won't suffer from the flesh and skin!" Impermanence God will smile coldly.


A vast and terrifying supreme coercion pervaded and enveloped Ling Xiao.

The impermanent **** will be terrified of his whole body, killing Ling Xiao across the sky, his eyes full of indifferent looks.


Ling Xiao burst out with a fist, the body of the dragon exploded, and the power of the true dragon's bloodline condensed on the fist seal, terrifying.

However, the impermanent **** will not be an ordinary supreme at all, with strong strength and unmatched strength, it is easy to break the fist of Ling Xiao and kill him.

Judging from Ling Xiao's eyes, the impermanent God will cultivate at least in the Supreme Realm!

If the Supreme Realm is one or two heavy days, perhaps Ling Xiao's current anti-sky combat power can still contend with one or two, but the impermanent **** will shoot, but completely suppress Ling Ling!


Ling Xiao took out the Swallow Sky Sword without hesitation. The Swallow Sky Sword was bright and radiant, exuding an ancient and mysterious breath, and will be cut towards the impermanent god.

The unmatched sword qi came from above and below, and contained a force that destroyed everything.

"What a powerful supreme weapon? Boy, this kind of treasure is not something you can possess, bring it to me!"

Impermanence God's eyes startled, revealing a trace of greed.

With his eyes, he instantly saw the extraordinary ability to swallow the sky sword. Even if this ancient sword is in the supreme weapon, it is considered a top-level treasure.


The impermanent **** will be covered with black light, the armor is clashed, the palm of his hand is thin, and a black glove appears, exuding the ancient and mysterious fluctuations.

This pair of gloves is also a powerful supreme weapon!


The impermanent God's eyes were fierce, and he slapped across the sky, grabbed the Sky Swallowing Sword in the palm of Ling Xiao, and even wanted to **** it!

"Want to swallow the sky sword? I'm afraid you don't have this life!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were very The Sky Sword swallowed a lot of light, and the swords exploded and collided with the palms of the impermanent gods, bursting out of the gods.

Buzz! Buzz!

However, the Impermanence God exploded his strength, and every punch fell like a mountain, wrapped in the power of the unmatched heaven and earth, so that the Swallowing Heaven Sword was trembling violently, and Ling Xiao's arm was a little numb.

"The impermanent **** will not catch me because of you! Waiting for me to prove the supreme is your death!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce, and he looked at the impermanence of the impermanence coldly. Immediately performing the secret removal technique, he would flee towards the distance.

"Want to leave? Leave me!"

Impermanence God flashed his murderous glance in one eye and took a step forward, instantly pierced through the heavy void, came to Ling Xiao's back, and punched him on his back!


The fiery fist is unparalleled, Ling Xiao tried his best to resist it, but in the end it was still somewhat unbearable, and he was blown away by the impermanent god.


Ling Xiao casts a secret move technique and moves quickly towards the crystal palace.

The strength of the impermanent **** general is very strong, even stronger than that of the supreme prince and the supreme willow.

Ling Xiao did not expect that the impermanent **** would stare at him in order to catch and fall!

ps: Five shifts are over, the brothers rest early.

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